The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2263


In this miraculous moment, everyone on the court was silent, only the sound of air-conditioning!

The four bandits almost doubted that they were wrong!

The four fierce bandits run across the south, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil. Xiao Mian doesn\'t dare to provoke them easily, and no one can do anything about them

However, tonight, the man in purple stabbed tens of thousands of people and even killed their four leaders!?

"My God, all four leaders are dead..."

"It\'s still human... It\'s a monster, it\'s a monster!"

"Immortal, the immortal has come to earth!!"

In the bandit array, some people were scared and shouted like crazy.

This kind of fear seems to be contagious. All the fierce bandits are in extreme panic. No one knows whether that magic knife will fall on themselves at the next moment

"I\'m afraid that song Ke, the best swordsman in the world, can match it..."

Shang Zhen, the housekeeper of Pegasus ranch, stared round. A group of managers in the ranch also looked shocked to the extreme. They couldn\'t believe what they saw

Shang Xiuyu sighed, with beautiful eyes and a complex look at Liu Hao\'s handsome figure in the army.

The scene just now may always be printed in her heart and become an eternal and shocking memory, accompanied by her all her life

As soon as the four murderers died, the whole situation collapsed in an instant.

Liu Hao\'s sword is one by one. The emperor\'s real strength is endless. He kills vertically and horizontally on the court. The seven killing magic sabres are the main killers. The more he kills, the more brave he is. He looks like a reckless and fierce beast who will never be tired.

The soldiers of Pegasus ranch also joined the battlefield. At this time, thousands of people intercepted and killed tens of thousands of people, which also occupied the absolute upper hand.

Under the cold moonlight, the killing was amazing.

At this time, there was another sound of horse hoofs thundering in the distance. I saw several royal guards in flying fish clothes and embroidered spring sabres galloping towards me.

"I beg your Majesty\'s pardon for your late escort!"

It is Shen Lian, the commander of the royal guards, who is the leader.

In fact, he and Ding Xiu had been far behind Liu Hao to solve some problems for Liu Hao. After receiving the news from Mei Jian, Shen Lian immediately led the royal guards to escort him.

The entrance of royal guards is like a sharp knife stabbing into the bandit array, and the overall situation is more one-sided.

Bandits kept rolling down from their horses and falling into the dust. The howls, screams and neighing of war horses were mixed together, which shocked the quiet night


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Kill Cao Yinglong, one of the four bandits. The additional reward is 2000 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Kill the four bandits Xiang batian. The additional reward worship value is 1500 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Kill the house of the four bandits. The additional reward worship value is 1500 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. You killed the Mao dryness of the four bandits. The additional reward worship value is 1500 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Kill the four bandits overnight. After the task is completed, the reward will be issued at the end of the task!"

A series of sounds of nature like system prompts suddenly sounded. Liu Hao glanced at the task progress list of the system and had a clear idea.

I\'m happy to kill tonight. I have a deeper understanding of the killing magic skill of seven kill magic knife, and the task progress of Pegasus ranch has been almost completed.

At the end of the night and dawn, the killing gradually subsided.

Standing on the hillside and looking down, there are corpses everywhere on the boundless plain, most of which are the bodies of thieves.

"Thank you for your help, or..."

Shang Xiuyu came up slowly and said gratefully to Liu Hao. Looking at Liu Hao\'s generous back, she had a wonderful sense of security in her heart.

If it weren\'t for Liu Hao\'s action, Pegasus ranch would be attacked by tens of thousands of thieves tonight. I\'m afraid it would fall into blood fire chaos, and I don\'t know how many people would lose their lives.

"If the four bandits dare to make trouble in my territory, they should be cut off."

Liu Hao waved, Shen Lian, who was bleeding all over, came up, held a knife and said, "what\'s your Majesty\'s order?"

"All four bandits must be killed, and none of them will be left!"

Liu Hao\'s voice was colder than the moonlight and full of killing opportunities.

These four bandits fled to the land of Jingchu, killing people and looting merchants, which is a big cancer.

Liu Hao can\'t tolerate sand in his eyes. He always adheres to the principle that if you dare to do something, you dare to destroy you.

Shen Lian said bluntly, "minister, take orders!"

After saying that, Shen Lian turned away with a roll of cloak.

"It\'s really a domineering means to kill thousands of troops with a hand-held knife and the Great Han Emperor?"

Liu Hao suddenly heard a voice of Yin, softness and evil charm. When he heard it, he was full of imagination and shaken.

"Tianyuan earth pole, God court does not move!"

Liu Hao was shocked and smiled: "since you are here, why hide your tracks?"

While talking, there was a flash of gold and purple in his eyes.

Where the eyes fall, the space is strangely folded, with a graceful and vulgar posture. Pingpingtingting comes out of the void.

This woman, wearing a black gauze dress, years have not left any trace on her face. Looking horizontally and vertically, she is just like a young woman in her twenties.

With her face half covered, Liu Hao could only see most of her face, but only the exposed part was charming and full of intoxicating style!

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

After Yin, I wish Yuyan - force 109, intelligence 84, politics 77, command 82, charm 102!

Stunt, heavenly Devil: Zhu Yuyan is the leader of Yin Kui sect. She controls the great magic method and only one step away from the top.

Zhu YuYan\'s combat power broke out when she fought the enemy with the magic method, temporarily increased by 5% - 10%!

"After Yin, wish Yuyan?"

Liu Hao took back his eyes, his expression unchanged, and just smiled calmly.

Liu Hao is used to seeing beautiful women no matter how beautiful they are. Although Zhu Yuyan is charming, she is also an old woman in her fifties and sixties.

"Your Majesty, it\'s an honor to recognize Yuyan."