The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2294

Under this arrow, the surrounding air seemed to freeze!

Wang bodang\'s breathing stopped, his eyes were wide, his brain had a reaction, but he couldn\'t move in time. He could only watch this arrow fall into his forehead

A good swimmer drowns.

The divine archer who was good at archery died under someone else\'s arrow.

Wang bodang was shot by the thirteen arrows of Huang Zhong. The whole man was carried away by the Qi of the arrow and hit the city wall behind him.

Wolf feather arrows pierced his head and nailed him to the wall.

Wang bodang\'s eyes are bulging. I can\'t believe he died like this

"Wang... General Wang, I\'m dead!"

"White arrow God, was shot by an arrow!"

"That man\'s archery is terrible!"

When the tiger prison was closed, the guards trembled, and a cold sweat came out behind them.

"The general shot the Wagang general on the ridge below this arrow. The end general admired it."

Xu Sheng looked at his heart swaying and sincerely hugged his fist and sighed.

The great men are skilled in bowing and riding horses, but it is very difficult to shoot at the head of the city at a distance of seven or eight hundred meters. Only Huang Zhong can do it.

Huang Zhong received the bow and arrow, stroked his beard and said, "it\'s said that the general\'s military order, the thief is dead, climb Yuntai and seize the city!"

Woo woo~~~

The bleak and desolate general attack horn sounded suddenly!

The big Han Huben fierce pawn began to raise his shield towards the top of the cloud platform. After climbing the cloud platform, the big Han Huben fierce pawn began to climb up nimbly.

At this time, Xiao Feng had jumped to the southeast corner of the city head of hulaoguan.


He has no weapons, and his palms are his magic weapons.

The palm power, which was as violent as the tide, rushed out like a raging dragon, sweeping a large area of the city guarding soldiers in front of him.

"Who dares to stop me?"

Xiao Feng drove back and forth at the head of the city, but no one could stop him. Later, the whole person was already collecting robes and stained with blood. The guards at the head of the city saw Xiao Feng like a crazy tiger and retreated one after another, afraid to face it

More and more big Han Huben fierce soldiers climbed to the tiger prison. The soldiers of the Han army were like wild wolves and lions, howling wildly!

While shouting, hold up the weapons in your hand, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, to the sky!

With the heavy and orderly footsteps, for a time, the cold light blinded the sky and the murderous spirit rushed into the sky!


After the bloody battle, the heavy tiger prison closed the gate and burst open



"Sin minister, Yang Gongqing, pay a visit to his Majesty the holy emperor and wish the holy emperor a long life. Long live your majesty!"

Under Yanshi City, Yang Gongqing, who took off his armor, fell to his knees and shouted in fear.

Behind him, tens of thousands of Yanshi soldiers fell on their knees and shouted in unison, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In front of him was a young and brave emperor, wearing a purple gold dragon helmet, wearing a seven sea dragon armor and a tyrant cloak. He was hunting in the wind. The seven red gold dragon guns behind him flashed bright stars, and the dragon was walking in tiger steps.

Yang Gongqing and others bowed their heads one after another, only in awe.

As the saying goes, move Qi and raise the body.

Liu Hao is now the overlord who dominates several aspects. When he raises his hands and moves, there is a kind of country and country. His overbearing spirit is naturally frustrating.

Yang Gongqing - force 87, intelligence 81, politics 68, command 82!

Special effects: Yang Gongqing is very talented in running the army. When he leads the army to fight, he commands + 2!

Liu Hao turned his eyes and looked at the Qi skill.

Yang Gongqing\'s attributes and abilities were immediately understood.

This man is not a famous general, but he is more than enough to be a deputy general.

Liu Hao vaguely remembers that in the plot of the Tang Dynasty, this person seems to be a fierce general of the young commander\'s army.

"General Yang, please get up."

After gathering his mind, Liu Hao stepped forward slowly, picked up Yang Gongqing, smiled like a spring breeze and said, "he who knows current affairs is a hero. General Yang runs the army well. I have been fascinated for a long time."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The emperor\'s skill has won the hearts of the people. Yang Gongqing\'s loyalty + 10!"

Yang Gongqing was really grateful and worried. He hugged his fist and said, "a certain person is stupid and won\'t be abandoned by his majesty. He is willing to use his life to be his Majesty\'s pawn in front of the horse, and do his little bit to help his majesty achieve his grand ambition and achieve his world hegemony!"

He patted Yang Gongqing on the shoulder and said a few words of relief. Liu Hao was about to enter the city with a roll of robes and sleeves. Suddenly, he received a system prompt in his mind:

"Congratulations to the host. Huang Zhong\'s divine arrow killed Wang bodang. Xiao Feng shocked the tiger prison pass. The additional reward and worship value is 20000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Qin Qiong completely controls Xingluo warehouse. The additional reward worship value is 20000!"

"Great things are done!"

Liu Hao felt happy.

Tiger prison is the most powerful pass in the world. Needless to say, Xingluo warehouse is also the largest granary in the world, with extraordinary strategic significance.

As long as we master the Xingluo warehouse, the next seven great armies and divisions will be linked together, and the overall situation of the Central Plains will be in our hands!


Kim Yong city.

Wagang stronghold.

As soon as he rode a exploring horse, he galloped from a distance, went straight to the righteousness gathering hall and shouted, "report the dragon head! General Wang bodang has won the tiger prison!"

"Good, good, good!"

When Li mi heard the news, he said three good words, and he was very happy.

After the fire merged with Zhai rang, the leader of Wagang stronghold, he urgently needed a hearty victory to establish his position.

Now Wang bodang has conquered the tiger prison pass, which is known as the most powerful pass in the world, which can be said to boost his morale.

"Isn\'t it easy for the military division to attack the tiger prison and attack Luoyang City in the future?"

Wagang stronghold general Zu Junyan laughed.

As we all know, the tiger prison pass is the barrier of Luoyang City. Now that the tiger prison pass has been won, troops can be launched at any time in Yanshi, Luoyang and other places.

Li Mi is also more and more excited. He has a heroic spirit in his chest. It seems that the whole land of Luoyang has fallen into his control.

"Lay down xingluocang, Yanshi and Luoyang. I am the Lord of the Central Plains. I immediately set the foundation for hegemony. What yuwenhuaji is just a lost dog. I can be destroyed with one blow