The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2284

Wu Jianzhang, Wu Yunzhao\'s Lao Tzu, and Han qiahu have a close relationship because they are one of the nine elders of the Sui Dynasty and also a friend of eight worshippers.

According to his seniority, Wu Yunzhao shouted, "uncle, why are you in the Han Army array?"

Han qiahu shook his head and said, "the Sui army lost morality and the world was in chaos. His Majesty the holy emperor stepped on the gate of heaven. It is no accident that the Han Dynasty rose. I abandoned the darkness and surrendered to the light. I also complied with the time."

Wu Yunzhao was silent, but Liu Hao keenly observed that his expression had wavered slightly.

Then Liu Hao quickly stepped out of the Heavenly Emperor\'s car, untied the rope on Wu Yunzhao, and said with a laugh: "general Wu is a hero in the world. I have heard a lot about the reputation of the general. Today we meet on the battlefield. As expected, Yang Guang is heroic. At this time, the Sui Dynasty has lost his Deer..."

"The general is a rare general. He is brave and good at fighting, and his morality is correct. Now he is hidden in Nanyang. It\'s like a pearl casting from the sky and burying the abyss. Isn\'t it a pity?"

After a pause, Liu Hao continued, "if you can become a general of the dynasty, help me to lift the three foot sword and clear the sky

In the future, we will kill all the treacherous officials of the old Sui Dynasty, wipe out the troubled times and establish some achievements. Isn\'t it fast? "

Wu Yunzhao hated Yang Guang in his heart.

At that time, Yang Guang listened to the words of the treacherous Minister Yu wenhuaji and killed more than 300 people of his Wu family. Except that he had escaped, it can be said that all the people were killed!

Liu Hao has insight into people\'s hearts. These words just hit his heart.

Wu Yunzhao\'s teeth clenched. In the tiger\'s eyes, he burst out the light of strong hatred. He pushed Jinshan and fell to the jade pillar and knelt down. Qiang ran said, "if you can kill Jue Yuwen valve, I\'d like to lead the horse and rein for your majesty and work for dogs and horses!"

Guo Jia smiled and said, "congratulations to your majesty, you have won another unparalleled general!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has insight into people\'s hearts and accepted Wu Yunzhao. At present, Wu Yunzhao\'s loyalty is 90 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, triggered the blood hate task!"

Blood hate; [if the host helps Wu Yunzhao achieve his revenge wish, Wu Yunzhao has a good mind and has a chance to improve his force. Please let the host know!]

"Kill the family, kill the family, and die together... This task is a good reward!"

Liu Hao checked the task list and nodded with satisfaction.

You know, this is a reward of more than 100 force value, that is, the value of a little force is immeasurable.

With the potential of Nanyang Hou Wu Yunzhao, there may not be no hope to impact the great master of martial arts in the future.

With such a delay, the situation on the battlefield has become completely clear.

Wang Meng commanded the three armies of the Han Dynasty, just like an arm envoy. The military order was issued. The royal court led the fierce soldiers of their headquarters and began to tear the whole Nanyang army array into countless pieces and gradually devour it.

After Wu Yun, a Marquis of Nanyang, called to surrender to the Han Dynasty, he thought to himself that he would offer a name, so he clapped his horse and went out into battle.

Even the Lord general has been demoted. What\'s the point of Nanyang army resisting again?

"The Nanyang Marquis has fallen. What else do you want to fight?"

"Brothers, put down your weapons and follow Nanyang hou to subdue the Han Dynasty."

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, not an opponent at all..."

"Nanyang Marquis and other heroes are also loyal to the Han Dynasty. It seems that the emperor of the Han Dynasty is the real destiny..."

Nanyang army generals put down their weapons, took off their clothes and armor, and surrendered.

Tens of thousands of fierce soldiers were disarmed together, and the Han Army also received the order to stop the attack conveyed by the commander-in-chief flag of the Chinese army.

On the battlefield, the atmosphere was silent.

Wu Yun called to rectify Nanyang army, but he released Cheng Yaojin first.

After Cheng Yaojin was defeated and captured, he was captured by Wu Yunzhao and imprisoned at the bottom of the prison.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin was sad and had no joy.

Looking at the eyes of the soldiers of the Han Army around him, Cheng\'s golden face was red.

After all, he was a pioneer general. Liu Hao sent him to attack the city, but he was captured alive at Nanyang pass. This war is bound to nail him to the pillar of shame of the Dynasty

"This is funny."

When Liu Hao saw Cheng Yaojin, he was dejected. He was a little happy. He deliberately looked straight and said, "Cheng Yaojin, you are the pioneer to break the enemy. How did you break here?"

Cheng Yaojin complained, "Your Majesty, it\'s not that the minister refused to kill the enemy, but that Wu Yunzhao is really a cruel man. His shooting skill is almost as good as that of general Zilong. Alas!"

Liu Hao said, "in that case, you\'ll hand in the pioneer seal and let Wu Yunzhao hang the pioneer seal. I won\'t punish you this time. Go back and reflect on yourself. When will you break through the master\'s realm and talk about the pioneer again."

Cheng Yaojin is a teaser. He is usually proud of being spoiled, and his tail is about to rise to heaven.

The king\'s skill lies in balance. Liu Hao naturally wants to suppress him in time. The key is that his martial arts have been stuck on the threshold of the master for several years. He has not made progress yet. He must sink down and practice hard.

Cheng Yaojin, with a bitter face, hugged his fist and said, "minister, take your orders..."

With that, the big Teaser left unhappily.

After taking charge of Nanyang pass, Wu Yunzhao helped the two sides to complete the docking. Liu Hao was relieved to be the shopkeeper and strolled around the city. Suddenly, his heart moved:

"In the last recruitment task, the advance reward seems to have been in place. I don\'t know what the reward is. Open it and try..."

When Liu Hao thought of it, he did it. He moved and took out a brocade bag in the storage space.

With a gentle pat, the brocade bag broke in response to the sound, revealing a card inside, with a faint purple gold light lingering on it.

"Tut tut! The reward for attracting beautiful soldiers is really rich enough. It\'s a legendary summoning card rated by a hypocrite..."

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed and took this card directly in his hand.

Since the dynasty began to conquer the heavens and take off for nine days, the system has limited the call of legends.

Liu Hao is also rare to see a legendary summoning card. It is also a legendary summoning card rated by a hypocrite. Needless to say, it is not bad.

"System, help me directly open this fake God rating calling card!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, you have used the pseudo God rating legend summoning card!"