The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2276

Xiangcheng, located on the North Bank of Rushui, controls the vast mountainous areas and the traffic between the upstream and downstream. Its geographical location is very dangerous. It is a must for strategists, and it is even more important to the safety of Luoyang, the eastern capital.

The Xiongguan pass is like iron.

In the world of the Tang Dynasty, this majestic city is more than twenty feet high. The walls are built with solid stones and look as towering as a mountain.

Xiangyang City Wall is surrounded by a series of walls, with strong and majestic walls, spectacular gate que, towering arrow tower and solemn scene.

Liu Hao wears a purple golden dragon helmet, seven seas Dragon Armor and a tyrant cloak. He hunts in the wind!

At the same time, the seven red gold dragon guns at the back are also exposed, with bright stars!

Step! Step! Step!

Behind the back, Wang Meng and song que commanded the three armies of the Han Dynasty, stepped on a neat and killing pace, went to the foot of Xiangyang City, and discharged a tight formation.

The iron armor is clanking, the sword mountain and sword forest, the murderous spirit rushes into the sky, and the wind and cloud whirls.

The bleak and desolate horn sounded suddenly!

The defenders at the head of Xiangyang City were trembling and bloodless.

After seeing such an iron and blood hero, you should still have the mind to resist the death war, that is the real iron head baby

Suddenly, a white flag slowly rose at the head of the city.

When the Wanjin gate rose, the gate made a dull noise and opened suddenly.

At the gate of the city, Qian Duguan, dressed in white, led the team of Xiangyang City, rode barehanded and came out.

"Xiangyang\'s prefect Qian Duguan feels that he is lack of virtue and talent. I heard that his Majesty the holy emperor\'s heavenly soldiers suddenly arrived. I was terrified and offered the city to surrender. I beg his Majesty the holy emperor to sit in Xiangyang!"

Qian Duguan is a member of the Yin Kui sect. Zhu Yuyan has arranged for him for a long time. Today\'s Xiancheng is just a play for Liu Hao before everyone else.

Qian Duguan drove his horse out of the city and was about to roll off the saddle, but he only heard the snow treading dragon Huang under Liu Hao\'s seat roar. Qian Duguan\'s Mount knelt down first and hissed.

"Don\'t make trouble."

Liu Hao stroked longhuang\'s neck and smiled.

Stepping on the snow, long Huang shook her temples with a loud nose and looked at her defiantly.

After swallowing the ancient real dragon blood, the Dragon Phoenix turned back to her ancestors and became more powerful. She was as red as fire and had dragon scales on her body, which vaguely showed the power of her ancestor\'s holy beast dragon and horse.

Between the low roars, ordinary war horses will tremble out of control and kneel down.

At this time, under Xiangyang City, the people behind Qian Duguan knelt down together in the direction of Liu Hao, as if they were worshipping the God Emperor.

"The birth of a dragon horse is a sign of a saint. This is the saint emperor!"

"A good day for our people is coming. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is like a saint!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Many people who came out of the city to watch also trembled. They couldn\'t help kneeling down piously to Liu Hao and shouted fanatically.

After all, the theory of ghosts and gods is still popular in the world. The birth of dragon horse today symbolizes prosperity and prosperity. Instead, Liu Hao is stained with the light of snow stepping Dragon Phoenix and brushes a wave of worship value

"Ai Qing, who knows the current affairs and the overall situation, is a hero in the world. I will reward him a lot... I will send an order to the ministers of the Shangshu stage to discuss affairs in the city master\'s house."

Liu Hao waved his hand without much delay and drove his horse directly into the city.

Xiangyang City\'s urban defense and army are naturally rectified by senior generals. There will never be any trouble. Jianghu forces are handled by Diao Chan, empress Yin, Zhu Yuyan and the people of Yin Kui sect.

Since Qian Duguan surrendered, it was natural for him to leave the city master\'s house. Liu Haolong walked into the city master\'s house and sat in the main seat of the conference hall.

Before long, Wang Meng, Guo Jia, Mei Changsu, Lu Miaozi, song Que and others filed into the hall and stood on both sides.

Liu Hao took the lead in saying: "Dear Aiqing, the secret report of the military aircraft department, marshal Wu Mu Yue Fei, led the army to cover dozens of cities. The situation in Hanzhong is stable. Now Jingchu has won. What should we do next?"

This is the strategic plan of the dynasty. There was a silence in the hall. The ghost Guo Jia stood out, arched his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that at this time, Sichuan, Hanzhong, Lingnan and Jingchu are connected, and the dynasty has emerged and occupied enough first-hand advantages in competing for the world..."

"At present, as long as we wait for the opportunity and wait for the world to be turbulent, we can send troops to attack Guanlong in the north, push Luoyang horizontally and March to the south of the Yangtze River in the East. In this way, major events can be settled."

Lu Miaozi stood with his hands down. Looking at the military map, he secretly praised Guo Jia: there are so many strategists under the command of the holy emperor!

Guo Jia\'s strategic thinking is very clear and direct.

When the time is ripe, they will directly blossom with the iron and blood soldier Feng of the Han Dynasty, sweep away the world against the king and complete the real unification.

Liu Hao stared at the map and suddenly asked, "what does Duke Lu think?"

Lu Miaozi stood out and said with confidence, "I think what the military division said is not bad. Your majesty, just wait."


Liu Hao is a little interested.

Lu Miaozi said: "in the future, the situation must be that Li valve occupies Guanzhong and sits in Chang\'an, while Luoyang guards Wang Shichong. This person is a hu man. Although he has countless ties with the forces of the Ming religion, it\'s not a worry. Your Majesty\'s next enemy is Li Mi, the Pushan Duke of Wagang stronghold!"

"I\'ve dealt with this man in the past years. I know this man\'s mind. The city government is the only one in the world, and its vision pattern is beyond ordinary people. I can be called an owl and a thief who must disturb the world!"

At this time, the royal guards suddenly rolled their cloak outside the hall and rushed in from the door. They pushed Jinshan and poured jade pillars in the hall and bowed down. Qiang ran hugged his fist and said: "Your Majesty, Wagang stronghold fought with Zhang xutuo, a famous general of the Sui Dynasty. Li mi, the Duke of Pu mountain, intercepted and killed 200000 Sui troops by ambush. He took Zhang xutuo\'s head in the chaos. Sergeant Wagang was very angry!"

Everyone in the hall could not help frowning.

"This Zhang xutuo is the \'recruitment Ambassador of twelve counties in Henan Province\'. He is very good at suppressing peasant uprisings. He wins every battle. The most important thing is that he is loyal to Yang Guangzhong and can hardly breathe. Now that Li Mi has successfully intercepted Zhang xutuo, the strength of Zhang xutuo\'s Sui army has soared again..."

"Li Mi, Li mi..."

Liu Hao pinched his chin, turned his mind, and thought about the pros and cons. "This man is so afraid of Duke Lu. He is really a very important person. Pass on my personal order. The royal guards speed up the layout of Luoyang and try their best to find out about this man."


Cao Shaoqin threw his fists in his hands, rolled his cloak, and hurried out to arrange