The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2277

Liu Hao, who has the ability of a prophet, clearly knows the development process of the plot.

Li Mi, the Duke of Pu mountain, is definitely a town leader that can not be underestimated. If he wants to attack Luoyang in the future, he will have to meet Li Mi\'s Wagang stronghold. There is nothing wrong with doing intelligence work first.


Cao Shaoqin threw his fists in his hands, rolled his cloak, and hurried out to arrange.

The military conference in the hall was still going on. Lu Miaozi\'s insight and pattern beyond everyone\'s imagination also made all the officials of the Han Dynasty admire him very much and smoothly integrated into this environment.

Li Mi\'s affair was just an episode. The military conference of the dynasty did not cause much waves because of him.

As the military meeting was about to end, another royal guards hurried in and shouted, "Your Majesty, the Duke of Pu Shan and Li mi sent an envoy Shen Luoyan and his son Li Tianfan to see you!"

Say Li Mi, Li Mi will arrive

Liu Hao\'s eyes lit up slightly, his lips hooked, and a smile appeared:

"Beauty\'s military master Shen Luoyan?"

This is not because of Shen Luoyan\'s beauty, but because this woman is really a rare female. She plans strategies and wins the battle. As a gentleman, she is still sensitive to talents.

"Congratulations, your majesty!"

Lu Miaozi suddenly stepped out of the line and arched his hands and laughed.

The officials in the hall were slightly stunned, especially among the generals. Monk Cheng Yaojin and Zhang Er were confused and shouted, "Duke Lu, Li mi sent an envoy, who didn\'t come to surrender. What congratulations?"

Lu Miaozi shrunk his sleeves and said with a smile, "Li Mi is a jackal! If he surrenders, he can\'t be reused. At this time, he must have suffered some difficulties and hope to get help from his majesty... This is the time for his majesty to forge ahead in Luoyang!"

Liu Hao waved his hand and said, "anyway, call people in. I\'ll see what calculations Li mi plays."



Shen Luoyan is wearing a white shirt, elegant and beautiful. Walking at the head of Xiangyang City, her heart has already set off waves.

At this time, Xiangyang City has completely fallen into the control of Liu Hao.

On both sides of the street, there are many shops and pedestrians, which is a prosperous scene, which is very different from many cities that Shen Luoyan has walked through.

"Is this still a troubled time? Xiangyang is so powerful that it has fallen without fighting in the face of the Great Han Emperor. What magic power does this great Han emperor have?"

Meier\'s military division was full of thoughts in the city, and was full of curiosity about Liu Hao who had not yet met.

Unconsciously, Shen Luoyan came to the gate of the city. He saw the Great Han warriors with clanking iron armor and holding a halberd. He was filled with the smell of killing. He was awed. He often led the troops to fight. It was inevitable to look sideways when he saw such fierce soldiers.

Peeping into the leopard, you can also vaguely feel the strength of the Han Dynasty.

"Look, look, the emperor posted a list at the gate!"

"Ha ha! The new deal of the dynasty reduces taxes... That is to say, within three years, we only need to pay one-third of the usual taxes!"

"Your Majesty, it\'s really the God Emperor who came to earth to save the people in Jingchu!"

"Yes! Xiao MI, the king of the Liang Dynasty, increased taxes after he took the post. He was also crazy and violent. He dragged my ten-year-old child into the army and died. What an animal!"

"Don\'t compare the dead with his majesty. His majesty will live forever!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"


At the gate of the city, many people of Xiangyang City gathered around the poster, smiling and in a warm and jubilant atmosphere.

Everyone admired and supported Liu Hao from the bottom of their hearts. They couldn\'t help shouting long live.

The heart of Shen Luoyan, who quietly sees all this in his eyes, vibrates even more.

"The new deal of the dynasty is to benefit the people and attract the people... But where does the money come from with less taxes? Without money as support, how can we rectify our armaments and compete with the heroes in the world?"

Shen Luoyan couldn\'t understand this.

While she was meditating, the crowd scattered not far away, followed by a sudden sound of light and neat footsteps.

A group of royal guards wearing flying fish clothes and embroidered spring sabres looked cold and solemn. They drove the noble cars in the palace and walked quickly to evacuate the people on both sides.

The first Tibetan man, holding a knife, said, "Shen Lian, commander of the royal guards of the Han Dynasty, please come to the palace to see the emperor!"

With that, Shen Lian solemnly made a gesture of invitation.

The people watching from a distance looked surprised and talked one after another: "this girl is beautiful and looks like a fairy. Is she from your Majesty\'s harem?"

"Fortunately, it\'s not as good as the imperial concubine. When I entered the city, I was lucky to see the imperial concubine. That\'s the real color of the country!"

"Speak carefully! Be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth. You can talk about your Majesty\'s woman?"


In the face of everyone\'s discussion, Shen Luoyan didn\'t respond much. He looked still calm and said, "obedience is better than respect."

Then she boarded the car and went with the royal guards.

At this time, Xiangyang City Lord\'s residence, as a temporary palace of the Han Dynasty, is also broad and magnificent. On that square, there are a row of dragon camp guards, all holding swords, guns, halberds and murderous spirits.

"Xuan ~ ~ ~ Shen Luoyan enters the hall to meet!"

"Xuan ~ ~ ~ Shen Luoyan enters the hall to meet!"

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, brushed the dust in his hand and let out a roar. The voice was vigorous and stirring, and spread. Shen Luoyan was awed. Just listening to this sound, you can know that the speaker has deep internal skills and unimaginable movement. I\'m afraid he is an expert at the master level!

Such a master should be a slave to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. The power of the emperor seems to add another mystery.

"Miss Shen, please follow someone."

Shen Lian led the way in front, and soon came to the front hall.

After Shen Luoyan entered the hall, he looked at the surrounding environment without moving. At this time, all the officials of the Han Dynasty had dispersed. Only a young man sat on the red gold dragon chair.

The young man is in his twenties. He wears twelve diaos on his head and an embroidered Purple Dragon gun robe. The shoulders are embroidered with sun, moon and stars. He has a handsome face. He has a slight beard under his chin. When he raises his hands and feet, he waves Fangqiu and looks arrogant. He has a kind of arrogant hegemony.

"Lord MI has been called the world\'s leader, but I\'m afraid he\'s still more popular!"

Shen Luoyan only looked at it and lowered his head. He didn\'t dare to look again, but he felt some inexplicable shock in his heart