The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2283

Wu Yunzhao said with a smile, "if you want the general to surrender, speak with your ability and take a shot first!"

Facing sun CE, Wu Yunzhao quickly drove his horse, turned his hands and raised his wrists, shot as fast as cold electricity, and went straight to sun CE\'s face.

"Come on!"

As soon as the expert shot, he knew there was no one. Sun CE was also a good gun. Naturally, he knew the power of Wu Yunzhao\'s thunderous shot.

Whether it\'s speed, strength or accuracy, it has reached the peak of gun skills. Without excellent martial arts talent, it\'s difficult to stab this amazing shot after hard training for a lifetime.


With a roar from sun CE, the 150 kg cold iron gun in his hand was like a hidden dragon rising into the abyss. The tip of the gun just collided with the tip of Wu Yunzhao\'s zhangbaliang Silver Snake spear.


A sudden sound of gold and iron, like thunder, suddenly shook and spread.

The Qi force collided in the air and exploded, flying sand and stones on the ground and falling into the sky one after another.

Sun CE and Wu Yunzhao crossed their horses, swam around with long guns, and immediately got dozens of guns right.

The smoke and dust in the air billowed like dragons, and the shadow of guns shuttled like dragons and python fighting in the air. The people watching the battle before the two armies looked shocked.

They also know for the first time that there is such shooting in the world!

Wu Yunzhao became more and more frightened in the Vietnam War. Sun CE was killed. General Jiulong\'s magic skills opened straight, roared and roared, and his breath was as majestic as the river and sea. The key was that after the two men collided with each other, they vaguely felt that the tip of the gun seemed to have the power of inexplicable thunder, which made his arms numb.

A hundred rounds passed in an instant. The flying sand and stones killed on the field confused people\'s eyes.

The momentum of these two unparalleled generals has reached the peak. The essence of wolf smoke runs through their holes, like wolf smoke, straight into the sky, and even the strong wind can\'t disperse.

Guo Jia said with a smile, "sun Bofu met his opponent. There is such a tiger general in the land of Nanyang!"

The officials of the Han Dynasty were also surprised and praised: "sun Bofu is known as the little overlord and ranked among the generals in Kowloon. Today, he can\'t fight. Wu Yunzhao really has the courage of dragons and tigers!"

"If you continue to fight, Bofu should win a little more than 300 rounds."

Liu Hao deduces the war situation with the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor and draws a conclusion in an instant.

Speaking of it, some took advantage of Leichi\'s weapon refining. Sun CE\'s true Qi went wild. The gun strength contained some thunder power.

The soldiers of the two armies roared like thunder, raised their swords and guns, and covered the sky with cold light.

Wu Yunzhao gradually began to defend more and attack less. Sun ceru came back to life and forced Wu Yunzhao, the Marquis of Nanyang, to fight.

"I\'ll help you!"

Seeing that the situation was bad, Jiao Fang, the young general of Nanyang, shouted and shot out of the array to help Wu Yunzhao.

"The great man Yang Zaixing is here. The thief will stop being rampant!"

But Yang Zaixing couldn\'t help it. He rode his horse, raised his gun and shot out at a gallop.

As an old general in Kowloon, Yang Zaixing also had the power of dragons and tigers in his arms. At the moment when his horses crossed, Yang Zaixing turned his hand and shot. The gun was like a ghost. He stabbed Jiao Fang under his horse

Wu Yunzhao was very anxious, but he couldn\'t fight sun\'s plan. At this time, Nanyang Department was afraid of losing, and the swords and soldiers rushed forward.

Yang Zaixing roared and killed several brave generals in Nanyang.

The Nanyang generals were shocked. No one dared to stop them. The battlefield situation was also changing rapidly. Sun CE and Yang Zaixing drove their horses together and pursued Wu Yunzhao together.

Wang Meng had an insight into the war situation. With a wave of the handsome flag in his hand, the Han generals moved at the order.

Clank clank!

The heavy cavalry of dragon scale Xuanjia pulled down the ferocious beast face armor on their face, raised a three or four meter long spear and began to kill the Nanyang army.

The momentum of this charge is like the river of heaven, which sweeps away everything.

Even if the iron wall is blocked in front, it will be washed away. Nanyang fierce soldiers are also elite, but how can they withstand the impact of this powerful thunder?

Just a face-to-face, the dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry has chiseled a gap in the Nanyang army.

"The big thing is gone!"

Wu Yunzhao\'s two fierce fighters, general Jiulong, have reached the extreme of Qi. The rest of his eyes swept the battlefield, and his heart was suddenly cold


It\'s horrible!

If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, Wu Yunzhao couldn\'t believe what he saw. The Han Army, the iron blood tiger and wolf division, fought Nanyang army, which was almost one-sided

"Wang JINGLUE has a degree of military use and is worthy of being the number one scholar of the dynasty."

Guo Jia stroked his short beard under his chin and fully recognized Wang Meng\'s command of the war.

Mei Changsu put her hands in her sleeves and said with a smile, "general sun CE and General Yang Zaixing are about to win."

Wu Yunzhao struggled to fight sun Bofu alone.

At this time, with another Yang Zaixing, he could only parry for more than 20 rounds, but he didn\'t have enough strength to parry left and right.

Liu Hao lived on the chariot of the emperor of Kowloon, took charge of the battlefield, felt the breath of gold and iron horses, and his pride soared in his chest.

But I can only hear the thundering voice in the battlefield:

"The general in Kowloon is mighty!"

"The general in Kowloon is mighty!"

"Wu Yunzhao has been captured alive. Don\'t you put down your weapons and surrender!"

"Those who kneel down and surrender do not kill!"

The big man Huben roared like thunder, frightening the battlefield.

The morale is absolutely the highest, and the sharpness is far better than that of Nanyang army. Many Nanyang Army soldiers cracked their liver and gall, directly threw down their weapons and fell to their knees.

"The overall situation of this war is settled!"

Liu Hao looked at the battlefield, the actions of the Han army were in order, and the balance of victory was gradually tilting towards the Han army.

In the front army array, sun CE pulled his horse back to the array. He rolled his saddle and fell down in front of the chariot of the emperor of Kowloon. He knelt on one knee and hugged his fist. He said respectfully: "I\'m lucky that I didn\'t lose my life. I worked with Zaixing to capture Wu Yunzhao, the Marquis of Nanyang alive for my majesty!"

Wu Yunzhao was trapped in his acupoints and orifices by the unique secret law. His real Qi was stagnant. He didn\'t know where his helmet had fallen, but he still held his head high and said with a laugh: "today\'s defeat, someone has nothing to say, only death. Start quickly!"

Where is Liu Hao willing to kill such a tiger general?

Without action, the veteran Han qiahu came out of the column and sighed: "Yunzhao, you have grown up. When I saw you, I was only ten years old!"

Wu Yunzhao glanced at the sound and looked shocked