The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2257

"Song is short here. Why don\'t Xiao milling come down early!"

Song que killed at the foot of the city, drew his sword, pointed to the city head, and suddenly shouted, with a voice like a dragon singing.

Tiandao, song Ke!

At the head of the city, the garrison general of the Liang army heard the name, Qi Qi took a breath and looked at the city with straight eyes.

This is a terrible figure compared with the three great masters in the world. In the past, 100000 Sui troops were killed by a knife, and Yang Jian withdrew from Lingnan!

When I saw him today, song lacked a green shirt and a knife. He fought hundreds of thousands of troops alone. As expected, he was as powerful as the God of heaven!


Xiao MI was so dark that he almost fell down.

He had also seen the power of the master, but at this time, song lacked a hand-held Tiandao and looked at Xiong, which killed him.

However, Xiao Mian could climb to the position of King Liang. After all, he was also an owl. He forced down the shock in his heart and laughed loudly: "baling city is eighteen feet high. Even if Tiandao comes, how can he be lonely?"

"Gu Da Hao\'s head is here. Who will take it?"

Xiao Mian shouted wildly, which calmed Liang Jun\'s heart a little.

Song Kuang, who immediately had a horizontal knife under the city, looked calm. Tiandao pointed to the head of the city and said calmly, "since you don\'t come down, I\'ll kill you."

As soon as the voice fell, song que swept up on his horse.

His green shirt was flying. He had stepped on the wall of baling and swept up like walking on the ground.

"Grass! He\'s coming up!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Xiao Mi almost didn\'t pee and shouted quickly.

Whew, whew, whew!

The archers of the Liang army at the head of the city were busy drawing strings and opening arrows. The arrows were all over the air, like a dark cloud, covering song vacancy.

"Take the knife one day!"

Song Kuang\'s men were in the air and plundered more than ten feet. When their true Qi was about to run out, they suddenly gently touched the wall. People like ROC birds spread their wings and soared more than ten feet higher again.

Those arrows met song Ke in the air, as if they had hit an invisible air wall and fell to the ground one after another.

Song is short of a knife.


After a sound like the roar of a dragon and a tiger, in the void, the Qi of the knife was overgrown, thousands of knife shadows scattered in all directions, and the archers of the Liang army at the head of the city were immediately cut off.

Xiao Mian is so anxious that he wants to run, but where can he escape the knife Qi?

Song Kuang\'s heavenly sabre, like a dragon, killed Xiao MI on the spot.

That big head rolled on the ground, and Xiao milling\'s eyes stared at the thief. It seemed as if he couldn\'t believe that the world began to rotate, and the scene in front of him gradually darkened

"If I say I\'ll kill you, I\'ll kill you. Hundreds of thousands of troops and natural graben will still take your head..."

Song que took the head of Liang Wang Xiao milling and shouted, "Xiao milling\'s head is here. Those who dare to resist again will die!"

The sound was like rolling thunder. It spread through the battlefield. The Liang army\'s city guards at the head of the city were stunned.

"My God, Liang Wang... Liang Wang died in battle!"

"This... How is this possible!?"

"Madder, this song vacancy is terrible!"

"Tiandao song is short, invincible in the world. He is no longer a man, but a God, the God in the sword!"

On the battlefield, all the soldiers of Liang army trembled. Even Xiao MI, the spiritual pillar, died, and everyone\'s spiritual pillar collapsed.

More and more Liang junbing soldiers choose to put down their weapons and kneel down with their heads




There was a rush of footsteps outside the camp. The royal guards rolled their cloak and walked quickly from outside the camp to ten meters in front of Liu Hao. They knelt down on one knee and hugged their fists. They said respectfully: "Congratulations, your majesty. Wang JINGLUE burned and killed 100000 Liang army water division in Dongting Lake by means of fire attack last night. The Dongting Lake water stronghold has been broken. General Han Shizhong is cleaning up the disabled prisoners of war..."


Mei Changsu heard the military newspaper and praised it: "Wang Jing has the style of a national scholar. Since the Dongting Lake stronghold was broken, baling City applauded hard, and it was easy to destroy it."

Before the voice fell, another royal guards rushed in outside the door. Qiang ran reported: "Your majesty! Duke Zhennan attacked baling city last night, killing vertically and horizontally. He killed the head of Baling city with a single knife. The leader of Liang, Xiao milling, collapsed the morale of Liang army and completely disintegrated the formation... Duke Zhennan and the generals of the dynasty took advantage of the momentum to pursue, killed more than 70000, and reduced hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war. There are countless money, food and baggage..."

"Good, good, good!"

All the big men in the tent were ecstatic. Even Liu Hao couldn\'t help but show a happy face and laugh.

The war deployed by Wang Meng can be said to be World War I, which determined the situation of Jing and Chu for Liu Hao and laid the most basic step for the Han Dynasty to compete for the world.

"Your Majesty, Xianggui and xiangyushan father and son of the baling Gang, surrender to the city and ask to see Shengjia."

"Baling Gang?"

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, waved his hand and said, "bring them up."

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, a large part of the world background is integrated with the plot of the two dragons of the Tang Dynasty. The influence of Jianghu gangs on the general trend of the world is also decisive.

It\'s like this baling Gang, the second in the eight gangs. Its power is extremely huge.

There are more than 300 gambling houses and more than 200 brothels across the country, which control secret news channels and have contacts in both black and white.

Liu Hao read the original book and knew the plot. The baling Gang actually helped Yang Guang engage in the bad behavior of trafficking in human beings. It can be called a bad thing and a loss of conscience.

"Sinful minister xiangyushan, meet your Majesty the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

"Sinful minister Xianggui, meet your Majesty the holy emperor, long live the holy emperor, long live your majesty!"

Xianggui and his son fell to their knees in front of Liu Hao and kowtowed like garlic. The bluestone floor Banged!

"Get up."

Liu Hao\'s face was ancient, and he couldn\'t see his happiness and anger. He glanced at the father and son with Qi skill, and suddenly knew it in his heart.

Xiangyu mountain has a white face and dark eyes. It shows some Yin and evil colors. It can be seen that it has practiced some evil skills.

In the original work of the Tang Dynasty, xiangyushan also pit Shuanglong and spoil plain beauty.

At this time, I heard Liu haoweiyi\'s infinite voice. Xianggui and xiangyushan stood up together, but they looked more and more respectful, and even dared not go out of the atmosphere.

Although they are in charge of the baling sect and have connections with the demon sect, in terms of the overall situation of the world, that is, two pieces, they can only look up to Liu Hao, who takes the world as the chess board