The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2296

"Li Mi, you are also a figure. Get off your horse quickly and leave your whole body!"

Qin Qiong shouted with a gun on her horse\'s back.

At this time, on the battlefield, the Great Han Huben\'s fierce soldiers succeeded in killing Pushan public camp, and the momentum was like the sun. The wails of the proud soldiers and fierce generals of Pushan public camp continued to come.

On the verge of extinction, incomparably tragic.

Li mi laughed wildly and said, "man, you don\'t know where you were when you were on the battlefield. Today is just a small defeat. When our supervisor tiger prison makes a comeback, you will die without a place to bury!"

"Oh, really?"

Qin Qiong had a slightly ironic smile hanging from the corner of her mouth.

I saw a flying eagle hovering and falling in the air. A department named Zheng Zong on Li Mi\'s side whistled, and the flying eagle landed steadily on his arm.

"Secret Lord, tiger prison, Guan Junbao!"

Zheng Zong took off the bamboo tube tied to the eagle\'s leg, took out the note inside, looked at it, his face suddenly changed, and cried out: "secret Lord, tiger prison... Tiger prison... Has fallen!"


When Li mi heard the news, he felt as if he had been hit by five thunders, and his whole head was blank

"There is a senior general Wang bodang stationed in the tiger prison. How can you lose!?"

After seizing the secret report in Zheng Zong\'s hand, Li Mi\'s face was black and red, and suddenly spit a big mouthful of red blood into the sky.

"I will die! I will die!"

This time, Li mi led heavy troops to sneak into Xingluo warehouse, which was a dangerous move.

If such a desperate gamble is successful, the harvest will naturally be huge, but if it fails, the consequences will also be very painful.

First of all, this Pushan public camp, which was not easy to pull up, is full of hundred war veterans of Wagang stronghold, and has gathered many elite soldiers under Zhang xutuo. It can be called one of the few fierce soldiers in the world. I don\'t know how many to bury here


As the saying goes, Qin Qiong didn\'t have the slightest pity to kill him when he was ill. Just when Li mi looked up and sighed, she decisively commanded Huben\'s fierce soldiers to start the final charge.

Step! Step! Step!

Huang puma felt the master\'s desire and galloped out. Qin Qiong\'s tiger eyes were round, and the tiger\'s head was Zhan, and the golden gun was blooming thousands of spears, straight to the vital place around Li mi.

Li mi sobbed and sighed, full of the sadness of the owl\'s end. He raised his knife and parried. They were killed on the battlefield.

Knives came and guns went, and there was a sudden sound of gold and iron.

The violent Qi escaped in the air and rolled up the flying sand and stones on the ground.

After thirty rounds of fighting, Li Mi\'s head was steaming with black air, which was the embodiment of the extreme movement of Disha Gong. Qin Qiong\'s tiger eyes flashed. At the moment when the two horses crossed, he shouted:

"Killer mace!"

The killer mace of the king\'s unique skill!

Qin Shubao, who had suppressed the martial Saint Guan Yu, finally broke out all his strength at this time.

The gold mace seems to turn into a golden dragon. It roars and kills in the air. God cries and ghosts are surprised.

"There are such martial arts in the world!"

Li mi was shocked. He didn\'t raise his true Qi, but was hit on the shoulder by Qin Qiong with a mace.

This Assassin\'s mace is powerful enough to break mountains and rocks. Li Mi\'s body is not made of iron, but where can he live in a low-grade place?

Hearing the sound of "clicking", Li Mi\'s shoulder blades cracked and blood splashed everywhere. The eight foot male body rolled down from the horse\'s back and fell into the dust.

A generation of owls and heroes were defeated by the king\'s mace.

"My God, secret Lord... Secret Lord was defeated!"

"This... How is this possible?"

The soldiers of Pushan public camp were stunned, and their hearts seemed to be watered with a basin of cold water.

The three armies seized the commander. Qin Qiong, holding a double mace, fought back and forth in Pushan public camp, like a tiger into a sheep, and killing the soldiers in Pushan public camp was like mowing grass.



"Drive! Drive!"

Shen Luoyan\'s charming body fell low on the horse\'s back and galloped on the official road. The Wagang stronghold soldiers behind him would follow.

Shen Luoyan was always opposed to Li Mi\'s plan to lead the troops to attack xingluocang.

The news from xingluocang hasn\'t come yet. The sad news that tiger prison was lost and Wang bodang was shot by an arrow pierced her ears.

"The Great Han Emperor!"

Shen Luoyan thought of the name at the first time. In his mind, he was hit by five thunders.

Liu Hao domineered in Xiangyang City, and hundreds of thousands of people shouted long live in unison. The shocking scene reappeared in Shen Luoyan\'s heart.

Although unwilling to admit it, it is true after all.

Liu Hao\'s strength is several times stronger than Li mi.

Shen Luoyan was afraid that Li mi would suffer a loss. He ordered his troops all night and galloped to support Li mi.

When I was just passing through a valley, I heard a sudden thunder like killing sound in my ear:

"The Great Han Tianfeng army is here. Shen Luoyan gets off his horse and is subdued!"

In the open valley, the bleak and solemn horn suddenly sounded.

On both sides of the mountain road ahead, two rows of valiant female soldiers were killed.

"Shen Luoyan, get off your horse and accept surrender!"

Mu Ni Huang lifted the purple gold knife, raised her heroic eyebrows and roared.

On her side, LV Qiling and ye Zhao stood on the left, and Yang Jiumei, Yang paifeng and other female generals stood on the right. They were valiant and magnificent.

Shen Luoyan observed the situation around him. His heart was cold and murmured, "it turns out that Luoyang has long fallen into the hands of the emperor of the Han Dynasty..."

Smart as she is, she doesn\'t have to say much about everything. Just looking at the situation, she can draw inferences from one instance and draw conclusions.

Today\'s situation is obviously the result of the manipulation of the young emperor behind the scenes.

Raiding tiger prison and ambushing xingluocang, including the ambush she encountered now, were carefully deduced in advance,.

It\'s Liu Hao who is planning strategies and winning thousands of miles away.

Ye Zhao picked up his delicate sword eyebrow and said, "Shen Luoyan, you are also a talent. When you know the general situation, there will be no Pushan gong or Wagang stronghold in the world after today. You\'d better get off your horse and go back with us."

LV Qiling said with a smile: "sister Zhao is right. If you resist tenaciously, maybe you will be hurt by the sword and gun. Your majesty feels sorry and blames you. I can\'t afford it..."