The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2249

Li Tang\'s officials felt curious. The Sui Dynasty\'s soldiers killed by the Shu Han Dynasty were badly wounded and blood stained Sichuan, which had nothing to do with Li valve\'s power. What else to congratulate?

"Be quiet, don\'t say half of what you say. This... Why do you like it?!"

Li Yuan asked pleasantly.

Feng Deyi also said with a smile: "brother Liu, don\'t sell off."

Liu Wenjing, this name sounds like a woman\'s name. In fact, I am the strategist Li Tang. I have good ideas and strategies. Li Yuan can at least have today\'s status, and I need this person to give advice behind the scenes.

Liu Wenjing smiled with confidence: "the Sui emperor lost his virtue and the world attacked him. Now the rise of Shuhan has shaken the national foundation of the Sui Dynasty. It is expected that... Within a few months, the Sui Dynasty will die, and then the Lord will rise!"

"What do you say?"

Li Yuan was very moved. His back was straight and he listened carefully.

Liu Wenjing said without illness: "Guanzhong has been the foundation of hegemony since ancient times. The Lord now runs Guanzhong with rich heritage and has deep connections with all the great and powerful families. Why not send troops to directly attack Guanzhong?"

"As long as you occupy the land of Longxi, you can swallow Hanzhong. At that time, you can\'t sleep beside your bed. After waving your troops to destroy the Shuhan, the Lord will set the national base and become the overlord of the southwest..."

Speaking of this, Liu Wenjing bowed down and said, "the state is no longer the state. Since the Shu Han Dynasty was called the emperor, he asked the Lord to be crowned king. It\'s so justifiable to enter the central pass, wipe out the troubled times and help the country!"

The civil and military people in Li\'s house also understood it and shouted together, "please, Lord, be crowned king!"

"Please, Lord, be crowned king!"

"Please, Lord, be crowned king!"

It seemed that after discussion in advance, all the civil and military people in the Li house bowed down to the local people and shouted in unison.

Li Yuan was excited, but he still didn\'t move his face. He politely refused: "how can someone be king because of his lack of talent and morality? This matter can\'t be mentioned again..."

This meaning is obvious. You as ministers, hurry to persuade them.

Liu Wenjing, Pei Ji and other officials tried to persuade Li Yuan to make progress again and again. Li Yuan finally "reluctantly" agreed and said, "in that case, he will stand alone as the king of the Tang Dynasty."

"Where are the people?"

"My son is here!"

A brave young man stood out from the crowd excitedly.

Li Yuan said, "Emperor Sui lost his virtue and the world was in chaos. You are quite capable of running the army. Today, Gu sent you to lead 100000 troops, point together all the generals and plunder Guanzhong without mistake."

"My son and I take orders. If I can\'t take the land in the pass for my father, I\'m willing to lead the military law!"

Li Shimin Qiang ran said.



Liu Hao smashed the army of the Sui Dynasty, smashed Yang Guang\'s mentality, and accelerated the collapse of the whole Sui court.

The first is Xiao Mian in the land of Jingchu. He supports 400000 soldiers and claims to be the king of Liang. He recruits troops and horses, which has a great potential to sweep the south.

Taiyuan Li valve was also unwilling to fall behind. Under the persuasion of the schemer Liu Wenjing and his subordinates, Li Yuan played the banner of the king of the Tang Dynasty, and stormed Guanzhong with the momentum of thunder as his second son Li Shimin.

Wang Bo also shouted and called himself the king of Changbai. Liu Wuzhou, the king of dingyang behind the mountain, Xu Yuanlang, the king of Qin in Luzhou, Gao Shiyuan, the king of Xia Ming in xiazhou, and others sprung up like mushrooms.

Some of these grass-roots kings have received the support of the haovalve family, others have the support of major gangs in the Jianghu, and at least millions of people have gathered under their command.

For a moment, the flames of war were raging.

The whole Sui Dynasty was in complete chaos.


Liu Hao was in the center of the vortex, but he still sat on the Diaoyutai, sat on the chariot of the Kowloon Emperor, and walked towards the river.

To some extent, the development of the situation still follows the track of historical development.


"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

"You mobilize the royal guards to spread the information network to Guanzhong at all costs, especially Li Shimin and Li Yuanba of Li valve. You should master every move."

Liu Hao brushed his sleeves and calmly ordered.

Cao Shaoqin rolled his cloak, Qiang ran hugged his fist and said, "minister, take command!"

The world of Sui and Tang Dynasties seems to be a beacon in troubled times, and there are countless anti Sui forces.

In fact, fundamentally speaking, those anti kings are only popular for a time. No one can compare with Li Shimin who is born with great atmosphere.

With the support of Cihang Jingzhai, the holy land of Wulin, and Buddhism, a pig can climb to a very high position, let alone Li Shimin is still a real dragon among people. His mind is far better than ordinary people.

"Eighteen heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties, I have won Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing. It would be perfect if I could bring Li Yuanba under my command again!"

Li Yuanba is fierce. Needless to say, he kills the world\'s anti king like a lost dog!

"The Duke of Zhennan has sent troops!"

Shi Feixuan waited on Liu Hao\'s side, her beautiful eyes turned slightly and said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to divide your troops into two ways and attack Jingchu and Hanzhong at the same time?"

Since she was captured by Liu Hao that day, she has completely become a maid serving tea and water.

This was absolutely unacceptable to the next generation of the descendants of Cihang Jingzhai, but Shi Feixuan was made by the talisman of life and death, and she couldn\'t help but be happy or not.

Liu Hao glanced at her slightly and said calmly, "after so long, the expert invited by Cihang Jingzhai should be coming soon?"

Shifei Xuan\'s delicate body was shocked and said with a bitter smile: "Your Majesty really thinks highly of the people\'s women. All the trips made by Cihang Jingzhai are to relieve the people in the world. Now the troubled times are coming. What can fei Xuan count compared with the lives of hundreds of millions of people?"

"That\'s also..."

Liu Hao pinched his chin and glanced recklessly at the beauty of Shifei Xuan.

This holy and beautiful flower is the saint selected by Cihang Jingzhai from thousands of people. There is no one in ten thousand miles.

"Come and sit down."

Liu Hao ordered without hesitation. As soon as he touched his hand, he grabbed Shi Feixuan\'s slender waist and called the saint of Cihang to sit directly on Liu Hao\'s lap with irresistible strength.