The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2285

Tip: [this card is obtained from a special task. Three candidates will be given. The host can choose one of them to summon!]

First person:

Dao Sheng Fu Hongxue (peak) - force 111, intelligence 75, politics 2, command 2!

Stunt, decisive kill: Fu Hongxue is familiar with the magical skills of the demon sect, and his Sabre technique has reached a desperate point.

Cut it out with one knife, and the world is close at hand!

Fu Hongxue combines essence, Qi and spirit. Kill the enemy whose basic force is less than 5 points. If you strike with the knife, you will kill + 80%!

Kill the enemy within 5 points of basic force, and kill + 50% with one blow!

"I actually got Fu Hongxue..."

Liu Hao looked at the image projected on the fake God rating calling card.

Pale hands, dark knives!

A slightly lame young man, one hand had been pressed on the knife, and the smell of absolute death spread out quickly.

"Look again, next!"

Second person:

Ding Peng (peak) - force 113, intelligence 86, politics 72, command 82!

Stunt, magic knife: as the owner of the small building listening to the spring rain all night, Ding Peng himself is the God of the knife and the absolute peak!

As soon as the magic knife comes out, the blood will flow all over the world.

When Ding Peng uses the magic knife, his combat power is increased by 5%!

And has a 99% chance to kill enemies whose basic force is less than 15 points!

"The small building listens to the spring rain all night..."

In front of the light and shadow, Liu Hao saw the full moon machete in the young man\'s hand, and couldn\'t help but be slightly awed.

This knife has a poetic name, but it seems to have some unknown!

Throughout the ancient books, no one can escape his life under this knife, and only another legendary sword God Xie Xiaofeng can fight with Ding Peng.

"Is today a special session for swordsmen?"

Liu Hao pinched his chin. Naturally, he was very satisfied with the first two candidates. He moved and opened the last option.

The last character is fresh:

Li xunhuan - force 112, intelligence 84, politics 65, command 66!

Stunt, Throwing Knife: Xiao Li Throwing Knife, invincible in the world!

When Li xunhuan combines his essence, Qi and spirit, when using the throwing knife against the enemy, increase the probability of one hit must kill!

Ignore the force gap, one hit must kill probability + 50%!

As the last figure surfaced, Liu Hao realized that the image of a middle-aged man with instant noodles gradually emerged in the sea. His eyes were melancholy, and he held a flying knife between his fingers, three feet and two inches long.

Li Tanhua.

This name, put in the Jianghu written by the ancient master, is already a myth and an existence respected by millions of people.

"Today seems to be a special session for the ancient master. The three legendary swordsmen have all appeared."

Liu Hao was a little difficult to choose and muttered, "it\'s a pity that these three Gaidai swordsmen can only choose one at present."

Just random!

In the sea of consciousness, the faint purple gold light suddenly flourished, the two shadows gradually dissipated, and the last shadow clearly appeared in Liu Hao\'s mind.

Ding Peng!

Among the three, Ding Peng was drawn!

"Ding Peng will take effect in Nanyang city within three days. Please be ready to receive!"

"Within three days, steady!"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, and a satisfied arc hung from the corner of his mouth.



After a bloody battle day and night, the whole Nanyang city has gradually restored its former calm.

After the three armies of the Han Dynasty entered Nanyang, they did not attack wantonly. They just wanted to maintain stability and appease the people of the whole city according to the iron law of the Han Dynasty.

Nanyang Hou Wu Yunzhao personally came to supervise Nanyang town. Except for the changing iron blood red dragon flags at the head of the city, it seems that everything has not changed as usual.

At the same time of the smooth transition of power, a secret Residence:

A fierce looking middle-aged man frowned and sighed: "the Han army beat down Nanyang. I\'m afraid it will be greatly unfavorable to the situation in Luoyang!"

This man is Yang Zhen, the leader of Nanyang sect, one of the eight gangs in the world. He is a Yanyue Sabre envoy. He has the courage of thousands of people. He is the leader of Nanyang local Jianghu.

"Guild leader, King Zheng of Luoyang has delivered it and asked us to be in Nanyang. Now Wu Yun has called down the Han Dynasty. What can we do?"

"Yes, Wu Yunzhao is brave and resourceless. King Zheng has solicited several times. He doesn\'t know what to do. Now he has fallen in a war."

"Shall we assassinate the emperor of Han Dynasty in the main road while the Han Dynasty is not stable, take his head and present it to King Zheng?"

Nanyang gang members were restless and talked about it one after another.

Yang Zhen is also a little hesitant.

In troubled times, these gangs are supported by the power of princes and tyrants.

For example, the baling sect relies on Xiao MI and the demon sect. The Nanyang sect is inferior to the baling sect, but it has long secretly voted for Wang Shichong, who is self styled King Zheng.

Wang Shichong, who occupies Luoyang, is naturally not a simple commodity. He has long been eyeing Nanyang and sent Nanyang Gang to infiltrate the whole Nanyang.

In theory, as long as the Nanyang Gang is a good insider, Wang Shichong can send troops to attack Nanyang City in the future without pressure.

But now, the Han army took the lead, launched a surprise attack on Nanyang pass and subdued Wu Yunzhao in World War I, which disrupted Wang Shichong\'s layout.

"Take a long view at this time."

Yang Zhen said in a deep voice: "don\'t forget how the baling gang was destroyed. King Xiao milling of Liang had 400000 troops and was eventually destroyed. If we were detected, we Nanyang gang would be overwhelmed!"

The most important thing in Jianghu is to live. Only when you live can you be superior.

While they were discussing in secret, they only heard a loud bang from the gate, which broke into sawdust and flew around.


Yang Zhen, leader of Nanyang sect, was shocked and stood up.

Nanyang Gang\'s experts, who were also excited by the crowd, stood up, and one hand had been pressed on the sword around their waist.

The door was silent, but there was a human figure, which swept into the hospital like a ghost.

"When did this man come in?"

"I don\'t know, but he looks ordinary. It seems that he is a lengtouqing!"

"Boy, you dare to break into the Nanyang Gang general forum without permission. I think you are impatient!"

"Talk nonsense to him. Just kill him!"

Nanyang Gang people are used to running wild. When they see this one, they suddenly shout wildly.

The pupil of guild leader Yang Zhen suddenly contracted, stared at the young man in front of him and said, "are you from royal guards?"

It turned out that the cold looking young man in front of him was wearing a black robe, embroidered with dark silver flying fish patterns, dragon head, fish body and wings, giving people a mysterious and cold feeling.

At his waist, there was a strange long knife like a crescent moon