The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2286

The three words of royal guards seem to have strange magic. Everyone\'s attention of Nanyang Gang is projected on the Royal young man.


The murderous spirit is like a tide, which drowns the royal guards from all directions.

"Since you broke into this place and eavesdropped on the secrets of our gang, you are unlucky and have to kill you."

Yang Zhen smiled grimly and made a decisive beheading gesture, and the Nanyang Gang experts in the hospital made a bold move.

This is the outlaw in the Jianghu. Do it as you say!

The young man in royal clothes stood where he was, his face as cold as ice, and said in a slow voice, "you dare to plot against your majesty. You should die here today."

Glancing at the Nanyang sect expert who came up to kill, the young man in royal clothes said in a slightly compassionate tone: "remember, the person who killed you is Ding Peng."

Before the words fell, the crescent shaped sword beside Ding Peng\'s waist was out of its scabbard.


The people didn\'t see how the sword came out of its scabbard at all. They only heard the fragmentation of the void and the sound of a sword like a dragon\'s chant.

Then, a cold moonlight blade appeared in the air, running through the sky.


Dao mang cut in the throat of the Nanyang gang in the front row, rushed to the front several people, raised his eyes and fell to the ground.

After Ding Peng killed, his face was still cold. He stepped out and penetrated into the Nanyang gang. The full moon machete killed again.

With him as the center, a layer of Dao mang diffused around. The cold Dao light was almost to the extreme, and there was no response at all. More than ten experts of Nanyang Gang died.

But just a few breaths, Ding Peng has killed dozens of people with a knife!

Yang Zhen, leader of Luoyang guild, was horrified and cried out: "how could there be such a terrible Sabre technique?"

In ancient times, there were Xiake who killed in ten steps. They came and went freely, natural and unrestrained.

Ding Peng killed ten people in one step. Whoever dares to stand in front of him will be ruthlessly killed by him!

The killing continues!

The full moon machete has turned into a blood moon. Its blade is as bright as moonlight. It will kill you wherever you can!

The Nanyang Gang experts who rushed to kill Ding Peng were killed by him with one knife!

"Monster! This man is a monster!"

Yang Zhen shuddered and began to be afraid!

He is also a human being. Of course, he will be afraid. Integrating the core combat power of the whole Nanyang Gang, Ding Peng has been stabbed by one person and shuttling around. If he can not be afraid, there will be ghosts!

The full moon machete is dripping with blood. Ding Peng\'s robe is stained with blood, but his expression is still cold. He continues to wave the knife and will kill people.

Meng Degang and fan Naitang, the two masters of Nanyang sect, looked ferocious and rushed to kill them in the air.

Two long knives cut through the void. The wind is loud and powerful.

"Kill yourself, luer."

Ding Peng glanced sideways, his right hand moved, and another round of curved moon bloomed boundless brilliance.

The blade came out like the moonlight. Meng Degang and fan Naitang were cut in two, and their blood intestines were scattered on the ground.

At this moment, everyone was silent and stunned!

Yang Zhen only felt that his hair stood up and his scalp was numb. He didn\'t care about the spirit of the gang leader, so he folded his body and ran away

"Want to go?"

Ding Peng sneered at the knife and said, "lend your head."

The voice just fell.

In the air, another blood red crescent rises slowly.

Yang Zhen\'s half body still kept the posture of running with flying skills, but the head flew into the sky




When Liu Hao was reading the memorials, he suddenly heard the urgent report of the royal guards outside the door. He moved and said, "come in and talk."

The royal guards rolled up their cloak and walked quickly from the door. Recently, they knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Hao, hugged their fists, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the royal guards found evidence of the collusion between Yang Zhen, the leader of Nanyang sect, and Wang Shichong of Luoyang. Ding Peng, a hundred families of the royal guards, has killed Yang Zhen all night, killing Nanyang sect one by one, and is here to restore his life!"

Ding Peng!?

Hearing the name, Liu Hao became a little interested, put down his memorials and said, "what\'s the identity of Ding Peng?"

The royal guards bowed and said, "Ding Peng is a nephew of Ding Feng, a powerful general in the court. He mysteriously disappeared when he conquered the Ming world. Later, he joined the royal guards because he didn\'t know how to improve his martial arts..."

As soon as Liu Hao heard it, he immediately knew it.

The identity assigned by the system to Ding Peng is the son of Ding Feng, who is fighting in the snow. As for Ding Peng\'s martial arts, it is very likely that it is related to the ancient demon sect in the Ming world.

Demon sect is the most mysterious and powerful organization of your Majesty the ancient master.

Xiaolou listens to the spring rain all night. This peerless famous knife for generations comes from the demon cult.

Gathering his mind, Liu Hao ordered, "go and send Ding Peng. I\'ll see him in person."

"I\'ll do it now..."

The royal guards dare not neglect. They hug each other with both hands, roll up their cloak and go out to do business quickly.

Before long, Ding Peng came floating.

"Ding Peng, knock on your Majesty the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor, long live, long live!"

When he was more than ten steps away from Liu Hao, he pushed Jinshan and fell to the jade pillar to bow down to Liu Hao.


Liu Hao waved his sleeves, and a gentle emperor like clouds suddenly escaped. Ding Peng felt that there was an invisible hand in the air, helped himself to stand up, and admired Liu Hao\'s unfathomable strength.

This young man is quite similar to Ding Peng in the version of "plain appearance". His face is like a crown of jade, his sword eyebrows are flying, and he is very handsome.

"Ding Feng gave birth to a good son! Aiqing killed Nanyang spies with one knife. I\'m very relieved..."

At this time, Liu Hao had received the notice of the progress of the Dao master\'s task. He was very happy, smiled and said: "I sent my personal order, Ding Peng killed the spies in Luoyang, made great achievements, and promoted to the worship hall with the cultivation of his Dao master..."

"Take your majesty Ron!"

Ding Peng\'s cold face showed a surprised look when he heard the speech. Liu Hao was promoted exceptionally, which flattered him.

"I\'ll do it now."

The royal guards on the side walked out and were full of envy for Ding Peng

Ding Peng, with this knife, rose up, and has made great progress since then