The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2288

Among the three sabres, Guihai Sabre is more low-key, but those who are good at fighting have no great power.

Returning to the sea, the cold iron knife in his hand kept waving, and the power of heartless chopping was brought into full play. However, it was only a few breaths, and hundreds of Luoyang warriors had died under his knife.

"Kill, kill!"

Shen Lian, the commander of the royal guards, also killed red eyes. He waved Xiuchun knife and constantly killed the enemies in front of him, just like mowing grass.


Luoyang palace.

Wang Shichong frowned and walked around the house like an ant on a hot pot.

"Bad! Big bad!"

"The emperor of Han, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Luoyang army attacking and killing Li Mi, sent experts to sneak into Luoyang City to make trouble. I don\'t know if my son can hold it..."

Sobbing, sobbing, sobbing~~~~

Just when Wang Shichong was worried, the bleak and desolate horn suddenly rang through Luoyang!

"What\'s going on?"

Wang Shichong was surprised and uncertain, and the killing sound in his ear surged like a tide.

There was a servant running in outside the door, trembling and yelling, "no! Big things are bad!"

"The Han Army... The Han Army has killed the king\'s house!"

"Please make a quick decision. The Han army is powerful and I\'m afraid it can\'t resist!"

Before the palace, his subordinates kept panicking and screaming. Wang Shichong seemed to be infected, and his legs and stomach trembled


When Wang Shichong was preparing to run away, a sharp knife burst out, and the gate of the palace opened.

Ding Peng was still expressionless, like a god of Death killed in hell. He killed him with a knife.

The small building listens to the spring rain all night.

This slightly poetic name will become a nightmare for many people after today.

"Go! Go together! Protect the king!"

Wang Shichong claimed to be king Zheng, and his men really gathered a group of Jianghu forces to work for him.

"Damn it! Dare to fight in Luoyang City and don\'t pay attention to my Luoyang Gang!"

Shangguan long, the leader of Luoyang sect, was livid. He grabbed a leading crutch and rushed towards the palace gate.

As Wang Shichong\'s best friend and running dog, in the face of such a situation, it naturally depends on his efforts to turn the tide.

"Where\'s the maniac? Eat my stick!"

The powerful roar roared and spread, and the whole royal palace in Luoyang shook. Wang Shichong was ecstatic, looked around, and laughed: "there is a senior official and old sect leader. No matter how fierce the Han thief is, he will die without a place to bury, ha ha!"

"The king, Hong Fu Qi Tian, just a Han thief, what did you calculate?"

"The old sect leader has profound skills. My eardrum hurts!"


A wave of flattery poured in. Just as everyone in Luoyang was celebrating, there was a sudden sound of a dragon\'s sword in front of the palace.

Then there was a shrill scream. Wang Shichong and others listened carefully. This was the voice of Shangguan long, the old leader of Luoyang gang.

A black figure, step by step, stepped into the Royal Palace of Luoyang. The head of Shangguan dragon was hideous and abandoned.

Wang Shichong\'s legs and stomach softened and sat on the ground.



In Luoyang, the sound of killing is shocking.

In the Manqing courtyard, the largest pleasure seeking place in Luoyang City, it still sings and dances endlessly.

This elegant courtyard is surrounded by four three storey heavy buildings in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The garden is 50 feet wide in the middle. Each floor of the heavy building is equipped with more than ten wing rooms. The side facing the garden is provided with windows and a terrace, so that people in the wing rooms can have a panoramic view of the central garden..

Compared with the buildings in the south, Manqing courtyard obviously wins with its large scale, luxury and richness. It is very different from the elegant, simple, exquisite and beautiful residential gardens in the south of the Yangtze River.

The busy Manqing hospital on weekdays is particularly deserted tonight.

Liu Hao sat on the throne with his eyes closed, quietly feeling the beautiful song.

The surrounding atmosphere was also quite quiet. The royal guards surrounded the whole Manqing courtyard with swords. The iron armor of Longxiang camp clanked, holding a spear and a halberd, killing the streets near the Manqing courtyard.

Liu Hao is the only one sitting alone in such a large pavilion, but he also has a strange feeling.

The procuress of Manqing hospital was scared to death. The white powder on her face rustled and fell, and her eyes fell in awe on the magnificent figure in the highest attic.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

When the song was finished, the music finally died out, and a burst of clear applause broke out in the lonely Manqing hospital.

Liu Hao applauded and asked, "when will Shang Xiufang come on stage?"

Cao Shaoqin went out to take part in the killing of Luoyang City. There was only one yuwenyue around him, staring at the procuress.

"Shang... Shang, everyone is... Dressing up, holy Emperor... Your majesty, wait a minute..."

The procuress\'s legs trembled, and she couldn\'t even say a complete word. She didn\'t dare to look at Liu Hao more. For fear that the young excessive emperor would order the killing.


Yu Wenyue picked his sword eyebrow and drank coldly: "dare to call the holy emperor to wait for a long time, I think you are impatient!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life... Your majesty, spare your life!"

The procuress flopped down on her knees, kowtowing like garlic, and the bluestone floor Banged!

"That\'s all."

Liu Hao waved his hand casually, waved back Yu Wenyue and asked, "is there any news from the military aircraft department?"

Whether in the past or now, women\'s nature of loving beauty will never change. Makeup is also the basic skill of beautiful girls. Liu Hao still has this measure.

Yu Wenyue nodded, hurried out, and soon came back. He looked very excited and said in Liu Hao\'s ear: "tell your majesty that the plan to attack Luoyang today has been more than half successful!"

"The three great masters entered the Royal Palace of Luoyang with swords and consecrated themselves to 73 experts under Wang Shichong\'s command. The leader of Luoyang Gang, dragon, died under Ding Peng\'s machete, and Wang Shichong was killed by Ding Peng. Now the royal guards have opened the city gate, and general Wu Yunzhao is leading his army to attack Luoyang City. I think there will be a good news soon..."

"Good, good, good!"

After listening to the Luoyang war report from the military aircraft department, Liu Hao looked very happy and praised the festival. He couldn\'t help but say three good words.

"As soon as Wang Shichong dies, the whole situation in Luoyang is completely in my hands. There are 100000 troops stationed in Yanshi and tiger prison, which is beyond the reach of the whip. They can only be trapped in an isolated city and wait for death!"