The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2282

The Nanyang Department, Jiao Fang and others held up their swords and guns and roared:

"Willing to follow the Nanyang Marquis and break through the enemy array! Kill!"

"Willing to follow the Nanyang Marquis and break through the enemy array! Kill!"

Wu Yunzhao took the lead and killed tens of thousands of soldiers in Nanyang pass. He followed him and rushed to kill in a flood.

Cheng Yaojin was captured, and there was a certain degree of chaos in the Han Army array.

"Whoever dares to step back will be killed!"

"Heavy armor infantry! Vertical shield!!"

"Rosefinch shoot! Shoot!"

At this time, the deputy general in charge of the formation was little general Zu ti. He pulled out his sword clangly, commanded the formation, looked calm, and stabilized the formation.

Wu Yunzhao led the army to rush and kill for a while, but he was stopped outside by the soldiers of the Han army.

The Zhuque divine shot of the Han army suddenly opened its bow, and the arrows were like raindrops. It was a crazy attack on the Nanyang army. There was a bloody battle between the two sides. The Nanyang army did not take any advantage, but was in danger of falling into the strong array of the Han army.

"This son is a good general!"

Wu Yunzhao looked at Zu Ti, who lived in the Chinese army, and laughed loudly: "today someone will be captured alive!"

Just about to take the gun to kill the Han Chinese army, but I only heard Jiao Fang rush to the front army and shout, "Lord, the situation is not right. It seems that reinforcements have been killed in the rear array of the Han army. I don\'t know the number!"

Wu Yunzhao fixed his eyes and saw that the Han Army\'s back road was indeed full of smoke and dust, as if thousands of troops and horses were running wildly.

As a general, he knows the reality and the deficiency, and knows the advance and retreat.

Wu Yunzhao, a general from generation to generation, knew how to use the army. He looked awe inspiring and sighed: "the time has lost. Call in the Golden Army!"

When Ma Zhong led his troops to the battlefield, Nanyang army had already returned to Nanyang pass in a flood.

"This... This... General Cheng Yaojin was captured alive?"

Ma Zhong\'s eyes were round. He couldn\'t believe the reality.

While directing the Han soldiers to count the casualties and sort out the battlefield, Zu Ti said with a solemn look: "Wu Yunzhao, the Nanyang Marquis, has great martial arts and is also a good general in the world. I\'m afraid it\'s not so simple when he sits in Nanyang pass. I have to go back and tell your majesty."



"After counting the battle, our army lost more than 2000 people and Nanyang army lost more than 2500 people. Nanyang Hou Wu Yun summoned courage. He even picked twelve of our army\'s top generals and vanguard general Cheng Yaojin. When Nanyang army rushed into the array, general zuti was calm in the face of danger and took over the battle command and wielded power..."

The royal guards of the military aircraft Department knelt down in front of Liu Hao on one knee, bowed and hugged fists, and repeated the battle of vanguard attacking Nanyang pass in detail.

Combined with the system news in his mind, Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and became more and more curious about Wu Yunzhao\'s attributes and abilities.

"Cheng Yaojin\'s Tiangang thirty-six axes are unparalleled generals who fight hard. They won\'t suffer losses. How could they be captured alive by Wu Yunzhao in several rounds?"

The capture of the vanguard general has never happened since the founding of the country. Liu Hao decisively called out Wu Yunzhao\'s attribute ability in the system.

Nanyang Hou Wu Yunzhao - force 103, intelligence 73, politics 62, command 84!

Stunt 1, Xiaomeng: Wu Yunzhao can lift the tripod and have the power of overlord.

Wu Yunzhao\'s basic force + 3, you have a chance to break out, and your combat power is increased by 5%!

Stunt 2, generals: Wu Yunzhao generals family, good at using troops!

Command of Wu Yunzhao + 3!

"This attribute ability is indeed right for the ranking of heroes in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Han Qihu continued:" I am willing to demote Wu Yunzhao for his Majesty the holy emperor and work for the Han Dynasty! "

"An old state is like a treasure."

Liu Hao was a little happy in his heart, but he gave a silent order on his face: "Bofu, re Xing, you lead the troops to meet Wu Yunzhao for a while."

"Last general, yes!"

Sun CE and Yang Zaixing, one of the generals in Kowloon, took command.


When Nanyang passes, the drums shake the sky.

Boom, boom!

In the big man array, the warrior with tiger back and bear waist, bare his arms, Qiu Jie\'s strong muscles like hard rocks, began to swing his hammer wildly and bang the battle drum.

Nanyang City soldiers hurried to Wu Yunzhao and shouted, "general, it\'s bad. The Han army came to the city again!"

Jiao Fang said with a smile, "I don\'t know how to live or die. The Han army leader was captured by the general. Now he is still in Nanyang city. Is he here again?"

Wu Yunzhao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and said solemnly, "I\'m afraid it\'s no small matter. The one who uses the axe is already a fierce general. The opponent who comes this time must be more difficult to deal with. Don\'t take it lightly, and go out of the city with me to meet the enemy."

Amid the roar, Nanyang city gate opened.

Sun CE looked at Wu Yunzhao who had been killed at the gate of the city. He couldn\'t help praising him: "he is indeed a tiger general!"

Wu Yunzhao raised his gun and said with a smile, "a pioneer General of the Han army was captured alive the day before yesterday. Did someone die today? The general\'s name is that Wu Yunzhao never killed an unknown general under his gun!"

"Sun CE, general of the Han Dynasty, was ordered to take Nanyang city. Nanyang marquis is also a hero in the world. When you know the general trend, it\'s better to obey the dynasty. Your Majesty must be forgiven and kind!"

The bully sun CE laughed loudly, his voice like spring thunder blooming on the tip of his tongue