The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2287

Luoyang, also known as the east capital, is located on the South Bank of the Yellow River, pingmang mountain in the north, Luoshui in the south, Hulao in the East, yinghan Valley in the west, surrounded by mountains, and Luoyang plain in the middle.

Yi, Luo, Yi and Jian run through them, which is not only dangerous, but also beautiful, fertile soil, moderate climate and convenient water transportation.

Therefore, since ancient times, eight dynasties, including Xia, Shang, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei and Sui, have established their capitals here.

The so-called Heyang Dingding place is in the middle and should be in the four directions. Luoyang is the traffic hub and military fortress in the world.

After Yang Guang ascended the throne, he chose another capital site in Luoyang to establish a new capital.

The new imperial city is located between the King City of Zhou Dynasty and the old city of Han and Wei dynasties. It is more than 50 miles around the city, with a grand and spectacular view, covering sheshui in the East, Luohe River in the south, Jianhe river in the West and Mangshan Mountain in the north.

Taking Luoyang as the center, Yang Guang dug a grand canal extending to Hangzhou in the south, Zhuojun in the north and running through the north and south, connecting the five major water systems of Haihe River, Yellow River, Huaihe River, Yangtze River and Qiantang River. Luoyang has become the central hub of transportation and Commerce in the world.

Wagang is in the southeast of Luoyang, which is also separated by Yanshi City, and the tiger prison pass is like a natural graben.

Wagang stronghold wants to attack Luoyang. Naturally, it doesn\'t happen overnight. Liu Hao\'s entry into Luoyang is naturally due to other things.

The scale of Luoyang is better than that of ordinary small cities. There are only three gates in the south gate. The gate in the middle is called Jianguo gate, with white tiger gate on the left and Changxia gate on the right.

Cherry, pomegranate, elm, willow and other trees are planted all over the street. There is a fresh breeze. The middle Avenue is the royal road for the emperor to patrol. At this time, it is the turn of spring and summer. The climate is gradually warm and comfortable. Peach red and willow green, picturesque and beautiful.

Unfortunately, today\'s Luoyang City has unspeakable slaughter.

Liu Hao gathered the wisdom of all the military divisions to attack Luoyang as a stepping stone to enter the battlefield in the Central Plains.

The emperor\'s three Sabre saints led the royal guards and the Wulin army and sneaked into Luoyang without anyone noticing.

On the rosefinch long street.

Ding Peng looked cold and didn\'t speak. He couldn\'t find his ordinary face when thrown into the sea, but the full moon machete on his waist seemed to have a unique magic. Like a black hole, it made people only look at it, and all their minds were absorbed.

On his side, Guihai Yidao and song que both carried their swords. The three masters of Daoism walked side by side in the wide streets of Luoyang, with a momentum of overturning the world.

"Keep up!"

Shen Lian, holding Xiuchun Dao in his hand, looked desperate and followed the three masters step by step. The royal guards rolled their cloak and pressed Xiuchun Dao in their hands, one by one.

Step! Step! Step!

The doors and windows of the residents on the streets of Luoyang had long been closed. The footsteps on the open street in the distance suddenly rang, and a team of Luoyang soldiers in armor would rush here.

At the front was a group of cavalry, all dressed in heavy armor, with long swords hanging from their waist, and a young man surrounded by the stars and the moon.

"Stop! Anyone who dares to get close to the Luoyang palace will be killed!"

The young man pulled out his waist sword and shouted.

The Luoyang warriors who followed him also took their swords out of their scabbard and roared: "if you dare to step forward again, there will be no amnesty!"

"It\'s said that Wang Shichong has two sons, both of whom are useless. Which one are you?"

Song qihun, if you haven\'t heard of it, still steps out step by step.

"Good thief, if Wang Xuanying doesn\'t kill you today, he will swear not to be a man!"

Wang Xuanying, the second ancestor, was arrogant in Luoyang with his father Wang Shichong. Who wouldn\'t sell him some face?

He hasn\'t seen song Ke either. At this time, he supports thousands of soldiers by himself. Where will he pay attention to people?

Wang Xuan should be very crazy, and Ding Peng is even more crazy. When there is no one in front of him, he presses the full moon machete on his waist and walks towards the crowd without hesitation.

"You have orders! Don\'t stop!"

"Die! You\'re really dying!"

"Go together and kill him!"


This group of Luoyang warriors immediately looked boiling, choked Langlang swords out of their scabbard, and shouted at Ding Peng.


There was a sudden sound of a sword like a dragon. The full moon shaped machete beside Ding Peng\'s waist didn\'t know when to get out of its scabbard. The light of the knife was like cold moonlight. It swept across the scene and went everywhere. More than a dozen Luoyang cavalry soldiers, including people and horses, were cut in two


Blood and broken limbs and arms are everywhere. Luoyang soldiers around take a breath!

To Ding Peng, it\'s amazing to see God!

It is a feeling and shock from the depths of the soul, which is difficult to describe in words!

Such a domineering Sabre technique can kill everything. People can stop killing, horses can stop cutting horses, gods can stop killing gods, and demons can stop killing demons!

"This man... Is this man a man or a monster?"

Wang Xuan should be in a cold sweat. Where is the previous madness?

Ding Peng\'s face was cold and did not have any expression. The full moon machete was like a ghost. In an instant, he killed more than ten Luoyang soldiers. The smell of blood around him was disgusting.

At the same time, song Que and GUI Hai almost shot at the same time.

"Wang Shichong, a beard dog, dare not vent his anger loudly in front of someone in Song Dynasty. Do you dare to speak wildly as a yellow mouthed child?"

Song lacked a step, the green brick on the ground suddenly cracked, and the Tiandao turned into a ferocious flying dragon and instantly killed Wang Xuanying in front of him.

"Go back and tell Wang Shichong to wash your neck. Someone song is coming to take your head!"

The knife fell and the head broke.

Wang Xuanying didn\'t even have time to respond. In the blink of an eye, tiandaodaogang had killed him.

"Big... Big childe..."

"This... This man is Tiandao, it\'s Tiandao!"

"Tiandao song que has entered Luoyang City!"

"Run quickly, Tiandao song Weisha is coming to the city!"

In the face of such a terrible Dao Gang kill, Luoyang City soldiers were shocked to the extreme and retreated towards the rear involuntarily.

Song lacked momentum, and there were corpses everywhere