The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2275

"It seems that everything tonight is under your Majesty\'s calculation..."

After Yin, Zhu Yuyan moved gently and sat in front of Liu Hao. Her beautiful eyes turned slightly. She quietly looked at Liu Hao and observed the change of Liu Hao\'s expression.

"Yuyan wants to talk to her majesty. Can you give her a chance?"

The woman in charge of the Yin Kui sect is definitely not a simple figure. At the moment when she didn\'t lose her life, she recovered her absolute calm and killed her heart. She reassessed the strength of the Han Dynasty.

Wan Wan and Dan Mei stood behind Zhu Yuyan and also put on a negotiating posture.

Liu Hao raised a finger, shook it, and said, "if the Yin Kui sect is willing to surrender tonight and help me win the world, there is still a way to live. Otherwise, it will be a lesson from the past. All of them will be buried in the exclusive mountain villa tonight."

For Liu Hao, at this time, the Wulin army raided jingling City, and the overall situation was in his own hands.

Yin Kui sect poured out, but became a cocoon.

Of course, it\'s best to accept them. If Zhu Yuyan doesn\'t know the current affairs and wants to make things, she can only destroy the flowers and kill all the Yin Kui sect.

Zhu Yuyan smiled with a soft voice and said: "Yuyan has always admired heroes. Your majesty is the dragon of the people. You should be loyal to the Yin Kui sect and pursue it. But the Yin Kui sect is oppressed by the right way, and life is hard..."

"Ha ha!"

Liu Hao ignored Zhu YuYan\'s smoke bomb, knocked his finger on the table and said bluntly: "Cihang Jingzhai is in the north, the devil gate is dancing in the south, Zhao Deyan supports Xiao MI and Shi Zhixuan... If I expected it right, your Yinkui sect is also secretly arranging Jingchu..."

"Qian Duguan of Xiangyang City, his concubine Bai qinger and counselor Zheng Shiru should all be your chess pieces?"

This is the advantage of the prophet plot. Liu Hao didn\'t have to beat around the bush with Zhu Yuyan and pointed out the problem.

This remark contained a huge amount of information. Even Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin, was greatly impacted and murmured: "Zhao Deyan, Shi Zhixuan..."

After a little pause, she quickly recovered her composure and said with a smile, "it\'s true that everything can\'t hide from her Majesty\'s dragon eyes, but Yuyan doesn\'t know what her majesty wants?"

"I want Xiangyang City!"

Liu Hao said word by word: "Xiangyang City is an important place for North and South strategists, connecting the key points of Bashu and Jingchu, and Heluo in the north. I want you to present it with both hands to show your sincerity."

Zhu Yuyan breathed.

At this time, she suddenly realized the meaning of warning in Liu Hao\'s words.

Xiangyang City, you have to give, you have to give if you don\'t!

"If you want to dominate the world, just sit behind the scenes and watch. I won\'t treat you badly."

Liu Hao said: "the holy gate is handed down from hundreds of scholars in the pre Qin Dynasty. After I have settled in the Central Plains in the future, I will integrate the ancient books of the holy gate and push back the Tianmo strategy. I will certainly step on Cihang\'s quiet Zhai, which can be practiced by Yin Kui disciples. In addition... I can make an exception for you to help you capture Shi Zhixuan alive."

Liu Hao knows Zhu YuYan\'s mind like the back of his hand.

This woman has been struggling all her life to find Shi Zhixuan for revenge. For this reason, she has also developed a killing method of burning jade and stone.

Liu Hao\'s imperial mind skill was used to the extreme. He first threatened them with force, gave them a blow in the head, and then gave them a sweet jujube. After Yin, Zhu Yuyan fell into meditation even though she was deep in the city.

"If you can cultivate a complete Tianmo strategy..."

Wan Wan and Dan Mei are also imaginative.

The holy gate spread from the ancient pre-Qin period, and then went through chaos, and the heaven and devil policies were scattered, which split the two ways and six schools of the magic gate.

This section of our history, they know better than anyone else, if they can really push the devil policy, it is to reproduce the ancient glory of the holy gate, and there will be great fortune in the future!

"Is there an egg under the pouring nest?"

Liu Hao Huoran got up and said, "that\'s all I said. Yuyan, think about it."

"The conditions given by the holy emperor are too generous. It\'s hard for Yuyan to refuse..."

Zhu Yuyan sighed and said, "now Yuyan finally knows why Tiandao song is short and incorporated the whole song valve into the Han Dynasty. She is willing to be driven by her majesty..."

Liu Hao, such a city government means, there is no doubt that he is a peerless hero.

Zhu Yuyan has been in the Jianghu for decades. She has seen the amazing Shi Zhixuan and hundreds of thousands of powerful and treacherous heroes supporting soldiers, but she has never seen such a domineering figure as Liu Hao.

The real one covers the sky with one hand. Those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

"When your majesty comes to Xiangyang City, Qian Duguan will surrender to the city..."

Zhu Yuyan didn\'t finish her words. At this time, when she dominated the villa alone, a graceful woman with peerless demeanor suddenly came into the villa. She was dressed in a Purple Palace Dress, like a fairy coming out of the fairy palace.

"See the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine will live forever!"

When the Han people saw the woman, they all stood on both sides with great respect.

It was Diao Chan who came.

Diao Chan moved gently, came to Liu Hao, gently smoothed the folds of Zijin gun\'s Dragon Robe for Liu Hao, and said in a warm voice: "Your Majesty is busy with state affairs and Jianghu affairs, let your concubine arrange it."

Liu Hao was slightly stunned and immediately said with a smile: "it\'s a big deal with the presence of the concubine AI. This is Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin Kui sect, and one of the eight masters of the demon sect..."

Liu Hao is also happy to be the shopkeeper. After introducing Zhu Yuyan and other women to Diao Chan, Liu Hao tells Diao Chan all the secrets of the magic door by means of voice transmission.

Yin empress Zhu Yuyan was stunned at this time!

It\'s not because Diao Chan\'s beauty and temperament is still better than her, but because Diao Chan\'s powerful aura makes her feel strange and familiar

Wan Wan also opened her eyes wide and swept over the incredible color.

"Heaven devil Dharma!"

"And it\'s the magic Dharma to practice to a perfect state!"

Zhu Yuyan is a talented person of Tianzong. She has been practicing hard for decades before she reached the 17th level. She is only one step away from the highest level. Unfortunately, she was ruined by Shi Zhixuan and stopped here.

Wan Wan was amazing, but she stopped on the 17th floor and was difficult to enter.

But Diao Chan is the perfect state of the heavenly devil Dharma!

"She... She has clearly committed herself to the holy emperor and married a man\'s wife. How did she practice it?"

At this moment, Zhu Yuyan stared at Diao Chan in a daze, not to mention how tangled she was

