The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2268

Liu Hao\'s mind moved and immediately swept onto the snow treading dragon Huang\'s back. The divine horse had a spirit. He immediately calmed down. He was just a pair of clear horse eyes staring at the glass jade bottle in Liu Hao\'s hand, showing a look of longing.

"Try it!"

Liu Hao was also quite curious. He didn\'t know what would happen after the snow treading Dragon Phoenix used the ancient real dragon blood.

When the ancient real dragon blood in the glass jade bottle was poured into the mouth of the snow treading Dragon Phoenix, the change became abrupt.

I saw that the snow-white male body of the snow-stepping Dragon Phoenix began to turn red gradually. It was as red as the blood of the ancient real dragon. It was shining. It was like a red dragon scale on the horse\'s back!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The snow treading Dragon Phoenix seemed to be in extreme pain. Her four hooves planed to the ground. Her mouth made a deep roar, like a dragon singing and shaking. All the horses around were frightened and retreated in fear

"System, I need an explanation!"

Long Huang followed her to conquer the world for many years. Liu Hao saw the old man in such pain for the first time. She was worried about losing.

"The snow treading Dragon Phoenix swallowed the blood of the ancient real dragon and is washing bones and cutting marrow. There is a small chance to trigger atavism. Please wait patiently..."

These changes immediately attracted all the Han people.

Lu Miaozi came forward and walked around the snow treading Dragon Phoenix. Finally, he looked shocked, his eyes flashed, and shouted, "dragon horse, dragon horse is born!"

"Your Majesty, I remember an ancient book that said that the dragon horse is the essence of heaven and earth. It is also shaped and the horse body has scales. Therefore, it is called the dragon horse. It is eight feet and five inches high. It is like a Luo with wings and dances in the water..."

The people looked at each other and were more and more shocked: "this dragon horse is a legendary sage mount!"

"The hair is as red as blood, and the body has dragon scales. The snow treading Dragon Phoenix has really returned to its ancestors!"

Liu Hao was also more and more surprised. Lu Miaozi was right. After swallowing the blood of the ancient real dragon, the snow treading Dragon Phoenix became very similar to the ancient books.

This is no longer limited by any kind of god horse. Drinking ancient real dragon blood and returning to ancestors are real ancient strange animals, which can be said to be auspicious!

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Step Snow Dragon Phoenix (successfully promoted to pseudo God level): a peerless God foal that follows the blood of ancient gods and beasts. Step snow through clouds, run across rivers and seas. When the master rides and fights, the force value is increased by 4. Depending on the tacit understanding with the master, the combat power is + 4%.

Special attribute 1, Long Wei: you have a chance to make a dragon roar, frighten ordinary horses and make ordinary horses panic.

Special attribute 2, atavism: after swallowing the blood of the ancient real dragon, the snow treading Dragon Phoenix has a certain atavism. If she is lucky again, she can continue to be promoted to the ancient divine beast Longma!

The crowd gathered around the snow treading Dragon Phoenix and marveled one after another.

Even the well-informed Lu Miaozi stroked his beard and murmured: "this must be the ancient divine beast dragon and horse. His Majesty the holy emperor will never meet a wise king before he can have this fortune. All the Qi in the world belongs to the Han..."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Lu Miaozi\'s loyalty to the host is + 10. The current loyalty has reached full value, and the additional reward worship value is 3000 points!"

As soon as the dragon horse came out, it was an unexpected joy to brush the loyalty of his father-in-law Lu Miaozi.

At this time, the snow treading Dragon Phoenix has gradually calmed down. After swallowing the dragon blood, it is more powerful and majestic than before.

Long Huang shook her red sideburns and hummed to Liu Hao. Liu Hao felt a weak spiritual consciousness and was communicating with herself.

"Master, come up..."

"It is said that the ancient divine beast has a good mouth and human language. The Dragon Phoenix seems to have gained a lot of benefits. This wave of ancient dragon blood is not at a loss, but it is a pity that there is not enough ancient real dragon blood to help the Dragon Phoenix wash bones and cut marrow completely..."

Liu Hao moved and was not polite. He grabbed the horse back of the snow stepping dragon Huang.

Hey, law!

The snow treading Dragon Phoenix raised her hooves and suddenly burst into a scream. The horses of the three armies of the Han Dynasty knelt to the ground to show their submission.

Hearing the thunderous drums, the snow treading Dragon Phoenix galloped out like an arrow.

"The real beast dragon horse can soar through the clouds and gallop through the sky. It can be called a heavenly horse. Now the Dragon Phoenix is at least twice as fast as before, cool..."

As the owner of the snow treading Dragon Phoenix, Liu Hao can feel the change of his mount most subjectively.

With the speed of the wind and the speed of the lightning, the earth and grass debris on the ground were raised one after another. The snow treading dragon Huang had run a hundred feet away. The big men were shocked again and couldn\'t help shouting abnormal:

"Sure enough, he deserves to be the descendant of the ancient divine beast dragon and horse! At such a speed, ordinary war horses can\'t even see the mud and dust behind his horse\'s tail!"



The general trend of the world is surging.

Since the collapse of the two armies fighting against Shuchuan, the chaos in the world has been out of Yang Guang\'s control.

Princes everywhere, such as Li Yuan, are all Yin worshipping Yang, disobeying tone and propaganda.

It can be said that the imperial court\'s prestige was lost, and Yang Guang had only 200000 forbidden troops left to play, but he was used to pleasure. How could he play all his last cards?

If 200000 forbidden troops are sent out to invade the world, Jiangdong thugs will kill Jiangdu crazily and take his head.

The north is full of blood and fire. At this time, the river capital is also surging.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling walked side by side and stepped into the land of right and wrong.

"The world is in chaos, but the Jiangdu is singing and dancing. This Yang Guang is really a big fool."

Xu Ziling observed the surrounding situation and sighed in a low voice.

His eyes are long and fairy, his nose is high, his forehead is wide, his shoulders are wide, his waist is narrow, and there is often a sunny smile around his mouth, such as the jade of Zhongshan. The spirit he carries on his body makes people know that this son is by no means a thing in the pool.

"Ling Shao, it\'s really wonderful for you to use a knife to kill people. Fight the world with me in the future. I\'ll be a big general and appoint you as a big military division. Our two dragons are invincible in the world."

Kou Zhong\'s eyes were firm, but a cynical smile hung around his mouth.

Kou Zhong is one year older than Xu Ziling, but he is half an inch shorter. He has broad shoulders and thick shoulders.

Although he owes Xu Ziling\'s handsome appearance, he has a square face and big ears, and the outline has a strong meaning full of masculinity. His expression is diffuse and indifferent. He is very attractive. His eyes are deep and flexible, and he is no less than Xu Ziling. At this time, the sun shines on his masculine cheek, which makes him more dignified and determined