The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2273

There are many flowers in the hospital, and a burst of inexplicable fragrance comes to my face, refreshing my heart and soul.

Another faint and moving piano sound came quickly.

The piano sound was originally invisible, but it had a different taste in Liu Hao\'s ears.

It seems that the fragrance of flowers in the whole hospital is integrated with this quiet piano sound. It integrates the hearing and smell of the five senses, giving people an extremely unique feeling, which makes people intoxicated

"Yin Kui sect, Wan Wan?"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved slightly, and his steps only stopped for a moment, so he continued to walk forward.

As soon as his eyes turned and followed the Qi machine, he just saw a beautiful shadow like an elf under the moonlight. His slender hand brushed the strings and played the piano music of mountains and rivers.

This woman, with hands like catkins, skin like congealed fat, collar like a white print, teeth like a bottle rhinoceros, head like a moth and eyebrow, smiles skillfully and looks forward to her beautiful eyes. She is wearing a tulle skirt and has flawless feet. Her beauty is like an immortal spirit.


Wan Wan was playing the piano, but she was shocked. She didn\'t notice when someone came within ten feet of her.

Liu Hao was not polite either. He sat down opposite Wan Wan Wan and waved his hand and said, "continue."

At this time, another majestic man woke up in the elegant courtyard. He stood up angrily, patted the table angrily, and scolded with his halberd finger: "who are you? You dare to break into the exclusive villa. I think you are impatient!"

Wan Wan\'s beautiful eyes looked at Liu Hao motionless. In her beautiful eyes, her eyes changed and her expression was complex. She said, "the Great Han Emperor, so young..."

Facing Liu Hao, her demonic aura seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss, full of powerlessness.

This is the rolling above the martial arts realm.

Master, like a dragon.

It is not impossible for the great master to cover the sky with one hand and kill thousands of people.

Liu Hao glanced at Fang zetao and said calmly, "do you deserve to talk to me with goods like you?"

"Good, good, good!"

Lao Tzu has the final say, Fang Zetao is mad, and looks very grim. He lost his intellectual laugh. "Tonight you send it to the door. How can Lao Tzu kill you? After killing you, the whole Jingchu is the boss of Laozi."

Before the voice fell, the green and green jade fingers on the edge played the piano again.


The sound of the zither flowed and condensed into a nihilistic blade. The evil intention was surging, and Fang zetao\'s martial arts was second-rate. He fell into ecstasy, unaware of the awe inspiring killing opportunity behind him.


The Qin sound magic blade, like a defeated leather, cut into Fang zetao\'s ribs and entered along the joint gap, directly cracking his heart and lungs.

The ambitious man who dominates the villa slammed to the ground, looked up, and his eyes were bulging. It seemed that he couldn\'t believe he was dead

"There are so many ambitious people in the world. Unfortunately, most of them are people with great ambition and lack of talent, and they don\'t have the strength to match their ambition."

Wan Wan looked calm. It seemed that she was not the one who killed her just now. Instead, she twisted her waist and stood up to salute Liu Hao Yingying. She said softly: "Wan Wan has heard the reputation of his Majesty the holy emperor for a long time."

Sure enough, it\'s Yin Kui witch!

He was ruthless and ruthless. Fang zetao never dreamed that he would die in wanwan\'s hands like this

Liu Hao flicked his finger on the table and asked with great interest, "Oh, what\'s my reputation?"

Wan wanjiao said with a smile: "it is said that the holy emperor has captured the contemporary descendant of Cihang Jingzhai as a foot washing maid. The whole Wulin in the north is shocked by it. Cihang Jingzhai is even more angry with the holy emperor. It is expected that there will be experts to trouble his Majesty in the near future..."

This woman is really a beauty. Every frown and smile has an unspeakable charm.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "what is Cihang Jingzhai? It doesn\'t hurt to catch the saint of Yin Kui sect as a maid tonight."

The two were still laughing and talking happily one moment ago. The next moment, Wan Wan launched an extremely fierce offensive.


The string began to vibrate, and the note suddenly turned into a golden iron horse. The violent killing intention was mixed with magic gas, condensed into a nothingness gas blade, and came through the air.

"At your age, it\'s rare for you to practice the great magic method."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and sat in the pavilion. His body was still, but his eyes were sideways.

Eye knife eye sword!

The emperor\'s divine power gave birth to countless Qi blades in the void, like swords, which suddenly shot at wanwan.

The two spirits collided in the air, like a flash of mountain torrents, and the air waves surged. Liu Hao looked indifferent and motionless. Wan Wan\'s delicate body was shocked and twisted. The whole person flew back, with a beautiful posture like dancing.

"What kind of martial arts is this? It\'s incredible!"

Wan Wan fell barefoot on the treetop of an ancient tree in the hospital, and her heart was frightened and uncertain.

Fang zetao\'s violent shouting and drinking before his death also attracted the soldiers who dominate the villa. As soon as these big soldiers came in, they saw Fang zetao lying motionless in a pool of blood, but also slightly stunned.

Liu Hao didn\'t give them any chance to encircle and kill. He was born with a broken body and invisible sword Qi. He suddenly shot out of the hole. Several soldiers who dominated the villa were immediately hanged by the sword Qi.

After Liu Hao killed, the clouds were light and the wind was light. Huo Ran stood up and shouted, "since they are all here, why don\'t you come out and see them?"

The pool of water that dominates the villa is really deep.

Not only was Wan Wan, the Witch of Yin Kui sect present, but there were also several smells lurking in the dark.

A moment later, several ghosts appeared on the wall of the backyard.

The leader wore a palace dress, a veil, a slim figure and an irresistible look of a light mature woman, which was Zhu Yuyan, the empress of Yin who had met Liu Hao.

A middle-aged man, dressed up as a writer, looks male and different, looks like a hawk and falcon, and has a sharp and evil feeling.

There is also a woman with snow skin and silver hair, with evil temperament.

"Yin empress Zhu Yuyan, evil hidden edge, Yin Kui sect elder Dan Mei, plus a wan wan..."

Liu Hao looked at XIONG Shi and collected all the people. At present, he said calmly, "it\'s far from enough for you to come against me."

Almost all the top fighting forces of Yin Kui sect have been present. The devil hidden edge has lived up to Liu Hao\'s Halberd finger. He sneered: "the Great Han emperor is not young, but his tone is not small. Can you imagine the inside information of Yin Kui sect?"