The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2290

"Your Majesty... Your majesty..."

Shang Xiufang is still struggling in Liu Hao\'s arms. She looks pitiful.

But the more she struggled, she couldn\'t get rid of Liu Hao\'s arms at all. Their bodies fit together, and an inexplicable ambiguous atmosphere diffused itself

Shang Xiufang\'s identity, put in the Datang world, is similar to the superstar of later generations.

The key is the deep background. His father and mother have countless relationships with Li Yuan, Yue Shan, Zhu Yuyan and Dong Ming\'s wife Shan Meixian, and are deeply loved by the Li valve family. Therefore, he has not sold himself in performing arts these years, and there is no iron head without eyes to provoke her.

However, for Liu Hao, what does Li Yuan count?

As Liu Hao, if you want a woman, you have to kneel down, regardless of whether you are empress Xiao of the Sui Dynasty.

Liu Hao, the old driver, starts. How can she stop her?

Also in between, 28 beauties, Emperor romantic!

May open a few degrees, I don\'t mention it more

... (imagine 10000 words)


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Wang Meng\'s plan to attack Luoyang with internal and external cooperation was successful. Wang Shichong fell. Because of Wang Meng\'s hegemony attribute, his five-dimensional random attribute was improved!"

"Congratulations, Wang Meng\'s intelligence + 1!"

"Congratulations to the host. The host pushed Shang Xiufang strongly. The beauty was sad and deeply pitied. The host picked up his virgin red pill and triggered a series of hidden tasks of the supreme god level - say hero!"

Say hero (Supreme God) - say hero, who is a hero?

Sui lost its deer, and all the heroes in the world chased it!

The host has a civil minister and a military general to stabilize the town of Luoyang. If the trigger conditions for the next task are met, please accept the harmony Bi!

"He Shi Bi?"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved slightly.

This name, in troubled times, seems to be thunderous and familiar.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the 18th route princes attacked Dong Zhuo, Liu Hao was the last winner and mastered the harmony of the world.

"Heshi Bi is the symbol of imperial power and Taoism, which contains some strange power, but I don\'t know the difference between Heshi Bi in this world..."

Liu Hao subconsciously rolled the green silk splashed on his shoulder like a waterfall, and his mind turned.

According to the truth, the Heshi Bi in this world is still in the hands of Cihang Jingzhai. Shifeixuan was born with Heshi Bi. He used this as a gimmick to choose the real dragon and the son of heaven for the common people in the world.

"It seems that I still have to meet Cihang Jingzhai directly..."

Of course, it is impossible for Cihang Jingzhai to offer the Heshi Bi. In particular, Liu Hao also caught the saint concubine Xuan they had worked hard to cultivate and became a foot washing maid for several months

If fan Qinghui knew, she would definitely go on the spot.

The Manqing hospital is very quiet.

Liu Hao hugged the beauty and thought quietly until the beauty in his arms had a slight movement.

Shang Xiufang woke up, but dared not move.

Without saying ten words to Liu Hao, he committed himself to him. He should have extreme resentment in his heart, but somehow, he couldn\'t get up. In the face of handsome and powerful Liu Hao and insecure Shang Xiufang, there was a strange sense of belonging in his heart.

Of course, Liu Hao didn\'t know what the beauty in his arms was thinking, but he also found that Shang Xiufang seemed to sleep in spring. In fact, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and she didn\'t seem to be calm.

Think about it, too. Last night, I was happy, but I didn\'t take into account Shang Xiufang\'s feelings.

"After today, you will be a noble man in my harem."

Liu Hao got up slowly, put on his robe and said, "the world will not be chaotic for too long. I have something else to do, so I won\'t eat with you..."

When he pushed the door out, he found that Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, was standing in the hospital with his hands down from a distance.

"Treat it with dignity."

Liu Hao stopped and said a word. Cao Zhengchun bowed down and said, "old slave, take command!"

After arranging to take care of Shang Xiufang, Liu Hao was refreshed and went out of Manqing hospital.

Yu Wenyue had already prepared the car, hung his hands on his side, waited in front of the gate of Manqing hospital, saw Liu Hao go out, bowed down, hugged his fist and said, "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The royal guards at the door and the forbidden guards of Longxiang camp knelt down and bowed to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao boarded the Jiulong emperor\'s chariot and drove ahead. Where he passed, the long street was wide and silent, and there was a faint smell of blood on the street that had not dissipated.

It can also be seen from here that last night\'s deadly battle was tragic.

I don\'t know how many Luoyang soldiers died. Song que, Ding Peng and GUI Hai Dao, the three sharpest swords of the dynasty, can also be called the three absolutely invincible swords in the world. They carried the swords and killed the whole Luoyang City!

"Here comes the palace!"

Yu Wenyue stopped his car. Outside, he heard the voice of a mountain and a tsunami. Suddenly, it came: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

In the sound of long live the mountain, Liu Hao lifted the curtain, got off the imperial car, brushed his sleeves and walked towards the palace.

Wang Shichong will also enjoy it. The Royal Palace in Luoyang is resplendent and no different from the imperial palace. There are many palaces, pavilions, pavilions, strange flowers and stones.

Liu Hao glanced a little, but he didn\'t care much. He walked slowly towards the conference hall.

In the assembly hall, there are already a large number of civil and military officials in the Han Dynasty.

Hearing the Yin sharp voice of "the holy emperor arrives", all the officials of the Han Dynasty did not dare to neglect it. They fell down one after another, hit the ground with their forehead, bowed their heads, and shouted long live the mountain.

Liu Hao went straight to the red gold Panlong chair, waved his hand and said, "all Aiqing, flat up, Wang JINGLUE. Let\'s talk about the war last night."

The crowd then stood up. Wang Meng stepped out slowly and hugged his fist and said: "I inform your majesty that the internal and external forces cooperated yesterday and killed Luoyang in one fell swoop... In addition, general Wu Yunzhao attacked the city and killed the city last night. Up to now, the Luoyang Garrison has been completely eliminated."

"Very good."

Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction and asked, "how is the rectification of Jianghu forces?"

Wang Meng arched his hands and said, "I have issued a holy emperor\'s order to kill the great Ming sect behind Wang Shichong. The leader of Luoyang Gang, Long Xiang, helped Wang Shichong and has been killed. The whole Luoyang Gang should be uprooted and set an example for others!"