The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2265

"The field leader, the Great Han Shenghuang, is the hero of the world. It must be your ideal husband!"

"Marry the emperor! Marry the emperor!"

It immediately became the focus of attention of thousands of people. Shang Xiuyu\'s heart was shocked, but she blushed with shame, lost the style of strong women in the past, and said like a mosquito: "Your Majesty, your status is noble, where does Xiuyu deserve it? This... Don\'t mention it again..."

A woman naturally has her own reserve.

Even though Shang Xiuyu had an unspeakable affection for Liu Hao, he would not openly reveal his heart in front of the public.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "I want Shang Xiuyu, not the owner of Pegasus ranch. I will marry you."

Men and women\'s affairs are dominated by the man. How can old drivers such as Liu Hao miss such opportunities.

Just before the crowd, Liu Hao held the owner of Meier field, Shang Xiuyu, and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Shang Xiuyu\'s cheeks turned red to her ears. Although she dodged sideways, she had a strange desire in her heart. She looked more beautiful and moving.

"Ha ha, there\'s nothing wrong with heroes and beauties!"

"Only heroes such as the holy emperor can deserve our master!"

"There are two happy events tonight, the first is to kill the four fierce bandits, and the second is the event of the owner\'s life..."

"Long live the emperor!"

The people of Pegasus ranch began to shout loudly.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. She succeeded in flirting with her sister. Shang Xiu\'s favor with the host is + 20. The current favor is 90 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

"Congratulations to the host. The task of Pegasus ranch is completed. The reward will be sent to the host\'s storage space later!"

As soon as the old driver teased his sister, he was invincible.

Hearing the system prompt sound of the completion of the task, Liu Hao hung a faint smile around his mouth.

When everyone was jubilant, a man in the crowd stood up and shouted, "it\'s wrong. Please think twice. Pegasus ranch is detached from the world and can\'t participate in the hegemony!"

It was Tao Shusheng, the third deacon of Pegasus ranch.

Shang Xiupei hurriedly wanted to break free from Liu Hao\'s arms, but Liu Hao refused to let go. He firmly held the beauty\'s waist in his arm and sneered, "come here."

Royal Guards commander Shen Lian took a step forward and said with his fist: "I\'m here. What\'s your Majesty\'s order?"


Liu Hao waved his sleeve and drank coldly.


Shen Lian\'s eyes burst, and the embroidered spring Sabre clanged out of its scabbard, like a fierce tiger killing. One Sabre went straight to Tao Shusheng\'s head.


Tao Shusheng\'s eyes widened. This guy didn\'t expect that Liu Hao dared to kill him in front of the crowd!

With such a loss of mind, Shen Lian has cut off Tao Shusheng\'s head

"I have heard that this man is a traitor in Pegasus ranch. Send someone to search in his room. There must be a secret letter to prove it."


Royal Guards clung to their fists and took orders.

At this time, the people in Pegasus ranch were awed. Their uncle was not an ordinary person.

Break the army with a single knife and kill thousands of troops.

It\'s also the Jingchu overlord with extremely respected status. With one word, he killed all the 400000 Liang soldiers of Xiao milling!

Tao Shusheng, in the original book, is the twenty-five son who eats inside and eats outside. Killing him by thunder is like crushing an ant. Liu Hao naturally has no strange feeling in his heart. He just looks forward to Xiongshi, and no one dares to look at him. I don\'t know who began to take the lead and starts shouting again:

"The emperor\'s heroes are invincible, long live, long live!"

"The emperor\'s heroes are invincible, long live, long live!"

When the crowd cheered, Liu Hao was keenly aware of it. After the crowd, a lonely sigh sounded.


Liu Hao\'s five senses were so sharp that he noticed the abnormality in an instant, and a light smile could not help but appear at the corners of his mouth.


When the war ended and returned to the ranch castle, Shang Xiuyu was still a little confused.

Today, too many things have happened.

First I met Liu Hao, and then the whole ranch was attacked by the four powerful enemies. Liu Hao\'s unparalleled spirit of killing thousands of people with one knife, I\'m afraid it will be printed in her mind all her life

Of course, what bothered her more was Liu Hao\'s proposal to her in front of 10000 people.

I also secretly accepted it. On weekdays, women don\'t let men. The beauty owner who doesn\'t give false words to men is even worried about gain and loss.

"Miss, are you cooking?"

Xiaojuan, the maidservant in Pegasus ranch, hurried up to help and whispered: "I heard that the young lady promised to marry a great hero today. They all said that if you catch a man, you should catch his stomach. Shouldn\'t it be for my uncle to eat?"

"You talk too much!"

Shang Xiuyu\'s pretty face was suddenly covered with red clouds.


"Uncle, this chicken soup is made by our young lady with great effort!"

Xiaojuan held a plate and carefully put down a bowl in the plate.

The bowl is filled with steaming chicken soup, which emits an attractive fragrance and makes people move their fingers.


Liu Hao tried it. Sure enough, it was warm and delicious. As soon as his mind was clear, he was not polite at the moment. A large piece of Duo Shuo swept away the chicken soup.

In other words, Shang Xiuyu is definitely a model of a good wife and mother.

Not only the appearance is beautiful, the bearing is elegant, the key is the kitchen, and cooking is also unique.

Liu Hao couldn\'t help chuckling when he thought that he could show his cooking skills together with the beautiful cook Zhan Yun after bringing Shang Xiuyu into the harem.

"Thank you very much, Miss Xiu. I\'ll tell you... I\'ll be very happy if I can eat the chicken soup made by Xiu herself all my life."

Liu Hao smiled at Xiaojuan. Instead, the girl blushed and shouted, "I know!"

She ran away quickly with the empty bowl in her hand, but her heart was pounding: "no wonder miss is out of her mind. This uncle has extraordinary spirit. He is really the dragon among people!"

After enjoying the skill of the beauty field owner, it\'s time to do something serious.

Liu Hao put on his clothes and pushed the door out. He seemed to wander aimlessly around the castle. There were many beautiful gardens along the way. The houses were in order and scattered among the trees. It was elegant and vulgar. In fact, Liu Hao\'s gas engine had locked the familiar gas engine