The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2256

Water... Water can catch fire!?

What the fuck?!

All the sailors of Liang Jun rubbed their eyes and their heads were a little confused.

General Dong Jingzhen of the Liang army was confused for a while. Her expression suddenly changed. She shouted, "no, the fire ship, it\'s the enemy attack! Inform the three armies and prepare to meet the enemy!"

But he hurriedly ordered at this time, but it was also a moment late.

At night, a gust of northwest wind suddenly blew. With the help of the wind, the fire boat on the lake suddenly accelerated and hit Liang Jun\'s water stronghold.


When I got close, I could see clearly that it was not the Dongting Lake on fire, but the warship burning with a pungent smell of oil on it.

When the Liangjun Navy reacted, it was too late. The fireboat hit the Liangjun Dongting Lake stronghold. The fire spread instantly and swallowed up the whole stronghold.

"The water fire attack, Wang JINGLUE\'s plan, is really unpredictable. He didn\'t lose Zhou Gongjin\'s plan to kill 100000 enemies!"

Han Shizhong, one of the 36 Xuanwu generals of the Han Dynasty, held a golden sword and commanded the Huanglong Navy. He couldn\'t help laughing when he watched the former army\'s fireboat work.

At this time, Wang Meng was looking at the enemy stronghold on the deck and said with an arched hand, "General Han praised me. Someone is a younger generation. How dare you compare with Zhou Shuai... Today\'s fire attack plan was successful. Someone just used his mouth. It was all Taoist Gong sun\'s wind blowing magic."

At this time, Gongsun Sheng, holding an ancient sword with pine grain, was opening the altar to practice Taoism.

War is not just a frontal attack.

There are also many off-site factors.

For example, it was the southwest wind that blew tonight. Jin Yunlong Gongsun Sheng tried to open the altar. After some worship, he showed his magic Taoism and changed the wind direction to the northwest, just in time to launch an impact on Liang Jun\'s water stronghold with a fire boat.

The strong wind suddenly rolled, and the fire spread wantonly in Liang Jun\'s water stronghold.

Countless Liang army sailors, in order to survive, couldn\'t care about anything. They plopped down the Dongting Lake and became water ghosts

Just then, under the leadership of Han generals such as Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and Zheng He, the Huanglong Navy began to attack the Dongting Lake stronghold.

"Damn, damn!"

Dong Jingzhen was also a fierce general. At this time, he aroused his inner ferocity. He raised his knife and shouted, "brother who dares to die, go with someone to kill the enemy!"

"Dare to die! Kill the enemy!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The fierce soldiers among the Liang army also shouted wildly, boarded the ship one after another, raised torches and began to counter attack the Huanglong Navy.

After many interceptions, the death squads of Liang Jun\'s navy are finally close to the Yellow Dragon warship with high commander-in-chief flag.

Han Shizhong pressed the golden sword with a cold look and took a step ahead. At this time, Gan Ning and other senior generals of the Navy had already attacked the enemy camp. He was preparing to end himself, but he only heard Wang Meng stop him, brush his sleeves and say with a smile:

"The light of fireflies dare to compete with the sun and moon."

"Follow the emperor\'s order and break the Dongting water stronghold. If you don\'t surrender, all will be killed and none will be left!"

Wang Mengwen was shocked by the sea, and his mighty spirit spewed out and swept across the lake.

Like purple clouds, it is shrouded on the lake, with bright divine glow blooming, majestic, spectacular and soul stirring.

"Magic! The enemy can do magic!"

Dong Jingzhen is also a person who has seen too much. At present, she is shocked to see the purple gold on the lake as strong as a dragon.

It was only at this moment of spiritual shock that Wang Meng\'s boldness turned into a purple Python dragon, suddenly flew into the air to kill and burst through Dong Jingzhen\'s chest.

Haoran was attacked and killed by talent. Even several soldiers of the Liang Army Navy behind him were killed by talent purple Python!

"Hiss! Master Wen Tao, it\'s really a big deal!"

Even Han Shizhong, the great general of the Great Han Navy, felt awe inspiring: only the Great Han master of literature and Taoism can do such unpredictable means!

The terrible talent surged on the lake. Wang Meng\'s green shirt floated and looked up like a God flying.


At present, the dare to die warship crashed into Dongting Lake.

At the same time, in the distance, from the direction of Liang Jun\'s Navy stronghold, there was a sky shaking scream of killing:

"The big man Gan xingba broke through the Dongting water stronghold today. Who dares to fight a war?!"



Step! Step! Step!

The iron boots trampled on the ground of Baling city and made a heavy and killing sound.

Tonight is destined to be an unstable night.

Wearing gold helmets and armours, Liang King Xiao Mi personally boarded the city head of Baling to command and supervise the war.

Looking down from the top of the city, the hundreds of thousands of Liang troops are vast and mighty all over the mountains and fields, just like a group of ants swarming out without seeing the edge.

Wang Meng suddenly launched a night attack and just caught the gap in the defense of Baling city. Tonight\'s battlefield was cut into two pieces.

Wang Meng personally led the generals of Huanglong navy to intercept the Liang army\'s navy on Dongting Lake, while song Ke led Huben\'s fierce soldiers to rush to baling city.

As a result, even though there were more than 200000 Liang troops in baling, they could not immediately support the Dongting Lake water stronghold, and immediately fell into a hard and desperate battle.


A soldier dressed in Liang Jun\'s clothes, panting, boarded the city, bowed down in front of Xiao MI and said in a trembling voice: "my Lord, it\'s bad. The Dongting Lake stronghold was attacked, and the Shuhan Navy burned down our army camp with a fire boat. General Dong doesn\'t know whether he is alive or dead. My brothers are about to be overwhelmed!"

"Damn it! Damn Han Army!?"

Xiao Mian\'s face suddenly changed. He breathed and shook his body.

The reason why he could dominate Jingchu was that, in addition to the support of the demon gate, he himself had a brave and invincible Navy, crossing the rivers and seas without meeting an enemy.

Now the ace army is designed to intercept and kill, and baling city is attacked by the Han army. It really makes him a little confused.


At this time, another Liang army scout ran up to the city quickly, hugged his fist and shouted, "Your Majesty, the Han Army has broken through the triple line of defense and has killed under the city!"

Xiao Mian was shocked again. He looked out and saw that majestic figure like a mountain in the midst of thousands of troops and horses.

And, that knife!

Song que wore a natural and unrestrained green shirt. He only carried the sky knife to drive the horse out of the array. When the sky knife was cut horizontally, infinite knife Gang scattered and turned into a heavy overlapping knife shadow to cover the sky and the earth.

Liang junbing\'s death, as long as he meets the blade Gang on this day, his vitality will disappear immediately, and there will be no death or injury.

With one knife, this man can come and go freely in hundreds of thousands of troops, only killing people on their backs and bleeding into the sea