The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2259

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Liu Hao walks out of the camp and moves the blade with his finger. Something strange happens.

Where the emperor\'s real strength flows, this treasure knife has a reaction. The blade suddenly produces some strange changes and suddenly moves thousands of times, like a stinging dragon trembling. On the blade, there is a light bright golden awn.


The emperor\'s real Qi urged him wildly. The sword suddenly broke into the ground and cut off the air. The blade was as vigorous as a mountain flood. It condensed the deficiency and turned into reality, and instantly turned into a golden dragon, threatening the world.


The bright yellow dragon knife Gang chopped on the ground and instantly cracked the ground into a moon shaped crack. It was like an earthquake.

Shifei Xuan\'s heart trembled. The vigorous spirit of cutting the ground with this knife was deeply printed on the bottom of her heart!

Hu Conglong, Shiqian, and the soldiers of the surrounding Longxiang camp were stunned. They fell down with a roar, hit the ground with their forehead, and said respectfully, "long live the holy emperor, long live!"

Liu Hao gave a name to this mysterious ancient knife.

"Sure enough, it\'s not an ordinary thing. The sword is like the moon in the well. It\'s called the moon in the well.



The Han Dynasty attacked the land of Jing and Chu, and there were flames of war everywhere.

In the southwest of Jingling County, zhangshui and JuShui, the two tributaries of the Yangtze River, delimit a large triangular fertile land. The two rivers gurgle through, irrigate the good fields on both banks, and finally flow into the river.

The climate here is mild, the soil is fertile and the products are rich. On one of the huge fields, the grass is particularly rich. Surrounded by mountains, there are fertile fields more than ten miles away. There are only two East and West Gorges for access. The situation is dangerous and forms a natural screen.

A bird\'s-eye view of the hillside of the grassland shows that on the grassland full of pleasing colors, green, and Dai colors, more than a dozen lakes of different sizes are pasted like a mirror. The green lake water competes with the green grass. It is full of color, vitality and beauty.

No matter from any point of view, the end of the grassland is a line of undulating peaks, extending endlessly.

In this paradise, which looks like a fairyland, there are all kinds of livestock: white sheep, yellow or gray cattle and all kinds of horses. They have a good rest, adding color to the whole farm.

At a higher place in the northwest corner, there is a magnificent castle with a steep cliff on its back. There are sentry towers and blockhouses at the dangerous and key points. In front of the castle, there is a winding river, which makes people even more spectacular.

There is a city tower at the exit of the gorge road. Tunnels three feet wide and five feet deep are dug in front of the building. They cross the gorge. The bottom is covered with sharp thorns and must pass through the suspension bridge. There is a tendency that one man is in charge of the pass and ten thousand men are difficult to cross.

Here is the famous Pegasus ranch.

In the pasture, different kinds of livestock and poultry are separated by wooden fences. Herdsmen run back and forth between the wooden fences and scold repeatedly. Farmers work silently in the fields. Farm cattle make low noises from time to time and mix them with the barks of horses and sheep.

Compared with the bloody logging outside, it is full of peace and happiness.

At this time, Liu Hao was standing on the top of a mountain, looking at the whole Pegasus ranch with his hands down, and sighed: "it\'s really unscientific to have a horse farm of this scale in the South..."

Since ancient times, cavalry has been the theme of cold weapon battlefield.

Most of the cavalry horses come from the north. There has always been a saying that those who get the north get the world.

Liu Hao has gone through the world of heaven and basically can\'t get rid of this law, but the Pegasus ranch in front of him broke the Convention and has tens of thousands of good foals, which has attracted the door lords in the world.

Of course, the existence of this world itself is unscientific. The walls are more than ten feet high, and the world\'s Xiongguan city is more than twenty feet high

"Calculate the time. At this time, the Pegasus ranch should be headed by Shang Xiuyu..."

Liu Hao naturally thought of the beautiful owner of the farm when he thought about the plot of the ranch in his mind.

Mei Jian, one of the four maidens of Mei, LAN, Zhu and Ju, gently tidied up the folds of Liu Hao\'s clothes and asked softly, "Your Majesty, do you want to let the maidservant inform you first?"

Liu Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "no, just go in directly. I\'ll see how beautiful the owner of the world\'s first ranch is."

Mei, LAN, Zhu and Ju smiled gently and accompanied Liu Hao behind.

Without hiding his tracks, Liu Hao went straight to the suspension bridge leading to the Pegasus ranch castle. Before he set foot on the suspension bridge, a team of ranch soldiers in leather armor surrounded him on guard.

"Stop! Who\'s coming?"

Mei Jian took a step forward, stood in front of Liu Hao and shouted, "the Great Han emperor is coming to see Miss Shang Xiuyu. Don\'t you ask your master to meet you quickly!?"

"Great Han Emperor!?"

This group of private soldiers in Pegasus ranch heard these four words and immediately recovered. Everyone on the field was stunned!

Since the rise of the Great Han Emperor in Sichuan, he has successively leveled the exclusive castle and then conquered the land of Sichuan. Recently, there is a hot news that even Tiandao and song Ke have surrendered to the Great Han Emperor, and the whole Lingnan song valve has been attached to the dynasty.

The most shocking thing is that the holy emperor waved his troops straight forward. In just one month, the three-year-old children in Jingchu dare not cry at night!

It is no exaggeration to say that half of the Sui Dynasty was defeated by the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Facing Liu Hao\'s God Huang Shengwei, the private soldiers involuntarily took a few steps backward. An old man came out of the crowd. He was bald and hung a dry tobacco pole around his waist. He respectfully saluted Liu Hao and said, "I don\'t know how much the holy emperor has offended so far. I hope the holy emperor will forgive me!"

Although Pegasus ranch has a detached status and is the existence of several major valves in the world, it dare not put on airs in front of the comet rising Han Dynasty.

After all, Liu haogang just killed the 400000 troops of Liang Wang Xiao milling in the town and dominated Jingchu. Pegasus ranch is in Liu Hao\'s hinterland.

"Yes, Pegasus ranch has a broad pattern. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even if 100000 troops come in person, it is difficult to attack for a time."

Liu Hao nodded slightly at the bald old man, but praised him.


Hearing this, the little old man Shang Zhen was really worried

Is this big guy going to lead troops to attack the ranch!?

When the scene was once embarrassing, a clear voice like a silver bell suddenly came from the distance: "Your Majesty the holy emperor is joking. Now that you are here, you are the distinguished guests of the ranch. Please come in and show your respect with thin wine."

Liu Hao\'s eyes turned to follow the voice, but it was a little bright