The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2262


The three fierce bandits, Xiang batian, chicken and dog without room, and scorched earth with thousands of miles of hair dryness, are strong and powerful. They each carry knives and guns and face the pasture with a strange smile.

Ugly face, unspeakable violence.

Cao Yinglong, the head of the four bandits, looked calm, raised his hand and pressed it falsely. He said in a deep voice: "although attacking Pegasus ranch tonight has internal benefits, don\'t be careless. Pegasus ranch has stood in the Jianghu for so many years, it makes sense..."

"Boss, afraid of an egg!"

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"The killing is over. What else can the horse woman do!"

The three fierce bandits did not care, clapped their chests and screamed. The bandits in the forest also shouted and laughed, and the birds in the forest rustled and flew.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

At this time, a burst of crisp applause came from the forest.

"Who, come out!"

The four fierce bandits looked awe inspiring. They didn\'t hear when this man approached them!

Under the moonlight, he came in a purple shirt.

Liu Hao wore a sword on his waist. His eyes were piercing and cold. He slowly looked at the whole audience. A slight arc hung from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "tut Tut, you are the four bandits?"

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Xiang batian - force 83, intelligence 44, politics 34, command 62!

Stunt: Xiang Ba is naturally tyrannical and destroys countless people. Where he passes, there is no grass!

Kill more than 1000 people, force + 2!

Current force to batian + 2!

Fang Jianding - force 80, intelligence 33, politics 41, command 64!

Special effects: Fang Jianding is cruel and ruthless, and takes pleasure in killing.

Kill 1000 innocent people, Fang Jianding force + 3!

Current room Jianding force + 3!

Mao Zao - force 84, intelligence 45, politics 32, command 68!

Stunt, arson: Mao Zao is crazy when killing and setting fire. Force + 2!

Cao Yinglong - force 88, intelligence 64, politics 61, command 72!

Stunt, bandit leader: Cao Yinglong is the leader of the four bandits. The force of all bandits under his command is + 1!

"It\'s really a local chicken and dog..."

After seeing through all these people\'s trousers, Liu Hao couldn\'t help laughing.

Cao Yinglong, the head of the four bandits, suddenly changed his color, raised his gun and shouted, "who are you? Tonight, the four bandits are acting, and tens of thousands of troops are here. You\'d better not stand in the way, or you\'ll die without a burial place!"

"Boss, talk nonsense to him and do him!"

"Kill, kill!"

"Grass! This little white face wants to be a hero. I\'ll cut you into meat!"

Xiang batian, Mao Zao and others are also used to it. How can they pay attention to others.

Besides, they now have tens of thousands of troops. They have a chance to attack the city. They will be afraid of one person!?

"Surround him!"

The four fierce bandits also turned their horses one after another and came to kill Liu Hao with fierce eyes.


Liu Hao didn\'t say much either. When he stepped on the ground, he suddenly pulled himself up like a flying crane.

Clank sound, the moon sabre in the well has been out of its scabbard, and the blade reflects the moonlight. Suddenly, it blooms infinite brilliance and cuts off in the air towards the four bandits.

This Dao Gang is driven by the seven kill divine Dao. It has an unpredictable opportunity. It cuts through the sky like a concise moonlight.


Xiang batian, who rushed to the front, was robbed by Dao gang. He only had time to scream. That ugly brain bag flew into the sky, and the fierce and shocking expression on his face solidified

Liu Hao was like a lion fighting a rabbit. Before he fell down, he struck again and slashed angrily in the air.

The moon in the well was uncertain, and the brilliant knife Gang suddenly cut out with the blade. In the middle, the chicken and dog didn\'t leave room to see the tripod. He cut him into four sections, including people and horses.

When the blood splashed, the remaining two of the four bandits were stupid!

The thieves on the court also took a breath!

My heart is shaking!

It\'s horrible!

One man, one knife, step on the moon, kill in ten steps!

What a sabre!?

In the hearts of the thieves, there is a feeling and shock from the depths of their hearts, which is difficult to describe in words!

"This man\'s Sabre technique has reached an unpredictable level. Is it because of the lack of intimacy of Tiandao song?"

Cao Yinglong had the best eyesight. At this time, he was shocked and inexplicable. He reined in his horse and shouted, "go together and kill this man!"

After two leaders died, the fierce bandits woke up and rushed to Liu Hao from all directions.

Cao Yinglong is also a talent. The four bandits have been arrogant under Xiao Mi\'s eyes for so long, and they have their own reason.

The formation of these fierce bandits is not loose. Tens of thousands of people rush to kill, but also have extraordinary momentum.

At this time, Shang Xiupei, who led the soldiers to the racecourse, saw this scene and felt cold in his heart:

"The influence of Shu Han is like the sun in the middle of the sky. Liu Hao is also the leader of Shu Han and honored as the holy emperor. Today he is surrounded by thousands of people. If something happens to him, her Pegasus ranch will be razed to the ground by angry Shu Han fierce soldiers..."

Just as Shang Xiuyu was about to give orders and rescue Liu Hao, he saw a shocking scene:

Under the moonlight.

Liu Hao was among the thousands of troops. Suddenly, his feet touched a little on the head of a fierce bandit. The head of the fierce bandit burst open, but Liu Hao fluttered his wings like a Kunpeng, like the wings of a hanging cloud.


Almost no one saw how Liu Hao shot, only saw in the void, there was a knife Gang more than three feet long, which was integrated with Yuehua and turned into a bright yellow wild dragon. It was cold and violent, and it fell down everywhere!

The first one to bear the brunt was Cao Yinglong. His face changed sharply and he wanted to wave a long gun to stop it. However, the fierce gun momentum suddenly melted when he met Liu Hao\'s omnipotent knife strength.

The seven kill Sabre destroys all the strength of the sabre and splits the fierce bandit leader across the Jingchu into two parts.

The fierce bandits around Liu Hao were directly killed by more than ten people. Their limbs and arms were wasted and blood splashed!

"Immortal! It\'s an immortal!"

The only thing left was Mao Zao, who was scared to pee. There was a bad smell under his crotch. He turned back and pulled his horse and left.

He has been killing for decades. He regards human life as grass mustard. He never thought that one day he would be killed as a dog.

"Don\'t even want to go..."

Liu Hao\'s mouth hung a cold radian, his body flashed like a ghost, held the sky with a knife and cut it out again.

The gang of the seven killing sabres spread out, and a light layer of scarlet had been lingering, just like a blood moon. Suddenly, he cut off Mao Zao and intercepted him on the horse\'s back.

The war horse hissed and galloped, carrying half a hairy corpse and galloping