The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2258

Liu Hao\'s eyes were like electricity. He glanced at Xianggui\'s father and son and said calmly, "I heard you opened the gate of baling and let the imperial army into the city?"

Xianggui\'s head almost bowed to the ground and said respectfully: "the holy emperor is mighty. The Han Dynasty has taken over the world. Xiao Mi doesn\'t know whether to live or die. He stubbornly resists the heavenly soldiers and provokes anger and resentment. The sinners hate it deeply. Last night, they did their best to help his majesty break through baling..."

This guy is also an old Jianghu man. He is very good at talking. He talks a lot freely. He is really mature in flattery and flattery.

Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it falsely. He was too lazy to listen to his nonsense. He said, "Chang Su, take Xiang\'s father and son to integrate the news channels of Baling Gang into the military aircraft office."

Mei Chang Su Lian\'s sleeve said, "minister, lead the decree!"

"May I die for your majesty!"

Xianggui and his son are naturally interested and follow Mei Changsu out.

Guo Jia, a ghost talent on the side, said, "Your Majesty has moved his heart to kill this father and son?"

Generally, if Liu Hao wants to hire someone, he will accept his heart first and then send him to do things. Now his attitude towards Xianggui\'s father and son is completely different.

"Those who know me, filial piety!"

Liu Hao sneered and said, "now the Han Dynasty is taking off, but not everyone has taken it. The Xiang family\'s father and son are unjust and vicious. They must not be used."

Liu Hao has his own set of principles for handling affairs according to people.

Xianggui and xiangyushan, the father and son, did all the bad things and should have been killed immediately. However, the baling sect intelligence network is still a sharp weapon. In order to dominate the world in the future, we must always have the layout of information and intelligence.

When the news channels of the baling gang were integrated, that was when the father and son were on their way.

Liu haoduo doesn\'t have to say these things. As long as one command, the royal guards will handle them.

Guo Jia naturally knew it well in her heart. She slapped her hand and said with a smile: "Your Majesty has a good insight into autumn. I\'m dazzled and admire you!"

"Don\'t flatter."

Liu Hao turned his eyes angrily and said, "filial piety, after capturing baling today, the Shangshutai is ready to cooperate with Wang JINGLUE to receive the whole land of Jingchu. Go and watch it."

Guo Jia nodded and said with a smile, "it seems that your majesty is going to bring Wang Meng into the Shangshu desk..."

"That\'s natural. Wang JINGLUE had the capital of a national scholar. When he conquered the whole world of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he officially put forward it at the Grand Court meeting and included it in the Shangshu platform."

Liu Hao waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "I destroyed Xiao MI and completely broke the balance of power in the land of Jingchu, but I don\'t know when the Yin Kui sect will surface..."

Cihang Jingzhai controls the north, and Demons dance in the south. Behind several anti kings, there is basically the support of the demons.

Liu Hao then moved his eyes to the military map in the account.

Guo Jia Fuxu said, "if you want to break Xiangyang, you must first take jingling city. I heard that there is also a flying horse ranch near jingling City, which is known as the first horse farm in the south. There are thousands of horses in it. It would be a good thing if your majesty could accept it."

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Guo Jia hit the nail on the head and triggered the hidden task. Please accept Pegasus ranch within one month and you will get rich task rewards!"

Liu Hao\'s heart moved slightly. He carefully checked the system information and moved his mind.

Pegasus ranch is somewhat similar to the Dongming faction that wanders overseas. They all live outside the world for a long time and do not participate in the competition for hegemony.

It\'s impossible to be completely detached from the world. Dongming sect has connections with several major families and gate valves in the world. The same is true of Pegasus ranch. Several gate valves recruit and buy horses, and secretly buy a lot of horses from Pegasus ranch to form cavalry.

"If you can take over the Pegasus ranch, you can get tens of thousands of war horses in vain, and you can weaken the strength of Li valve and other princes in disguise. Why not?"

Leaving aside Pegasus ranch, Liu Hao also wants to meet Lu Miaozi, who is known as the world\'s first wizard.

This man is really talented and versatile. Shuanglong in the original works of the Tang Dynasty once had the opportunity of Lu Miaozi.

Liu Hao thought carefully and prepared his parents and children to go to Pegasus ranch. However, he saw a royal guards coming in quickly outside the camp, humbly hugging his fist and saying, "inform your majesty that Shiqian general and General Hu Conglong are waiting outside the door."

"What did you find in the gold camp? Let them come in and talk."

Shiqian and Hu Conglong hurried in in a dusty way. They fell on one knee, hugged each other, and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the end will search the city and find a strange treasure, which is specially presented to your Majesty the holy emperor!"


Liu Hao felt a little happy and said curiously, "what are the two Aiqing working hard?"

Hu Conglong bowed and handed an ancient knife in both hands to Liu Hao, respectfully saying: "Your Majesty, after breaking the baling City, my subordinates and the brothers of the touch gold camp sneaked into the secret room of Xiao milling and dug out millions of gold and silver and countless weapons and armor. The most precious one is this knife... Even my dragon searching formula can\'t see its details. Please taste it!"


Liu Hao moved his wrist and pulled out the treasure knife hidden in the shark skin scabbard.

The blade of the treasure sabre in front of me is dull and dull. At first glance, it seems ordinary. However, after looking carefully, I feel that although there are no gorgeous patterns on the handle and scabbard, there is always a taste of high antiquity and simplicity, which makes people afraid to underestimate.

When Shi Feixuan, who brought tea and water, saw the knife, her pretty face looked a little different. She was keenly caught by Liu Hao and asked, "does Feixuan recognize this knife?"

Shifei Xuan looked complicated and said, "this knife is said to be a powerful weapon from ancient times. It has strange outline. It cuts gold and jade like destroying decay. Two hundred years ago, it fell into the hands of lingshang, the first sword legalist at that time. No one dared to kill him. Later, lingshang disappeared in the Jianghu. Unexpectedly, it would fall into the hands of Xiao mi..."

"Familiar breath..."

Liu Haoyun started the technique of looking at Qi and observed this ancient knife with his mind. Unexpectedly, he felt a familiar breath.

It seems to be the same material as the mysterious meteorite iron at the bottom of the supreme artifact thunder pool.

"Is this treasure Sabre... The ancient heaven wandered in the world?"