The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2289

Liu Hao didn\'t expect that Wang Mengxian\'s plan of internal and external attack went so smoothly. Wang Shichong was also an owl, but he didn\'t have the slightest resistance. Luoyang\'s defense was in vain.

The Luoyang military newspaper was also heard by the procuress of Manqing hospital nearby.

She seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person stayed where she was, terrified and desperate:

"This... This... How is this possible!?"

"Wang Shichong took advantage of the situation and supported 200000 soldiers. I don\'t know how many strange people and scholars he gathered. He divided Luoyang City and named himself king Zheng. So... He was killed!?"

In the eyes of the procuress, Wang Shichong, who is arrogant, was killed by the town

Liu Hao, the initiator of all this, did not move, raised his glass calmly and took a sip gently.

"Here comes Shang!"

"Here comes Shang!"

At this time, a sudden cry of surprise rang out in Manqing courtyard.

Liu Hao\'s eyes turned slightly. The footsteps in the attic sounded softly. Sure enough, he saw a beautiful shadow. He was leaning against the fence and walked slowly down the stairs.

Shang Xiufang appeared in front of Liu Hao like a fairy from a deep valley in a dream. The light seemed to be absorbed by her in the whole hall.

Her temperament is refined, but there is a natural charm between her description and behavior.

It\'s like the temperament of Shi Feixuan and Dan is mixed together.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Shang Xiufang - force 62, intelligence 73, politics 66, command 34, talent 85, charm 102!

Stunt 1, talented woman: Shang Xiufang has extraordinary musical talent and extraordinary qualification. Every ten charm points provide her with an additional talent value!

Stunt 2, enchanting woman: Shang Xiufang is naturally charming. If you take her red pill, you will get the clock of heaven and earth Qi luck [trigger a task not lower than the hypocrisy rating and double the reward]!

"Charming female attribute... This woman is really extraordinary!"

Liu Hao stared at Shang Xiufang and his eyes lit up.

She didn\'t put any powder on her jade face, but her eyebrows were like the moon, which was thousands of times better than any heavy makeup. I don\'t know if she has just come out of the bath. Without any hairpin ornaments, she still sees the water light, pure and beautiful, which makes people intoxicated.

In fact, in addition to her slender and symmetrical figure and graceful demeanor, what is more moving is her pair of attractive Jianshui eyes, which are affectionate with a slightly shy Yingying smile on the corners of her lips. No man can resist it.

The systematic evaluation of charming women is indeed very appropriate.

As soon as Shang Xiufang appeared, the procuress was determined and waved her hand. The music in Manqing hospital suddenly changed. Shang Xiufang, dressed in plain yellow robes and light green shawls, saluted Liu Hao and began to sing and dance under Liu Hao\'s eyes.

"Tears are dripping, and the young childe has a lot of negative grace. At the beginning, the sisters knew clearly that they should not be sincere with him. Think carefully and know how to smell and solve..."

Her singing shows a laissez faire, lazy and dark and desolate taste. She has a unique Qingqi flavor that no one can match. Her vocal skills have no flaws to be picky. With her moving expression, who can\'t be moved by it.

"The bridal chamber is deep, empty and quiet, and the body and mind are silent. When you come, you must pray to stop falling in love and spend young.

The makeup is light and uniform, but the five tombs are dim. The snow on the chest is bitten by you. I\'m afraid I\'ll make a thousand dollars to buy laughter... "

Shang Xiufang\'s singing seems to have a strange magic.

Involuntarily introduced people into a strange realm of music. The gentle and attractive voice, through different singing tunes, presents a rich and colorful meaning of vicissitudes. The sad feelings at the low back, and the music turns like a surging sea tide, flooding the whole land of everyone\'s mind to the top

With Liu Hao\'s supreme god level music talent, they are immersed in it and feel impeccable.

A song ends.

The music died away.

Liu Hao\'s mind is still savoring the beauty of the song, and the tide of his heart has made waves.

Music to the extreme, but also can convey a person\'s emotional realm, just like when Chu and Han competed for supremacy, the soldier Xian Han Xin fell on ten sides to kill Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. It was besieged and pathetic, which was the desolation of the hero\'s dead end.

Shang Xiufang\'s song just now is the artistic conception of hoping for peace, tranquility and music in the world, which may not have the meaning of implicitly admonishing Liu Hao.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Liu Hao slowly clapped his hands and said with a light smile, "this song should only be in the sky. How many times can you hear it on earth?"

Having experienced thousands of sails and tasted the flowers, only Cai Yan, the east palace queen of the Han Dynasty, Diao Chan, the imperial concubine, and Chen Yuanyuan could have such attainments.

Shang Xiufang twisted her slender waist and walked up leisurely. She saluted Liu Hao YingYing and said, "my daughter Shang Xiufang, pay a visit to the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Her voice, crisp as a silver bell, was really nice.

"Come here."

Liu Hao waved his hand and motioned the people in the hall to step down. Yu Wenyue immediately understood it, raised his hand and made a gesture, leading the royal guards in Manqing courtyard to step back.

Liu Hao and Shang Xiufang were left alone in the huge Manqing hospital. The breeze came slowly and blew the pink gauze curtain between the attics, which was somewhat ambiguous.

Liu Hao\'s burning eyes, without any concealment, fell on Shang Xiufang and ordered, "come and sit down."

"The people pour wine for your majesty."

Shang Xiufang seemed to realize something. Her delicate body trembled slightly and her ears were red. She sat opposite Liu Hao, bowed her head and stretched out her slender hand as cold as ice to pour wine for Liu Hao.

The young emperor in front of him, dressed in strong armor, gave Shang Xiufang a very different feeling.

It seems that his eyes have turned into dazzling riyao, profound and incomparable. It makes his soul tremble at a glance.

Just as Shang Xiufang poured wine, a pair of warm and powerful hands held her delicate palm.

Liu Hao pushed his hands, and the table in front of him flew out with a bang. His strong arms took the beauty\'s slim waist and took her into his arms

Fragrance, fragrance, blowing to my face, warm fragrance, warm jade in my arms, unspeakable benefit