The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2250

Cihang Jingzhai is the leader of Baidao in the world and is respected by thousands of people.

Even the current leader of the world\'s Hao valve only dares to look up to Jingzhai and regard the saint of Cihang Jingzhai as a fairy. Absolutely no one dares to desecrate the saint of Cihang Jingzhai like Liu Hao!

The two people stuck together, and a faint ambiguous breath flowed in the air. A lazy voice of Diao cicada suddenly sounded in the carriage: "Your Majesty, it seems that there are guests."

"Hehe, Cihang Jingzhai finally sent someone to save you..."

Liu Hao took his hands back from Shifei Xuan\'s delicate body and put them on the tip of his nose. The faint fragrance came to his face, but a slight invisible sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth.

When he reached Liu Hao\'s realm, he didn\'t have to move at all. His mind moved. Almost any change within two hundred feet could not hide Liu Hao\'s induction.


Outside the carriage, on the green hill.

An old Taoist wearing a black Taoist robe stood on the top of the mountain, looked at the foot of the mountain and looked at the floating clouds.

Next to him stood a little girl who was only a teenager like an elf. She wore a sheep\'s horn braid, pulled his clothes and asked, "immortal Ning, that carriage is very elegant. Nine horses drive together, like the imperial driving of ancient emperors read in ancient books. Do you think the elder martial sister is really in the car?"

"When the heavenly gate comes, the holy emperor comes into being. He is very lucky!"

The old Taoist sighed with emotion: "I have felt her breath. Fei Xuan is there. She is not hurt. It\'s good."

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the iron blood red dragon flag of the big man at the bottom of the mountain is flying in the wind.

The forbidden guards of the Dragon camp are winding like a long dragon. They are taking neat and killing steps to guard the emperor\'s driving forward.

Clouds floated on the mountain. Looking from a distance, this old Taoist in Xuanyi was like flying clouds in the air, with some spirit of a fairy.

"Hey! Old ox nose, how dare you covet the holy emperor!"

Before the old Taoist went down the mountain, there was a sound of Yin measurement on the mountain road.

Cao Zhengchun, the old manager with gray hair and a bright head, swept up the mountain top with a brush. Behind him, Shen Lian, Ding Xiu and others pressed the knife with one hand and rolled the cloak with the other, commanding the royal guards to sweep up quickly.

"Ready, rosefinch crossbow!"

Shen Lian didn\'t say much. He raised his hand and ordered solemnly.

The royal guards are the elite of the elite. They pulled out the rosefinch crossbow one after another and aimed at the Xuanyi old Taoist on the top of the mountain.

The rosefinch God crossbow sends arrows and arrows, and the gods can\'t escape death.

Old Taoist Xuanyi felt infinite killing and locked himself. He said with a light smile: "the Great Han emperor is indeed the greatest Tianjiao. He has such people under his command..."

Cao Zhengchun was like a ghost when he was marching. It was obvious that the lightness skill body method had reached an unpredictable level.

The royal guards who swept up the mountain quickly also walked vigorously and had a good body method.

The casually sent men are so powerful that we can see the strong foundation of the Han Dynasty, which is called peeping into the leopard.

"Do it!"

When Cao Zhengchun brushed the dust, Shen Lian pulled the bowstring of the rosefinch crossbow.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Hundreds of arrows flew through the air, like dense raindrops, falling towards the old Taoist Xuanyi.

The little girl looked nervous and exclaimed, "immortal Ning!"

The old Taoist in Xuanyi looked indifferent, touched the little girl\'s little head, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "little Mengyao is not afraid."

Clank clank!

I can see that the old Taoist is like a flying crane in the clouds, holding Yin and Yang in his hands, and drawing several mysterious arcs of the harmony of yin and Yang in the air.

The clouds on the top of the mountain seemed to condense into his hands, forming a white cloud air shield in front of him.

The arrows from the fierce shooting hit this layer of empty air shield, as if they had hit an invisible air wall and fell one after another.

"An expert who can resist Qi with emptiness is one of the three great masters, Ning dodge!!"

Cao Zhengchun brushed the dust and shouted, "kill!"

Step! Step! Step!

His body method soared, he began to step on the ground madly, and rushed towards Ning dodge.

"Tiangang healthy qi, ten thousand rivers return to the sea!"

Cao Zhengchun\'s move was the killing move in Tiangang boy\'s skill. He made a fierce attack with 12 points of Qi.


The majestic Tiangang righteousness surged out like a surging wave.

"What a deep internal power!"

Ning Dodge was slightly moved. With one hand, he covered the little girl behind her and with the other hand, he also used his unique skill.

"Let go!"

This is the great master Ning Daoqi Lai\'s famous unique skill. He can attack and defend as he pleases. He has no fixed method, condenses the emptiness and turns the reality, and goes all the way!

I saw the white clouds floating in the air, gradually turning into an invisible hand, and suddenly collided with Wanchuan returning to the sea! Emptiness can make you angry, so emptiness is infinite!

Pure and empty, then this empty is real!


The powerful Qi of peiran Mo Zhineng poured into Cao Zhengchun\'s arms. Cao Zhengchun was shocked. His body retreated towards the rear uncontrollably. Two lines of deep footprints appeared on the ground where his feet stepped.

"This old ox nose, really good means!"

After retreating dozens of steps in a row, Cao Zhengchun stopped, his chest was full of Qi and blood, and the dust in his hand had been powdered by the shock of real Qi and scattered in the void.

Ning Daoqi was as towering as a mountain, but he only shook for a moment, smiled and said, "it\'s rare to have such a master in the Han Dynasty!"

While they were talking, Shen Lian and Ding Xiu had already raised their embroidered spring sabres and fought bravely.

Shen Lian and Ding Xiu are much more powerful than those in the embroidered spring sabre.

Two people, one left and one right, also cooperate tacitly. They kill with double knives, which is full of prestige.

Unfortunately, what they met was the great master of the world. Ning dodge turned his hands, and two moves in the eight flutters of two loose hands seemed to be slow, real and fast, gently floating on the blades of the two people.


Ning Dodge\'s fingers seemed to be made of gold and iron. They were even harder than the cold iron knife quenched in the thunder pool. With a flick of his fingers, he directly broke the blade.

Ning Dodge\'s sleeve was brushed with the trend, and two vigorous Qi swept through, shaking Shen Lian and Ding Xiu back and flying backwards.

Hundreds of people of the royal guards went up together, and the shadows on the mountain top shuttled back and forth, but they still couldn\'t help Ning dodge. Just as Ning dodge came and went among the crowd, a clear and fierce sound came from under the cliff.

A red streamer rushed up the clouds from the cliff and landed on the top of the mountain