The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2271

"All have to die!"

The generals of Chang\'an garrison trembled. Before they reflected, Li Yuanba was crazy, his yellow eyebrows stood upright, and his twin hammers danced like wind and thunder, and boldly rushed into the crowd of more than ten fierce generals.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The hammer is as powerful as a surging wave, and the Qi is as strong as a raging tide, which has aroused the rolling smoke and dust, and the flying sand and stones on the field. I can only vaguely see Li Yuanba fighting more than ten strong generals alone, and there are constantly Chang\'an strong generals falling off their horses, whining and screaming

"Is this guy... A man or a monster?"

When the dust settled, everyone was silent and stunned!

Li Hsiao Chang, a veteran general, breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn\'t believe his eyes!

What happened?

At this time, the horses ran disorderly on the field.

More than a dozen Chang\'an valiant generals on horseback have fallen into the dust and can\'t die anymore.

This skinny boy looks like a wild and fierce beast. He is so violent and ferocious.

Li Yuanba held up the golden hammer of drum beating urn and went crazy. After killing more than ten strong generals in Chang\'an, he raised his voice and shouted, "no! No!"

"Who dares to fight me!"

Li Xiaochang has often seen the peerless generals and the ten thousand enemies who rushed into the array, but he has never seen such a terrible monster!

This guy... Where is he still human!?

Just when he was absent-minded, Li Yuanba had swung his hammer and rushed into the enemy array of Chang\'an army.

The golden hammer in the drum jar is like a thunderclap on the top of the mountain. It beats this group of arrogant soldiers and fierce generals in Chang\'an and runs away.

There are also unconvinced generals who boast of Wu Yong and kill Li Yuanba immediately. However, they are knocked by the golden hammer of the drum beating urn. If they are eaten by thunder, the weapons fly out of the sky. Their head explodes like a watermelon, and the red and white juice splashes everywhere

In one breath, Li Yuanba has swept the battlefield and killed more than ten Chang\'an valiant generals.

"If one can fight, there is no."

Li Yuanba smashed his mouth, and a pair of Lei Gong\'s strange eyes stared at him. He looked like a crazy fierce beast, eager to bite people.


Another tiger and leopard thunder suddenly sounded. Li Yuanba hit Li Xiaochang with a hammer. Li Xiaochang was shocked and held up his bin iron gun to resist.

At the moment when the guns and hammers met, a deafening sound of gold and iron suddenly came. The bin iron long gun in Li Xiaochang\'s hand had been shocked into a bow shape by the strong force of domineering couples.

This magnificent force overturned him and fell into the dust.

Li Yuanba\'s eyes flashed red. He was about to drop a hammer and kill Li Xiaochang. However, Li Shimin shouted, "Yuanba, stop!"

The golden hammer of the drum beating urn stopped in front of Li Xiaochang and covered the sky.

Li Xiaochang was shocked by his fierce and arrogant spirit. His arms trembled unceasingly. The tiger\'s mouth of his hands had been cracked and bleeding mildly:

"In the world, who else can catch Li Yuanba\'s hammer!?"

At this moment, the whole Chang\'an City, 100000 Chang\'an garrison, all trembled to speechless.

There was a dead silence on the battlefield.

Li Shimin rode a horse and galloped out. When he got to the battlefield, he quickly rolled his saddle and fell off his horse. He stepped forward, picked up Li Xiaochang and said with a smile, "General Li has suffered."

"The defeated general is not brave enough to speak. If you want to kill or cut, you are welcome."

At this time, Li Xiaochang also had nothing to say and closed his eyes to die.

Li Shimin laughed loudly and said: "in this troubled time, the great husband should carry a three foot sword to sweep the world and save all the people from fire and water. General Li, the heroes of the world, why not join the Tang Dynasty. My father Yingwei is wise, appoints talents and will reuse generals..."

As soon as Li Shimin\'s infectious voice said, Li Xiaochang couldn\'t help but have a strange mind: it seems that this young man has a unique personality charm that people can\'t help but want to get close to.

I can\'t fight now

Li Yuanba and other unparalleled ruthless people crisscross the battlefield and frighten 100000 troops. They are by no means opponents. Only by surrendering can they save their lives

Before Li Xiaochang had time to speak, there was a sudden chaos in the city. He only heard the city gate rumbling and opening. Someone boarded the city and shouted, "Chai Shaogong welcomes brother Shimin into Chang\'an city!"

The eldest sun Wuji smiled at the success of the plot and said, "great things have been done. General Li should know where to go?"

From the beginning of Li valve\'s strategy for Guanzhong, the layout of the whole Guanzhong has been completed, and Chang\'an city is no exception.

Even if Li Xiaochang doesn\'t go out of the city to fight today, the private soldiers of the big valve in Chang\'an city should be offered to the city.

So it seems that Li Shimin\'s son is far more resourceful than ordinary people. He is indeed the capital of an owl.

"Someone... Convinced!"

Li Xiao often sighed and worshipped the local people by pushing Jinshan and pouring Yuzhu.

"Congratulations, Lord. It\'s settled in Guanzhong to accept such a great general!"

As the master of Li Shimin\'s scheme, Chang sun Wuji also brushed his sleeves and laughed.

This kneeling represents the end of the battle for hegemony in Guanlong.

Since then, Li valve will stabilize the town of Chang\'an City, and its power is at its zenith. There is no resistance in the north.

Li Shimin picked up Li Xiaochang, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Chang\'an is stable. Thank you, general. As soon as my father arrived, Shimin immediately asked for merit for the general."

Li Xiaochang hurriedly hugged his fist and said, "the end will dare not obey orders."

When Li Xiaochang came down to the city, Li Shimin followed him to Chang\'an City, stood at the head of the city, looked at the south, and said in a deep voice, "Wuji."

The eldest sun Wuji stood beside him and arched his hands and said, "what do you want, Lord?"

Li Shimin said, "Guanzhong has decided to return to Qinchuan for eight hundred miles. Chang\'an Weishui League, Guanzhong sword sect and jingzhaolian are all great forces in the Jianghu. If they can be used, accept them to enter Tiance mansion. If they can\'t be used for me, you know what to do..."

"If you don\'t obey, kill them all!"

Changsun Wuji clung to his fist and said, "Tiance mansion should clear the way for the Lord!"

Li Shimin nodded with satisfaction and sighed: "as soon as Yang Guang dies, the world will be in chaos. I hope Cihang Jingzhai will go here to layout the Jianghu and not disappoint me......"