The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2260

I saw a very attractive woman coming from a distance.

She was dressed in strong clothes. Her black and beautiful hair poured like two small waterfalls on her knife cut fragrant shoulders. Her elegant dress highlighted her outstanding face and her bronzed and shining delicate skin, exuding hot youth and gorgeous health.

Probably because she practiced martial arts all the year round, this woman\'s legs are very slender, but her waist is just a grip. She can be called a human beauty. If she was put in later generations, she would definitely kill any Weimi supermodel.

Pegasus rancher Shang Xiuyu - force 82, intelligence 81, politics 64, command 72, charm 97, talent 84!

Stunt 1, beautiful kitchen: Shang Xiuyu has the talent of proficient cooking, and the taste of cooked food is increased by 50%!

Stunt 2, Pegasus: Shang Xiupei is the first horse farm owner in the world, mastering the unique horse training skills handed down from ancient times.

Tip: [if you push it, you will trigger the task reward of taking Pegasus ranch. Blessed by Tianma, the speed and endurance of your horses will be increased by 20%!]

Let me wipe!?

Seeing Shang Xiuyu\'s second special skill, Liu Hao\'s mind suddenly changed. The value of Shang Xiuyu, a beauty, can almost be evaluated with the supreme god level!

Cavalry has always been the cornerstone of the battlefield.

If you can improve the speed of the Dynasty\'s war horses, it will be obvious to improve the combat effectiveness of the Dynasty\'s cavalry!

"See the emperor of the Han Dynasty for the women of the people and the merchants."

Shang Xiuyu had a graceful temperament. She twisted her waist and saluted Liu Hao Yingying.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "it is said that Pegasus ranch is the best ranch in the world, but unexpectedly, the owner of Pegasus ranch, Shang girl, is a beautiful woman who does not lose the saint of Cihang Jingzhai."

All women don\'t like to hear such flattery and compliments.

In particular, Liu Hao, a young and handsome emperor, can be called a girl killer. Shang Xiuyu has been in a high position for a long time, but she has always been respected in Pegasus ranch. At this time, in the face of a condescending praise, her pretty face was slightly red, and her heart could not restrain the earthquake.

However, Shang Xiuyu soon suppressed his inner fluctuations and said, "Your Majesty is high and powerful. There are so many beautiful women around you, but don\'t make fun of others."

Her eyes fell on the four maidens of Mei Lan, Zhu Ju and Shi Feixuan beside Liu Hao.

All these maidens are beautiful. Mei Lan, Zhu Ju and four female compatriots stand in a row with strong visual impact.

Shifei Xuan is very beautiful and has a holy temperament, like a fairy Ling Chen.

But such a beautiful woman could only serve Liu Hao as a maid. Shang Xiuyu had a strange mind in her heart.


After bowing down and making a greeting gesture, Shang Xiuyu welcomed Liu Hao into the reception hall in Pegasus ranch.

Shang Xiuzhen and Liu Hao took the chair side by side. After the rest of the people took their seats, the owner of Meier field asked softly, "I heard that your majesty has fought fiercely with King Xiao Mi of Liang in Jingchu recently. How can you come to Pegasus ranch to visit?"

Liu Hao said with an indifferent smile, "Xiao milling can\'t beat the dead bones in the tomb. I\'ve sent the southern Duke of town song to take his head. Now baling has been broken, 400000 Liang troops have been defeated, and the land of Jingchu is full of mediocre people. Who dares to compete with strong men?"


There was a chill in the hall.

Xiao Mian, the king of Liang, supported 400000 soldiers and dominated Jingchu. He is a hero who is expected to compete in the world. He doesn\'t know how arrogant he is in ordinary days, but now he has turned into a headless ghost!

The 400000 troops, not 400000 Chinese cabbage, were also buried in the hands of strong men.

The key is the information revealed in Liu Hao\'s words. Tiandao song Ke has accepted the appeasement of the Han Dynasty and submitted to Liu Hao. The song valve has accumulated for decades and ranks among the four major valves in the world. Its strength is not small. Now the powerful are united, and how powerful is its strength!?

There was a silence in the hall. The people looked at Liu Hao in awe.

"Then Xiuyu congratulates His Majesty the holy emperor. Once Xiao milling dies, his majesty can sit firmly in the land of Jingchu, sit in the South and look north, and drive away from the Central Plains in a few days..."

Shang Xiuyu\'s beautiful eyes blinked, but it was deep and unpredictable. Her thick eyelashes added her mystery to her eyes, which were like the most fragrant and mellow fairy wine.

Liu Hao smiled and said, "thanks to beauty\'s good words, I came to Pegasus ranch today, but I still have another big business to talk to the beauty rancher."

The people looked shocked and exchanged their eyes. Finally, Shang Xiuzhen nodded and said, "business is business. If your majesty wants to buy horses, you should act according to the rules. In terms of pasture, you can provide your majesty with a certain price discount..."

Dealing with several gate valves all year round, Shang Xiulu, the beauty field owner, has also trained into superb business negotiation skills.

However, Liu Hao didn\'t give her a chance to continue talking. He raised his hand and bullied his airway with emptiness: "I\'ll buy all the horses produced by Pegasus ranch at three times your price, but there\'s another condition."

The ranch people were slightly stunned and felt a little confused.

Always talk about the price is to lower the price. Where does Liu Hao raise the price as soon as he comes up?

Shang Xiu Dai frowned slightly and asked, "Your Majesty, it doesn\'t hurt to say."

Liu Hao raised a finger and said calmly, "since then, all the horses in Pegasus ranch have been supplied to the Han Dynasty and cannot be sold to others."

Liu Hao wants more money.

There are several world details as support. Not to mention buying a horse is to buy the whole Pegasus ranch. Liu Hao\'s eyes don\'t blink.

Shang Xiuyu secretly shouted: Liu Hao\'s move seems to suffer a loss. In fact, he monopolized all the war horses!

In order to dominate the world in the future, cavalry will be the ace army. Imagine, if other princes can\'t even get war horses, what else can they take to compete with the iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty?

"What do you think?"

Liu Hao pinched his chin and looked at Shang Xiuyu with interest.

The steward of Pegasus ranch refused, but wanted to talk and stop.

Pegasus ranch can stand in troubled times by the balance of forces.

Now Liu Hao has a strong monopoly on the war horses in Pegasus ranch, which is to break the balance of several forces over the years. Which of those big Lords is easy to provoke?

Shang Xiupei pondered for a while and sighed faintly: "Your Majesty came here in person. How dare Xiupei refuse? It\'s settled. The price is still the original. In the future, the war horses will be exclusively supplied to the Han Dynasty. I hope your majesty can cut down the north from the South and complete an unprecedented undertaking!"

"You don\'t have to worry about it."

Liu Hao seemed to be able to see through people\'s hearts. He flicked his finger on the table and bullied his airway: "if I sit in Jingchu, I\'ll be safe. Xiuyu doesn\'t have to worry about any aristocratic family. If you dare to put your hand into the land of Jingchu, I\'ll kill one."