The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2266

It turns left and right, passes through the corridor with endless beautiful scenery, and after passing through a bamboo forest, the sound of water is loud. It turns out that it is a Square Pavilion, facing a hundred feet high cliff in front, and a waterfall falls down the cliff. The momentum is pressing. If it is not separated by the bamboo forest, the roaring sound of water waterfall can be heard in the courtyard.

When Liu Hao went upstairs quietly and found the old man, the old man had a moment of mental alert on his simple face and asked, "how did you find me?"

Lu Miaozi!

The old man has a very special face, simple and unsophisticated. His long dark eyebrows extend to his temples, but the other end is connected on the ear beam, which is in sharp contrast to his gloomy eagle eyes. The bridge of his nose is as straight and powerful as his waist. In addition, he naturally reveals proud tight lips, slender and clean face and mouth corners, and melancholy wrinkles at present, It gave him a look of indifference, fatigue and sadness.

Who thought that after being hurt by love, the peerless strange man who could not appear in the world hid in the Pegasus ranch?

"As soon as you show up today, I\'ll lock your qi. Within two hundred feet, as long as you don\'t surpass the great master\'s realm and never die, I\'ll always find you."

Liu Hao said while looking at Lu Miaozi\'s attributes with his Qi skill.

Lu Miaozi - force 73 (serious injury), intelligence 95, politics 92, command 84, talent 96!

Stunts, talent: Lu Miaozi is extremely talented. He is proficient in martial arts, medicine, gardens, architecture, art of war, Yi Rong, astronomy, calendar calculation and organs!

Acceptance speed of learning new things + 50%!

"Ghost talent! This is a peerless ghost talent!"

Liu Hao, who is used to seeing talented people, also gave a high evaluation of his cheap father-in-law.

Ordinary genius, proficient in a certain field, can stand out and be heard in the world.

Lu Miaozi is a super genius with all-round development. He teaches all kinds of things and has dabbled in

This is a real evil.

However, Liu Hao\'s mental exploration also keenly felt that his father-in-law\'s face was a kind of bleeding pallor, and there was a slight stagnation between breathing, which seemed to be seriously injured.

"Great master, beyond the realm of great master..."

Lu Miaozi stared at Liu Hao strangely and murmured, "around the age of 30, he was beyond the realm of a great master... So talented... Xiang Yutian was not as good as you. He was... He was a monster!"

He felt that if he stayed with Liu Hao more, he would live less than a year.

It\'s easy to talk to smart people. Liu Hao didn\'t deny it, but said with a indifferent smile: "if the evil emperor Xiang Yutian is still alive, he may have transcended the realm of great master..."

While talking, Liu Hao observed Lu Miaozi\'s face and found that he immediately stopped talking. There seemed to be something different in his face, and he couldn\'t help but burst into a sudden in his heart:

"Is it difficult... Is the evil emperor Xiang Yutian still alive?"

When you think about it, it\'s actually possible.

The evil emperor planted demons in Yutian\'s heart that year, pushing the invincible hand in the Jianghu. The devil\'s power covers the world. It is definitely a great master\'s realm.

Like Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan and others among the eight masters of the magic gate, they are all young people in front of Xiang Yutian. Such amazing people have lived for hundreds of years. How can they be so quietly annihilated in the world of great controversy?

Lu Miaozi was very tight lipped. He changed the subject and said in a deep voice: "you can\'t be a person like you for thousands of years. The Han Dynasty dominates Shu and invades Jing and Chu. It has become a king\'s domineering spirit... It\'s also fate for you to talk to Xiu Pei. I just hope you don\'t forget your original intention and don\'t lose Xiu Pei in the future..."

Shang Xiuyu is the daughter of Lu Miaozi and Shang Qingya. Lu Miaozi is desperate for his feelings and has suffered an incurable injury. Now his last sustenance is this daughter.

"My woman will not let her suffer any injustice."

Liu Hao\'s eyes fell on Lu Miaozi and said, "I\'m here today to ask Duke Lu to go out of the mountain, assist the Dynasty and settle the world!"

How can a ghost like my father-in-law let him hide his pearl?

Lu Miaozi said with a bitter smile, "the past is like dust. With the eyesight of the holy emperor, I should not fail to see that I have been injured incurably, and my life span is only a few months?"

"Such an injury, in fact, is nothing."

Liu Hao took out a renyuanshen pill from his sleeve and put it into Lu Miaozi\'s hand. He said calmly, "renyuanshen pill can reverse nature and reverse life and death."

This is the supreme mystery of forgetting love in ancient times.

Through some ancient books, Liu Hao also got some secret news. It is said that this Tianyuan divine pill is a fairy medicine. If swallowed, it can make people soar to the land of immortals.

Diyuanshen pill is also a holy product of the pill. After swallowing it, it has the power of dragon and tiger, channels, acupoints and orifices. It can be connected in one breath and has the cultivation of a master.

The effect of this human yuan Shen pill is naturally not as good as that of the heaven and earth double God pill, but it also has the power to reverse nature, recover all injuries and greatly increase people\'s life.

"It\'s no small thing to dare to take the name of renyuanshen pill!"

Lu Miaozi took the pill, looked at it and swallowed it without hesitation.

Everyone is afraid of death, and smart people are afraid of death.

In particular, seeing his daughter\'s life entrusted to him, Lu Miaozi, as a father, was always worried about Liu Hao\'s character and wanted to observe it on the side.


Quietly waiting for the medicine to evaporate, about half an hour later, Lu Miaozi suddenly took a breath, shook his body, took off a layer of black dirt and dirt, and sighed like waking up from a dream: "there is such a divine pill of creation, which is more than the relic of the evil emperor!"

"How can the evil emperor\'s relic be compared with the Sanyuan Taoist pill?"

Liu Haoxiang smiled.

The so-called evil emperor\'s relic is just that several generations of demon sect masters poured their internal power into a strange crystal before their death. For ordinary people, if they absorb the skills of the evil emperor\'s relic, they can immediately become a famous expert in the world, so it\'s amazing.

But for Liu Hao, it\'s really nothing.

There are all kinds of wonders in the world of heaven. The Kunpeng method of the northern underworld has been handed down since ancient times. It can benefit oneself at the expense of others.

In the world of the Ming Dynasty, Hou Zhu, the iron gallbladder God, ignored it and absorbed the internal power of more than 100 top experts with the power absorption method, which can also achieve the same effect.

Lu Miaozi stood up and said in a deep voice, "I have never been favored by others in my life. Why not sell my life to you if I get another favor today? However, I still said ahead. If your Majesty the holy emperor always gives up on Xiuyu, I will... Judge myself immediately."