The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2269

Xu Ziling said with a wry smile, "what\'s the trick? The power of Yugu culture is too great. With your and my current strength, if you want to assassinate him for your mother\'s revenge, you can only borrow Yang Guang\'s knife..."

The two said as they walked. Before they reached the palace, they saw an old eunuch holding a dust brush to guide the road. They immediately stopped talking and only used eye contact.

The courtyard is deep, with continuous green trees and flowers in full bloom.

In the palace, there are red bricks, green tiles, colored glass and gold walls. There is no better wealth in the world.

Between the pavilions and pavilions in the pattern of Jiangnan, there are flowers and plants dotted among them. Only when I turn around a corridor, I see a pool of clear spring, flat as a mirror. Beside the pool, flowers are in full bloom, branches are beautiful in autumn, reflected in the water, and there is no ripple on the water surface. The flowers and water colors are reflected in each other.

Kou Zhong was dazzled and made eye contact with Xu Ziling: "I\'ll live in such a big house in the future. It\'s a fucking enjoyment!"

Xu Ziling was also surprised and thought: no wonder this confused King Yang Guang wants to search everywhere for the way of longevity and have a dream of longevity. It\'s a pity that there has been such a good thing since ancient times?

The longevity formula is said to be handed down by the ancient immortal master guangchengzi, but up to now, the cultivation method has been lost, let alone the longevity Avenue.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling also practiced the longevity formula under the condition of accidental collision. Once they reversed Yin and Yang, they returned to nature the day after tomorrow.

However, they also got into a series of big troubles and carried a deep blood feud for Fu Junpeng. They were chased and killed all the way. Fortunately, they had good luck and their martial arts improved rapidly while running for their lives. They can be alone in the Jianghu.

At this time, they were in Jiangdu and wanted to give Yang Guang the account book of Dongming school, which they had come through thousands of hardships and narrowly escaped death.

The Dongming sect is a world-famous weapon manufacturer. There are business contacts with the Yuwen family in the account books. Xu Ziling came up with a plan to present the evidence of the Yuwen valve\'s rebellion to Yang Guang. It\'s best to provoke Yang Guanglong Yan\'s anger. If he destroys the Yuwen family, he can avenge Fu Junxiang.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, but it is too immature after all.

The general trend of the world moves the whole body. Yang Guang is not ambitious at this time. He only wants to be extravagant and licentious. Where dare he move Yuwen valve, one of the four valves?

"Your Majesty, I have brought you."

The old eunuch led them to a gorgeous palace and bowed down.

Soon, an echo came from the palace: "bring it in."

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged eyes and walked towards the palace.

The palace is resplendent. Countless night pearls are inlaid on the dragon column at the top of the palace. It is bright and luxurious than outside.

When you step into the hall, you will have a warm and mellow aroma of wine drilling into your nose, and the sound of silk and bamboo can be heard all the time. There are also dancers wearing only gauze inch strands who dance gracefully and intoxicatingly

Kou Zhong\'s eyebrows were as thick as two knives, and he was angry: the people outside were displaced and there was blood, fire and war everywhere. The foolish king was so extravagant and licentious. Damn it!

Shuanglong is from the bottom people. Naturally, it is clear that this palace looks brilliant and prosperous, but it is made of the people\'s fat and cream of the people all over the world!

"I\'ve heard that two Aiqing have presented their immortal skills. I don\'t know where they are?"

At this time, Yang Guang is surrounded by several beauties, crossing the wine by mouth, happy like a fairy.

Seeing that his face was vain and pale, and his eyes were dark blue with excessive lust, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were disgusted.

However, in order to revenge, Kou Zhongzheng was going to hand Yang Guang the account book hidden in his sleeve. He heard Xu Ziling exclaim, "no!"

Kou Zhong was awed and ran the longevity formula. He faintly heard the sound of heavy iron boots stepping in the palace.

"No! There are soldiers and horses in the palace!"

Before the two of them could react, the gate of the palace had been opened. Teams of fierce soldiers in iron armor stepped heavily and rushed into the palace.

Surrounded by the crowd, Yu wenhuaji with a high crown moth stepped into the palace with his hands down. Sima Dekan, the commander of the forbidden army, pressed the knife with his right hand and followed him.

When the tiger and wolf forbidden troops entered the palace, they didn\'t say much. Finally, they exposed their tusks and began to hold high the sword and kill the guards in the palace.

"Yu wenhuaji, do you want to rebel?!"

No matter how slow Yang Guang reacted, when the forbidden army reached the door, he also reacted, changed his color and pointed to Yu wenhuaji.

Yu Wenhua and sneered and said, "Yang Guang, you have acted perversely and harmed the people all over the world. Today someone will kill it for the people all over the world!"

With that, Yu wenhuaji made a decisive gesture and said, "if the Sui Dynasty lost its deer, the world will chase it! If anyone takes Yang Guang\'s head today, he will reward thousands of gold and seal thousands of households!!"

In the palace, the sound of killing is like thunder.

Yang Guang\'s eyes were wide, as if he couldn\'t believe everything in front of him



Chang\'an city.

The walls, which are more than twenty feet high, are built of solid stones, towering over the sky.

From a distance, Chang\'an city is like a majestic steel beast, lying between heaven and earth, with nothing broken.

At the head of the city, Chang\'an soldiers held their swords and guns tightly, looked trembling, and couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of water.

Looking into the distance, black cavalry appeared on the vast horizon!

From a distance, it looks like a group of countless ants, coming in vast groups!

The horse\'s hooves roared, the ground began to shake, and the rolling smoke swept like a dragon!

Between heaven and earth, there are suffocating terrorist killing machines!

"What a powerful Xuanjia heavy ride!"

The guard General Li Xiaochang\'s pupils suddenly contracted. After a long battle, it\'s not hard to see that this Xuanjia cavalry, whether it\'s equipment, weapons and horses, is absolutely the first-class in the world. Look at the military flag, which is angry in the wind, with the word "Li" written on it.

"Taiyuan Li valve, can\'t you sit still at last!?"

Li Xiaochang raised his hand in awe and shouted, "Archer, prepare!"

The Xuanjia heavy cavalry all over the mountains and fields stepped on the mountains and rivers and killed them, surrounded the whole Chang\'an City on all sides.

In the bleak and solemn sound of the horn, a young man wearing a gold helmet and a gold armor slowly rode out, stopped outside the shooting range of the bow and arrow in the city, and shouted, "Li Shimin, please come forward and talk to General Li!"