The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2270

Li Shimin specially used his internal strength. His internal strength was strong, but his voice was also vigorous and stirring, and spread to the city far away.

Li Xiao often pressed his waist knife and hummed, "Li Yuan and his son, but they are disorderly subjects and thieves! What can I say?"

Li Shimin laughed loudly on his horse and said, "I\'ve heard that General Li is a good general in the world for a long time. When I see him today, it seems that he has overstated his name."

Li Xiaochang paid the most attention to his reputation and said with a sneer: "is he a good general? I don\'t bother you, a yellow mouthed child to evaluate it. I\'m afraid Li Yuan, the Duke of the Tang Dynasty, didn\'t dare to talk to this general like this. If he wanted to fight, would he be afraid of you?"

"That\'s bad!"

Li Shimin shook his head and sighed: "The general\'s bravery and heroism in guarding Chang\'an city is worthy of the admiration of the people of the world. However, his father has sent a senior general in the valve to capture the counties around Chang\'an. Chang\'an is now just a lonely city. Yang Guang, the emperor, died violently in Jiangdu, and the world fell apart in the Sui Dynasty. At this time, the world fell into chaos. The general\'s loyalty has no meaning to the people of Chang\'an City..."

"The people of the world only ask, if I stick to Chang\'an and only surround but don\'t attack, how can the food and grass in Chang\'an city be the successor and how can the people eat?"

As the saying goes, when you attack a city, you attack the city. When you attack a city, you attack the heart.

Li Shimin is familiar with military books and strategies. Obviously, he knows this well. These words say that the Chang\'an City garrison generals in the city are shocked and fall into panic

"What the boy said is very reasonable. Chang\'an City has become an isolated city, and there is not enough food!"

"Alas! The granary outside the city must have been broken. We are surrounded. It\'s a turtle in a jar!"

"Let\'s see what the general says..."


Everyone talked loudly. Li Xiaochang frowned deeply and stared at Li Shimin under the city.

Kill and kill.

Li Shimin is very powerful.

This light sentence has created a feeling that Chang\'an can not be defended for a long time, so that Chang\'an city guards will fall into panic and waver in their morale.

"Don\'t pretend to be benevolent and righteous, and disturb my army!"

Li Xiaochang shouted flatly.

He was also a general of the Sui Dynasty, otherwise he would not have been sent to guard such an important city as Chang\'an.

"Today, you can\'t succeed even if you have a clever tongue. Come and fight if you want. My general is waiting for you!"

Li Shimin made a gesture of compassion for heaven and man and said, "general, it seems that a bloody battle is inevitable. But Shimin is afraid that the people in the city have no food to eat. Can we let the people out of the city? Our army has opened warehouses outside the city and prepared rice porridge so that the people will not starve to death."

"This son is by no means ordinary."

Li Xiaochang\'s hair stands on end.

Open the warehouse and release food to the enemy.

He clearly knew that this was Li Shimin\'s heart attack strategy, but there was no way to stop Li Shimin from racing.

The soldiers guarding the city in Chang\'an felt Li Shimin\'s benevolence and couldn\'t help but have a sincere respect: "Taiyuan Li valve is so benevolent and righteous. It\'s really the teacher of the king!"

In the Li valve array, sun Wuji, the chief counselor who was quietly observing, also had a strange light in his eyes. He glanced at Li Shimin\'s back and thought to himself, "Shimin will become a great weapon in the future!"

There was a buzzing voice at the head of the city. It seemed that the morale of the army was a little unstable.

"Damn it!"

Li Xiaochang gritted his teeth and shouted, "don\'t talk nonsense. There is only one war today. If you want Chang\'an City, step on the general\'s body first!"

The fierce generals around also roared: "if you want to attack Chang\'an City, step on a certain body first!"

"OK! Then please ask general Li to go out of the city and have a good fight."

Li Shimin smiled and said, "if General Li wins this war, Shimin will never say more and directly lead the army back to Taiyuan."

"That\'s what you said!"

Li Xiaochang waved with a sneer and said, "follow the general out of the city and defeat the Tang army!"


In Chang\'an City, there was a sudden roar of killing.

Li Xiaochang, wearing strong armor and carrying a long knife, led the army to kill him surrounded by dozens of fierce generals.

"Li Xiaochang is the son of Li Yuantong, a great general of the Sui Dynasty. He has a family tradition of martial arts. He is known as the first senior general in Guanzhong. He has fought with Xue Ju of the Western Qin Dynasty for several times. The world people should be careful..."

Changsun Wuji whispered to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was indifferent, squinting and smiling. He just waited for Li Xiaochang to stabilize the formation, looked around and asked, "Yuanba, you fight Li Xiaochang."

A skinny boy with a face like a sick ghost, holding two big hammers like water tanks, was eager to try for a long time and shouted, "second brother, look at me smashing this guy with a hammer!"

Li Shimin hurriedly said, "no! Don\'t kill Li Xiaochang. This man is a senior general of Chang\'an. If you can accept him, you will get 100000 troops of Chang\'an. Don\'t hurt this man."

Li Yuanba tilted his lips and didn\'t say much. Riding on wanliyun, he carried the golden hammer of drum beating urn and killed in front of the battle.

Li Xiaochang gathered more than a dozen fierce generals around him, all of them with strong backs. Seeing Li Yuanba\'s strange appearance, he burst into laughter: "this boy didn\'t wean, did he run out to die?"

"Li valve has no one left. Send a child out?!"

"Those two big hammers, I\'m afraid they\'re not made of paper?"

"I can crush his eggs with one hand!"

"General Li, the last general will ask to go to war!"


Seeing Li Yuanba\'s thin young body, everyone had the idea of looking down on him.

Li Xiaochang said with a smile, "Li Shimin, you are also a talent. Just shoot this boy to fight. This general can\'t win you!"

Li Shimin hugged his fist and said, "if General Li wins over my brother Yuanba, I will immediately withdraw my troops and return to Taiyuan and never step into Chang\'an again."

"Well, that\'s what you said!"

Li Xiaochang raised his knife in awe and shouted, "kill this boy!"

Before the words fell, Li Yuanba, who was playing against him, was impatient. Wan Liyun hissed like a dragon and galloped towards Chang\'an formation.


Chang\'an\'s fierce generals have red eyes. Looking at Li Yuanba, they seem to see a reward sent to the door, such as a hungry wolf who pours on food and kills him.

"Kill, kill!"

Li Yuanba galloped into the crowd with his horse, and the golden hammer of drum beating urn crashed down like thunder god.

The fine steel long knife in the palm of the first Chang\'an fierce general was smashed and broken. The hammer power of the crazy bully fell on his head, smashing him with people and horses into a pool of meat and mud