The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2272



The general situation in the world is turbulent. Let\'s not mention it for the time being.

Liu Hao rode the snow treading Dragon Phoenix and galloped all the way back to baling city.

At the gate of the city, I just saw Cao Zhengchun, the old manager, leading the people out to meet him and knelt on the ground: "long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

The royal guards in flying fish clothes and embroidered spring sabres also knelt down together and performed military rites reverently.

"All flat."

Liu Hao turned over and dismounted, handed longhuang to Xun feizhan, and asked, "old manager, I\'m not here these two days, can anything happen?"

Cao Zhengchun bowed and said, "Your Majesty, after the Imperial Army entered the land and water and laid down the baling City, Jingchu shook. Wang JINGLUE and Zhennan Gong split their troops and began to radiate all over Jingchu. In two days, twelve cities were broken, and many counties heard that it was the king of the Han Dynasty and fell in the wind..."

"Very good."

Liu Hao nodded to show his appreciation, and casually ordered: "gather all the officials and prepare for the military discussion in the city."


Cao Zhengchun clung to his fist and took the order.

Liu Hao took a hot bath first, then changed into a comfortable Dragon Robe, and then walked slowly to the big tent of the Chinese army.

At this time, Lu Miaozi just arrived at the Chinese army, and the rest of Mei Changsu, Guo Jia and others were all present. The officials of the Han Dynasty stood in two columns, civil and military, and hung their hands in awe, waiting for Liu Hao to speak.

"Pegasus ranch has been under the control of the dynasty. Next, I\'m determined to attack jingling city. What do you think?"

Liu Hao sat high on the throne and threw out the problem.

Guo Jia, the confidant counselor, stepped out of the line slowly and bowed his hand: "inform your majesty, the military aircraft office has received a secret report. Yu Wenhua of Yuwen valve has connected Sima Dekan, the commander of the forbidden army. He slaughtered the dragon in Jiangdu and killed Sui emperor Yang Guang. Now Yang Guang is dead, Jiangdu is in chaos, and Yu Wenhua and transferred the troops to the North..."

"Taiyuan Li valve also sent Li Shimin as the commander and led the troops to rush to Guanzhong. One of his generals was brave. He even killed 37 strong generals in Guanzhong and killed 400000 troops in Guanzhong. Chaishao contacted Guanzhong haovalve internally, and the guard General Li Xiaochang presented Chang\'an city. Li valve was settled in Guanzhong. It is a foregone conclusion..."

Liu Hao gradually frowned as he listened to Guo Jia\'s news summary.

Yu Wenhua and his killing of Yang Guang are also expected to coincide with the historical track.

He even killed thirty-seven of the most powerful generals in the pass and beat the entire 400000 troops in the pass. Such a cruel man made a person\'s name come to his mind:

Li Yuanba!

Who else has the courage to get rid of this immortal demon, under Li valve?

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, waved his hand and asked, "Duke Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Miaozi was also surprised to hear that he was surprised by the strength of the intelligence agencies of the Han Dynasty.

The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can be invincible in a hundred battles.

Just a few months after its rise, Lu Miaozi has laid out the world and completed the news distribution and control of several major valves in the world. The Han Dynasty is almost invincible. At present, Lu Miaozi\'s admiration for Liu Hao has deepened.

"The old minister thought that Yuwen valve was not worried, but Guanzhong Li valve was a big trouble..."

Lu Miaozi integrated his thoughts and said calmly: "Li Yuan, who is dormant in Taiyuan, secretly has deep ties with Cihang Jingzhai and jingnian Zen academy, and secretly communicates with Turks. After sitting in the central pass, he will get hundreds of thousands of troops and countless food and grass. He will compete for the world in the future. He must be the strong enemy of the dynasty!"

Guo Jia and other counselors also nodded with appreciation and recognized Lu Miaozi\'s vision pattern. Liu Hao was lucky and turned in several peerless talents from time to time. They were not surprised.

"Yuwen valve was born in Hu, and its foundation is in the north after all. The old minister expected that Yuwen Huaji would abandon guarding the Jiangdu and turn to the north. At that time, it would hurt his vitality to compete with Li Mi of Wagang stronghold..."

Lu Miaozi looked at the military map hanging high in the account and talked with confidence.

"Mr. Pu Shan?"

Liu Haoxiang smiled and said, "at present, the strategy is still to attack jingling city and win Xiangyang City."

"In this war, I led the imperial master to do it myself."

"Minister, take orders!"


Jingling city.

It is also an important town in Jingchu, close to Pegasus ranch. The city is up to fifteen or six feet high and magnificent.

At night, Liu Hao, dressed in purple and Golden Dragon robes, took the masters of the Dynasty and the elite of the royal guards and stood under jingling city.

"Such a powerful pass, if you attack hard, you will not avoid casualties..."

Liu Hao pondered with his hands down and his eyes were disillusioned.

Of course, there is another main reason, that is, jingling city also involves the power of the demon gate.

It is no exaggeration to say that the whole land of Jingchu, even the south, is basically full of demons.

The baling sect is inextricably related to Zhao Deyan, the demon commander among the eight masters of the demon sect, while the Yin Kui sect arranges Xiangyang and indirectly controls the jingling city.

A few days ago, Liu Hao slaughtered four bandits in Pegasus ranch. Zhu Yuyan was watching. At this time, Yin Kui sect is likely to set up a bureau in Jingling City, waiting for him to go.

However, when Liu Hao\'s accomplishments are like this, no matter what conspiracy you set up, how can you pay attention to it and cut it with only one sword.

"Follow me to the city."

Liu Hao looked at the city head with a cold look. He suddenly ordered that people had rushed into the sky like a dragon and went up to the city head of jingling.

The great masters of the Han Dynasty jumped to the city with their strength in the air. The royal guards came out with hooks and locks, like flexible old apes, climbing up the city quickly.

After entering the city, Liu Hao walked around with his hands down and went straight to the domineering villa.

The owner of the mountain manor was Fang zetao, the general guarding the mausoleum. After Liu Hao killed Xiao MI, he didn\'t choose to take refuge in the big man. Instead, he took up the banner of the mountain manor, supported tens of thousands of soldiers, became the local emperor, and lived happily

"Beside the bed, how can others snore?"

Liu Hao wandered to dominate the villa, and he was already moved to kill.

The grand master\'s free and unfettered body method is unpredictable. The soldiers who dominate the mountain villa seem to be dreaming. No one has found Liu Hao.

Fang zetao will also enjoy it. The exclusive villa is located in a quiet place and has invited famous craftsmen from all over the world. Following the pattern of Jiangnan, many rockeries, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions have been built in the villa, which looks like a small imperial palace.

At the moment when Liu Hao stepped into the exclusive villa, his mind sprang out and locked the smell in the backyard