The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2267

This proud old man is a little interesting.

"You underestimate me too much. I\'m determined to sweep the world and have eight wasteland and Six Harmonies in my mind. Can\'t I allow a woman to show?"

Liu Hao said firmly, "there must be a place for Xiuyu in the harem."

There is no need to talk to smart people. As soon as they say it, it will be bright. Lu Miaozi understood it for seconds and no longer tangled. He bowed down to Liu Hao and made great gifts to monarchs and officials.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. You have accepted Lu Miaozi, a peerless talent. The additional reward and worship value is 3000 points. At present, Lu Miaozi\'s loyalty is 90 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

As a matter of fact, the collector Xiu Pei entered the harem, except that Liu Hao really liked him, he also laid out the layout to win over Lu Miaozi.

Lu Miaozi, a talented person, doesn\'t have any fetters with him. It\'s basically impossible to reason and accept him.

At this time, the two treated each other with the courtesy of kings and ministers. Liu Hao asked, "I heard that Duke Lu once built a treasure house of Duke Yang in Chang\'an. It\'s amazing. Is there such a thing?"

Lu Miaozi was slightly stunned and said, "I really made it. Your majesty wants..."

Lu Miaozi has a wide range of friends, not only with the evil emperor Xiang Yutian, but also with Yang Su, the Duke of Chu in the Sui Dynasty.

After Yang Su became a supreme minister, he wanted to go further and try to seize the position of the ninth five year plan, so he asked Lu Miaozi to build this Yang Gong treasure house for him. There are countless hidden armor, including a secret road to Chang\'an palace. In order to mutiny and seize power one day.

Unfortunately, good fortune made people angry. Yang Guang\'s spirit was not exhausted at that time. Yang Su fell short of success after all. The whole family was killed. Yang Guang\'s opponents and ministers became more and more suspicious, leading to the escape of Pushan Gong Li mi from the Jianghu

These old things will not be mentioned for the time being.

Liu Hao said with a light smile: "since you know the map channel of the treasure house, it\'s easy to do. With this dark hand, you will surprise Li valve in the future!"

"Your Majesty is so farsighted that I admire him very much!"

Lu Miaozi was awed.

This is really from the bottom of my heart, amazed by Liu Hao\'s far-reaching vision and layout.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "why should Duke Lu? When I return to baling City, I will discuss the general trend with Duke Lu again. I will get the help of Duke Lu tonight."

Lu Miaozi immediately took out the wine. The father and son-in-law were happy to have a good talk with the wine.

Early the next morning, Liu Hao didn\'t stay much. He took Lu Miaozi, said goodbye to Shang Xiuyu, and returned to baling city.

After taking over the Pegasus ranch and cutting off the four bandits, Liu Hao\'s action was successfully completed. It was only a systematic reward, which was not distributed for a long time.

"System, don\'t pretend to be dead. I want the task end reward of Pegasus ranch!"

On his way home, Liu Hao communicated with the system with his mind.

After a long time, a prompt sound came from the system: "the reward has been sent to the host\'s storage space. Please check it by yourself!"

Liu Hao can\'t wait to open the storage space and impressively finds several hidden treasure boxes that haven\'t been opened, one of which emits a light of lavender.

"That night, when the four big bandits were slaughtered, several treasure boxes and this lilac treasure box were burst out. At least it was rated as a hypocrite, ha ha!"

Seeing the reward, Liu Hao was in a good mood. Without hesitation, he turned on the super lucky mode and entered the crazy box opening mode.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the platinum treasure chest and obtained straw sandals * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the platinum treasure chest and obtained the steel knife * 1!"

"Congratulations to the host, who opened the platinum treasure chest and obtained broken armor!"

"Congratulations to the host, opened the diamond chest and obtained 1000 liang of gold!"


After opening these treasure boxes, Liu Hao\'s face turned black.

This... NIMA!

The platinum treasure box contributed by these unlucky children is simply rubbish in rubbish!

"Just save your character. According to the law of character conservation, the next treasure chest must be the best. Open it for me!"

Liu Hao rubbed his hands, and his heart was raised to his throat. He only heard a system prompt sound suddenly sounded:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has successfully opened the hidden treasure box of the false god rating and obtained the ancient real dragon blood!"

All the treasure boxes disappeared, and a purple glazed jade bottle appeared in the storage space.

Liu Hao looked at it carefully and felt that there was a drop of red blood floating in the lilac glass jade bottle.

This drop of blood, as if it had life, turned into a red dragon. It kept wriggling and rolling in the glass jade bottle. Just one look gave people a feeling of boundless burning and stinging pupils.

"Ancient real dragon blood, can you drink this?"

Liu Hao thought of a film and television play called Fengyun, in which there are different species such as Kirin and real dragon.

In ancient times, the real dragon only existed in myths and legends. The dragon scale can make invincible weapons. Eating the dragon meat can greatly increase people\'s strength and swallow the dragon Yuan gathered by the essence of the real dragon, then it can live forever.

Liu Hao only knows that the real dragon is a rare treasure, but he doesn\'t know the real use of ancient real dragon blood. To be safe, he\'d better ask the instructions first:

"System, can the ancient real dragon blood be drunk directly? For example, after drinking, it has the power of the real dragon and becomes an immortal?"

"The host thinks too much. Drinking ancient real dragon blood will produce physical evolution, which may be accompanied by various atavistic effects, such as scales on the body and horns on the head... As for its specific effects, there are infinite possibilities. Please try it yourself!"

After a cold explanation of the system, he began to pretend to be dead again.


Liu Hao looked at the glass jade bottle in his hand and felt a twinkling of pain

This ancient real dragon blood must be extraordinary, but according to the meaning of the system, it is not suitable for people to drink.

Thinking about the scales growing on his body or the horns growing on his head, Liu Hao felt a little cold in his heart. Didn\'t he become a monster?

The beauty supporting the whole Han Dynasty collapsed, absolutely not

While thinking about the use of ancient real dragon blood, Liu Hao suddenly heard bursts of screams outside.

"What\'s going on?!"

Pushing open the curtain of the carriage, he looked out, but he saw the snow treading dragon Huang hissing, and Shen Lian on the edge was sweating.

The snow treading dragon phoenix is not only a different species of heaven and earth, but also an emperor\'s mount. Naturally, he is not easy to use force to suppress it. He can only watch him irritable and hiss.

Liu Hao\'s heart moved slightly: "is it related to the ancient real dragon blood?"