The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2274

The devil sect is divided into two and six sects. They can\'t lift their heads under the pressure of Cihang Jingzhai, and the talents are withering day by day. Now, Yin Kui sect is still the leader of the devil sect.

Almost everyone here is a master\'s accomplishment. They are in awe of the Jianghu. They don\'t blame Bian and are proud.

It\'s just that he\'s arrogant on weekdays, but he bumped into Liu Hao tonight.

Liu Hao glanced at him and said calmly, "I\'ll kill you like a dog."

Before the words fell, Liu Hao\'s body suddenly disappeared in the same place. He hit the edge and didn\'t live up to his body. His shot was the unparalleled dragon boxing that dominates the world.

At this time, Bian\'s thoughts had just turned. When his mind was shaking, he could only parry with his cross arm and took Liu Hao\'s punch.


The Qi strength of dragon boxing broke out. The side of the Dragon roared wildly. The eardrum hurt. It was so majestic that it was like the Tianhe rolled back. In an instant, it broke the side\'s body protecting vigorous Qi and hit him against the wall.

Zhu ignored and absorbed the internal power of more than 100 top experts, but he couldn\'t bear Liu Hao\'s domineering blow. How can he stand it!?

The walls of the courtyard could not bear such violent forces. They collapsed and the dust and gravel flew in disorder. The sound of the side came up from the gravel pile. It was really miserable.

If he had prepared in advance, he wouldn\'t have been so embarrassed with his master\'s accomplishments.

It\'s a pity that this person\'s mentality is inflated. He sees himself too high and Liu Hao too low. Here he suffered a big loss first.

"Your Majesty is so cruel that people still tell your majesty such secret news!"

After Yin, Zhu Yuyan couldn\'t stand any longer. With a low whistle, she used the magic of heaven to kill Liu Hao.

Dan Mei and Wan Wan also forcibly suppressed the fear in their hearts, performed a desperate kill and quickly swept to.

"I said I would kill him. Heaven and earth can\'t save him!"

Jin mang appeared in Liu Hao\'s eyes, with a touch of arrogance. Zijin gun\'s Dragon Robe was windless and automatic, and there seemed to be a breath of supreme authority all over his body. Like an ancient Canglong, he circled around Liu Hao and guarded him!


One foot stepped out and directly stepped on the side of the chest. The emperor\'s Qi sank, and his arrogant force broke his spine in an instant.

The edge didn\'t lose the whole person\'s bow into a shrimp shape, and the breath gradually weakened

At the same time, Zhu Yuyan and others have attacked Liu Hao.

The magic of heaven was fully exerted. It seemed that several black holes appeared in the air, and a force of absorption and aggregation suddenly appeared.

"Dragon shield, King Kong is not bad!"

In the face of the fierce attack of the three great masters, Liu Hao stood still. The body protecting God Gang Yulong Divine Shield operated naturally. After integrating with the King Kong not bad divine skill, ten thousand soldiers did not enter and ten thousand evils did not invade.

Although the devil\'s strength is strange and evil, it is not as deep as Liu Hao\'s martial arts. The three people\'s Qi strength hit Liu Hao\'s Dragon God gang and even sent out a crisp sound of gold and iron.

"How could you have such strong skills!?"

Zhu Yuyan, Wan Wan and Dan Mei were shocked when their mouths were slightly open.

Only when you face Liu Hao directly can you deeply feel this terrible feeling. No matter how strong you are, bumping into that protective spirit Gang is like a clay ox into the sea. There is no sound, but you are affected by the anti shock force and fall back.

After stepping on the edge, Liu Hao retreated the three people with the Dragon God Gang shock. Looking forward to XIONG Shi, he said with a smile: "if Yin empress doesn\'t know how to advance and retreat again, I\'m afraid Yin Kui sect will be removed from the Jianghu today."

Aggressive words and arrogant eyes, even Zhu Yuyan, the empress of the evil sect, couldn\'t help hesitating: "with the strength of the three people, I\'m afraid I can\'t win the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If he gets out of the siege and kill, on the contrary, the layout of the Yin Kui sect in Jingchu will be put to the East!"

A wise man always knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

Especially in the demon sect, it\'s bullshit to only talk about interests and friendship with the sect.

When Bian lived up to her death, Zhu Yuyan only thought nothing had happened. Jiao said with a smile, "I know today that your majesty, your martial arts has reached an unpredictable level. I\'m afraid that only when the evil emperor comes back to life, can you have a chance to compete with your majesty."

Zhu YuYan\'s words were not flattery, but heartfelt emotion.

She herself is an expert at the martial arts master level. Wan Wan and Dan Mei can enter the martial arts master level by one step. Today, with the help of the three people, she didn\'t even touch the bottom of Liu Hao. It can be seen how terrible Liu Hao is!

At this time, outside the exclusive mountain villa, there was a burst of boisterous shouting to kill.

The sound of heavy and solemn footsteps suddenly sounded. A group of royal guards wearing flying fish clothes and holding Xiuchun Sabre broke into the villa.

Yu Wenyue took a step forward and said, "tell your majesty, the imperial master Wulin army sneaked into the jingling city and destroyed the city in World War I. The general Fang zeliu died in the chaotic army. All the generals in the lower part of his hand surrendered!"

"Bring it in!"

Yu Wenyue solemnly made a gesture, and someone came in with several colorful people outside the door.

"The offending horses are willing to surrender to the great man. Please forgive your majesty!"

"Feng Ge, the sinner, is willing to surrender to the great man. Please forgive him!"


Suddenly, a row of generals of the mausoleum fell to their knees, one by one looking frightened and awed.

Fang zetao dominates the mausoleum and supports tens of thousands of soldiers. He is also a small vassal in troubled times. But tonight, in the face of the sudden seizure of the city, he was directly beheaded. As soon as Fang zetao died, the whole jingling city fell into a situation of falling trees and scattered monkeys.

"Get up and help Longxiang camp maintain stability in the city. If anyone dares to make trouble, he will be killed!"

Liu Hao waved his hand and looked at it with the Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor. The attributes and abilities of these demobilized generals were OK. They were barely enough to meet the upper two water standards.

"Thank your highness, Ron!"

The horses and other generals stood up and retreated with great eyesight.

The people of Yin Kui sect looked surprised, especially Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin, whose beautiful eyes turned from time to time, and looked at the people under Liu Hao.

Xiao Feng, Guihai Yidao, iron hand, Gongyang Yu and others are all masters\' accomplishments. Even though they can\'t compare with her, they are already between Bozhong and wanwan and Danmei.

At this point, Zhu Yuyan knows why Liu Hao has the confidence to look up to everything. Her heart is shocked and inexplicable. She fears Liu Hao as if she worships God