The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2261

The arrogance of Fang Qiu was created just after he conquered millions of troops and destroyed countless countries. The managers in the pasture were cold in heart and wanted to bend their knees and worship each other.

"Your Majesty has a good spirit."

Shang Xiupei\'s heart throbbed slightly. He bowed his head and replied, "Xiupei hopes everything will be as your majesty said."

Things have developed to this point. Pegasus ranch has completely fallen into the mud of hegemony. There is no other way except to make a choice and rely on one party\'s forces.

Liu Hao, is this the best choice?

Shang Xiu glanced at Liu Hao and felt thoughtful. It was not enough for foreign humanity.

"The beauty owner is smart."

When Shang Xiuyu looked at Liu Hao, Liu Hao\'s eyes moved and just landed on her jade cheek.

Being able to control such a big force is not a simple woman in itself. Now the deacon in the field hesitates, but she is decisive and decisive.

Their eyes met, and they had a strange feeling in their hearts. Shang Xiuyu hurriedly withdrew his eyes and felt a palpitation in his heart


When the atmosphere between them was ambiguous, a soldier from Pegasus ranch suddenly ran in out of the door, panting and shouting, "owner, it\'s bad... It\'s bad!"

"What\'s the matter? Speak slowly."

Shang Xiu, with a smile on her eyebrow, asked calmly, with an air of expectation and unchanged face.

The soldier seemed to be infected, calmed down, and said, "outside the racecourse, there are mountains and fields full of horse thieves. My subordinates... I can\'t see how many people there are. I\'m afraid the racecourse is lost, so I rushed back to report..."

There was an uproar in the hall.

Shang Zhen\'s face suddenly changed. He seemed to think of something. He sighed bitterly: "there is only one force in the land of jingling, which can support tens of thousands of people, rob villages and kill people..."

"Four bandits!"

"Definitely the four fierce bandits!"

Shang Xiu\'s pretty face was gradually dignified.

Liu Hao was slightly stunned, and a system prompt sound came from his ear:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. It triggered the hidden branch mission. Please help Pegasus ranch solve the danger of the four fierce bandits!"

Tip: [the faster you finish, the higher the end reward of Pegasus ranch. Please know!]

Liu Hao\'s spirit was slightly refreshed. His intuition told him that the ultimate reward of Pegasus ranch might be a surprise.

At present, the atmosphere of the whole Pegasus ranch has become solemn.

Shang Xiuyu showed the spirit of a strong woman, dispatched the troops and horses in the racecourse and began to gather in the open.

Naturally, the first Racecourse in the world also has corresponding guard forces. The horn sounded, and thousands of people gathered together.

Liu Hao looked at it with interest, but only saw Shang Xiuyu standing on the stage to boost her morale. Unexpectedly, she felt a sense of being a woman.

"It\'s really a strange woman with a soft exterior and a hard interior."

Shang Xiuyu arranged the military affairs in the racecourse, leaned over to Liu Hao and said, "Your Majesty, I\'m afraid of war tonight. I ordered my servants to prepare a clean room for your Majesty in the castle. Your majesty should have a rest as soon as possible..."

She arranged everything. Liu Hao smiled and said, "the four big bandits, I just want to get rid of them, but I don\'t want to hit the muzzle of the gun."

Knowing the plot of the original book, Liu Hao naturally knows the four fierce bandits. Among them, three "no grass" Xiang batian, "no chicken and dog" Fang Jianding and "scorched earth thousands of miles" Mao Zao are just dragon suits among dragon suits and murderous fugitives.

Only Cao Yinglong, the eldest of the four, is a registered disciple of the evil king shizhixuan, can he be regarded as the No. 1 figure.

"When you attack the Mausoleum City from baling, you must destroy the four bandits first. You won the moon in the well of the divine knife yesterday. You should brush your hands tonight..."

Liu Hao\'s heart moved and Huoran stood up.

He said that the emperor was really strong, and naturally there was a kind of imperialist bullying, which was involuntarily convincing.

Shang Xiuyu hesitated a little, but he began to dissuade him and said, "this is very dangerous. Why should his majesty be personally involved in this danger?"

"It doesn\'t matter. It\'s just like killing chickens and dogs."

Liu Hao shook his head and burst into laughter. The invincible hand under the immortal is not just talking. The eight masters of the magic door, Tianjun Xi Ying and Ziqi Tianluo, have reached the peak. They are only qualified to take a sad arrow from him. How many accomplishments can the four bandits have?

Now I don\'t say much. Liu Hao showed his body method and swept out.

Suddenly, the purple figure as noble as God crossed a distance of more than 20 feet. Mei Lan, Zhu Ju and other women followed, took only a few ups and downs, and disappeared into the boundless night.

The people of Pegasus ranch took a breath and couldn\'t believe their eyes!

This... What\'s going on?

Why did Liu Hao disappear in the blink of an eye? Is it a fairy!?

"What a powerful lightness skill!"

At this time, Shang Xiuyu woke up and gradually showed dignity and respect.

It\'s said that Liu Hao stepped on the exclusive castle alone in Sichuan and killed Xi Ying, the devil\'s heavenly king. He went to Lingnan alone and talked about Dao with song Kuang and convinced Tian Dao. It\'s not groundless.

"Your Majesty, shall we do it?"

Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, four girls, closely followed Liu Hao and asked.

"I haven\'t done it for a long time. How about trying the new treasure knife tonight..."

While talking, Liu Hao suddenly had a treasure knife in his hand.

It is the moon in the ancient magic knife well.

At this time, it was a cool night. The cold moonlight shone on the ancient blade. Emperor Liu Hao was really moving, and the blade was emitting a bright purple light.


This strong cold murderous gas will make your pupils tingle at a glance.

Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, four girls, in their beautiful eyes, uncontrollably blossomed the light of worship. The four girls took their swords, looked at each other, followed behind Liu Hao and swept away



"Boss, when did you attack Pegasus ranch?"

"It\'s said that the owner of Pegasus ranch is a beautiful woman. Let the boss go first and I\'ll have a mouthful of soup!"

"Hey, hey! There are only a few thousand people in the Pegasus ranch. We have insiders this time. We can kill Pegasus ranch!!"

"Howl, howl, howl! Rob money, rob grain, rob horses, rob women, rob his mother!"

Under the moonlight, in a dense forest, a group of thieves showed their fierce eyes and the sound of killing was boiling