The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2291

All the officials of the Great Han Dynasty in the hall couldn\'t help glancing slightly and were respectful in their hearts.

Wang Meng, dressed in a green shirt, coordinated the overall situation and cleaned the whole Luoyang city overnight. He was really determined!

In this world, Jianghu forces have a surprisingly great impact on the situation.

Luoyang Gang is the largest gang in the world. Its sphere of influence is not limited to Luoyang. It has businesses all over the world.

Wang Meng\'s removal of the Luoyang gang at one stroke is actually to release one purpose:

Deter other aristocratic families!

Who dares to make trouble in front of the Han Dynasty, there is only a dead end!

At this time, the royal guards rolled up their cloak and walked quickly from the door. After driving straight in, they knelt down more than ten meters in front of Liu Hao and said, "tell your majesty, the latest news from the military aircraft department, there is a movement in the northern Buddhist sect!"


Liu Hao waved his hand and waved Fang Qiu.

"Master Jiaxiang of Buddhism\'s San Lun sect, Emperor heart venerable of Huayan sect, master Daoxin of Buddhism and wisdom master of Tiantai Sect have all broken through the customs and come straight to Luoyang!"

"It\'s really a pillow in my sleep. I\'m thinking about how to get this piece of Heshi Bi. Unexpectedly, he brought it to the door by himself..."

Liu Hao moved slightly in his heart, raised his hand and said, "send a message to the military aircraft office. Let\'s hear that Shifei Xuan is in my hand. If you don\'t exchange the Heshi Bi, Shifei Xuan will be my sleeping girl!"

"I\'ll do it now!"

The royal guards hugged their fists, rolled up their cloak and hurried to work.

Liu Hao\'s mouth hung with an indifferent radian.

"Cihang Jingzhai, if you want to set up a game to calculate me, let\'s see who can laugh last."

Shifei Xuan is a contemporary descendant of the white Taoist Holy Land in the Jianghu. Before she was really born, Cihang Jingzhai began to build momentum for her in the Jianghu. She was sought after by people all over the world and regarded as a fairy.

If the news that Shi Feixuan became Liu Hao\'s sleeping maid spread, it would push the Han Dynasty to the fengjianlangkou, which would be a heavy blow to Cihang Jingzhai.

"It\'s urgent to take control of the whole territory near Luoyang so that the tiger can see the Central Plains..."

Liu Hao\'s mind turned and asked, "what\'s the situation near Luoyang?"

Guo Jia looked at the military map in the hall, stroked his beard and said, "Wang Shichong has a heavy army in Luoyang, Yanshi and tiger prison, with a total force of 200000. Xingluo warehouse has accumulated military grain, which can be used by hundreds of thousands of troops for three years..."

"Now that Luoyang City has been taken, your majesty can send a general to lead troops to rush against Yanshi and tiger prison, and garrison troops to strictly guard against Xingluo warehouse. I concluded that Li mi would not miss the opportunity to lead troops to rush against Xingluo warehouse after he got the detailed information from Luoyang City..."

To dominate the world is not just a bloody battle between the two armies.

The layout of information is also a top priority.

It\'s not a day or two for a hero like Li Mi to covet Luoyang. I don\'t know how many detailed works have been sent to lurk in Luoyang.

Although Liu Hao attacked and killed Wang Shichong by thunder and took the city, the royal guards intelligence network has not been spread. There are good and bad people in Luoyang City, but he can\'t eliminate them immediately.

"Yu Wenyue, Cao Shaoqin, you lead the royal guards and are ready to completely eliminate Luoyang!"

Liu Hao tapped his finger on the table and said, "Luoyang is already the meat in my bowl. If Li mi dares to attack, I respect him as a person. Cheng Yaojin listens to the order!"

The listless Cheng Yaojin got excited and hurriedly ran out of the column. He hugged his fist and said, "what\'s your Majesty\'s command? I\'ll be the pioneer. It\'s safe to cut whoever is called!"

"This funny force is completely unreliable..."

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "it\'s none of your business. Step back..."

Cheng Yaojin\'s mouth opened, but he stepped back with a sad face.

Liu Hao glanced at the generals in the hall and asked, "Yang linggong ordered Qi soldiers and horses to attack Yanshi."

"Where is Huang Zhong?"

Huang Zhong, a veteran with white hair and a bright head, stepped out of the line, Qiang ran hugged his fist and said, "I\'m here!"

"Order you to order 50000 troops and horses and go straight to tiger prison!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Where is Qin Qiong?"

"I\'m here!"

Qin Shubao, whose face is like gold paper, stood out boldly.

"Lead the snow wolf to ride 30000, directly ambush in Xingluo warehouse, and supervise the transportation of grain and grass to Luoyang City. If Li mi leads the soldiers to sneak into Xingluo warehouse, he can attack it directly!"

Qin qiongqiang threw a fist and said, "minister, take orders!"

Under the advice of the counselors of the Shangshutai, Liu Hao issued orders one after another, and sent the Wulin army as a special soldier to properly arrange the whole important place of Luoyang.

Taking Luoyang is just the beginning.


Luoyang is under martial law.

In the streets, all the doors are closed. As long as people walk in the street, they will be checked by the royal guards.

What\'s more, Liu Hao came up with a way to encourage the people of Luoyang to report suspicious foreigners to the imperial court.

If it is verified, you can get the reward from the imperial court.

This is the inspiration from the enthusiastic people in Chaoyang District. Once implemented, the unexpected effect is good.

In one day, the royal guards captured more than ten masterpieces from various forces, which can be regarded as clearing some hidden dangers.


Step! Step! Step!

On the official road from Luoyang to Yanshi, the sound of horse hoofs roared like thunder, and the mud and dust on the ground rolled up.

The golden Dao of the Great Han Dynasty made Yang Jiye, the Duke, carry the golden Dao upside down and gallop past.

Behind him, there were 7000 elite light cavalry of the dynasty, all riding white horses produced by Pegasus ranch, dressed in white armor, marching towards Yanshi.

However, after half a day\'s effort, 7000 riders have already reached Yanshi City.

Yang Jiye had a bright head, white beard and a cold look. He pressed the knife in one hand and held the reins in the other. When facing the 134 foot high wall ahead, his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

The king\'s banner was hung high in Yanshi City. The general guarding the city was called Yang Gongqing. At this time, a cold sweat had fallen on his forehead.

There are 7000 white horses under the city, which are arranged in a strict and killing array. It is clear that they are iron and blood valiant cavalry.

The most frightening thing is that the white haired veteran, with his eyes turned, was like two sharp knives shooting at him. The momentum of Yuanzhi Pavilion condensation made people dare not look up