The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2251

The crested Phoenix fluttered its wings and began to spit out its burning breath. The red flame would attack and kill Ning Dodge\'s back.

When his martial arts reached the level of a great master, it was close to the way of sincerity. You can know that Ning dodge felt extremely dangerous at this time.

"Carefree inaction, wandering in heaven and earth, inaction and promising, Xuantong all things!"

He reacted very quickly. He turned his back towards his back and controlled his Qi. A void air shield arose out of thin air and held the burning breath.

The bear!

Zhu Fengniao is different from heaven and earth. This burning breath is even more domineering. Fine steel and cold iron have to be burned into molten slurry before this. Ning dodge also suffered a dark loss.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The nihilistic air shield was burned by the burning breath of Zhu Fengniao. The burning waves hit his face. Ning Dodge\'s eyebrows burned instantly. He was thrilled. How dare he resist again and fold his body back.

"Hum, old ox nose, how dare you covet your father\'s imperial driving?"

Liu Jian sat on the little one\'s back. With his big eyes turned, he saw the elf like girl standing on the top of the mountain.

"Take her down first and distract the old cow\'s nose!"

As soon as the thought turned, the Phoenix immediately flapped its wings and flew away, falling on the side of the little girl for a few meters like lightning.

Liu Jian is a pioneer of the heavenly body and bears the unique martial arts handed down by Liu Hao. He is an overbearing and majestic dragon fist.

Run the matchless dragon boxing with the palm power of Bai Hong. The fist power condenses into a red swimming dragon and attacks the little girl with great momentum.

The little girl is not an ordinary person. Her eyes are clear and her face is dignified. It seems that she can see the flaws of this swimming dragon. She can resist the punch with her slender hands.

After all, Liu\'s Kung Fu was even better. The strength of dragon boxing broke out like a river sweeping across the sea, hitting the little girl named Mengyao.

Zhu Fengniao jumped up quickly and caught her in an instant. All this happened between lightning and flint. Even with the ability of master Ning Dodge, he could not break through the crowd of royal guards in an instant and rush across a distance of tens of feet. He could only watch Liu Peng catch the little girl on the bird\'s back and fly away.

At this time, a few light footsteps came from the mountain road.

Ning Daoqi was shocked and shocked:


He is definitely an expert at the master level!

In the Han Dynasty, where did so many martial arts masters come from!?

The inside information is too deep!?

Several powerful smells are getting closer and closer, but Ning dodge has no love for war. Since he is determined to leave the war, he is like a crane in the clouds, fluttering out of the crowd and jumping out of the cliff.

When he was about to retire, Ning dodge looked deeply at Zhu Fengniao, but it was implicit.

Great master, enjoy yourself.

As long as you want to go, you can walk among the thousands of troops.

Ning dodge swept out of the cliff. People were in the air, like stepping on clouds, falling down, falling into the cloud wind and disappearing.

Liu Jian wanted to chase after the Phoenix, but was stopped by a gentle and soft voice:

"Ah Tan, don\'t go."

For a month, Diao cicada, the imperial concubine dressed in the White House, slowly climbed to the top of the mountain. Cao Zhengchun, Shen Lian, Ding Xiu and others all around knelt down, arched their hands, and said respectfully, "see the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine will live forever!"

"Meet the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine will live forever!"

The sound floated among the cliffs for a long time.

Liu Peng pinched Zhu Fengniao\'s face like a porcelain doll on his back, blinked and said with a smile, "old cow\'s nose wants to deceive me to catch up. My princess is not so stupid. What\'s your name? Now I\'m a captive of my princess."

If he wanted to go after him, Liu was no match for master Ning dodge.

"Qin Mengyao."

The beautiful little girl said crisply, with an indifferent look and no fear at all.

"Qin Mengyao, I\'m afraid she has something to do with Shi Feixuan. They are all descendants of Cihang Jingzhai..."

Diao Chan sensed the unique ethereal and holy temperament of Qin Mengyao. In her beautiful eyes, she was surprised and said, "take her back and give her to your majesty."

"Uh huh."

Liu Jian took Qin Mengyao and sat on Zhu Fengniao\'s back, breaking through the air and flying away.

"The old slave was incompetent and failed to stop the old way. He walked away and asked the imperial concubine to punish him!"

Cao Zhengchun fell to his knees in front of Diao Chan, looking ashamed.

"My subordinates are incompetent and didn\'t stop Ning dodge. Please punish the imperial concubine!"

Shen Lian, Ding Xiu and other royal guards also pushed Jinshan and fell on jade pillars and bowed down, feeling ashamed.

"I don\'t blame you."

Diao Chan shook her head and sighed softly. "Scattered immortal Ning Dodge is a strong aid invited by Cihang Jingzhai. He is also one of the three great masters in the world. Apart from his Majesty\'s personal action, Ning dodge can come and go freely even if he is in a million troops. Who can keep him in the world?"

"Go down the mountain and see you. Tell your Majesty the details."


Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Qin Mengyao - force 85, intelligence 84, politics 71, command 56, talent 83, charm 100!

Stunt 1, Saint: Qin Mengyao is the second Saint cultivated by Cihang Jingzhai with countless efforts. She has immortal temperament. Everyone\'s favor is + 20 and trusts her more!

Stunt 2, talent: Qin Mengyao has no one qualification for thousands of miles, and the speed of cultivating martial arts is + 30%!

Inside the Jiulong car, Liu Hao is observing Qin Mengyao\'s attributes and abilities with Qi watching technique.

"Hello, senior sister."

Qin Mengyao saluted respectfully to Shi Feixuan, then blinked water Lingling\'s eyes and stared curiously at Liu Hao without any fear.

"You... How can you..."

Shifei Xuan was speechless.

She fell into Liu Hao\'s hands. She just didn\'t know how to get out. The talent in the door was not inferior to her younger martial sister, so she fell in again.

Well, the two sisters are neat. All the next generation of Saint heirs of Cihang Jingzhai are here

"Buy one get one free, this wave is not at a loss."

Liu Hao couldn\'t help laughing.

If fan Qinghui, the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, knew it, would he spit out a mouthful of old blood