The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2248



Liu Hao subdued the Song Dynasty in Lingnan, captured the whole Shu with the iron and blood of the dynasty, and even destroyed the 300000 troops of Han qiahu and Pei Renji. The Sui soldiers were terrified at the news and looked up at Jingchu and Hanzhong. Their power has been at the zenith of the sun.

When the news spread, the world shook.

Jiangdu palace.

There are decadent voices everywhere. There are three thousand beautiful women in the palace. They are still singing and dancing.

But in the sound of silk and bamboo, there was a rush of footsteps, which broke the beautiful artistic conception. I saw a bloody Sui army general with a feather arrow on his back, running in panic from outside the palace gate.

"Ten thousand fires are urgent, and Sichuan is urgent!"

"Ten thousand fires are urgent, and Sichuan is urgent!"

Eunuch Huangmen was also frightened. The military plane was in an emergency and did not dare to delay. He immediately sent the news back to the palace.

Yang Guang was playing among the flowers at this time. He couldn\'t help it. He suddenly heard that there were 100000 urgent military newspapers in Sichuan, which frightened him.

"Your majesty! Something bad happened. General Pei Renji was defeated in the first battle with the Han Army, and tens of thousands of losses were lost in the first battle. General Pei Renji was persuaded by the Han Army lobbyists, and 100000 troops disarmed and surrendered directly to the Han Army... At the end of the day, he vowed not to surrender. Fortunately, he killed a blood path and hurried back to report!"

This will be incoherent, unspeakable panic.


Yang Guang slumped down on the Dragon chair. His eyes were almost staring out of his eyes. He burst out and scolded: "hateful, hateful Pei Renji, this traitor, who is harming the country!"

"The speed makes old general Han qiahu send troops straight forward. Kill Pei Renji first, and then the Han thieves. I want them to die without a burial place!!"

The benefactor wiped his sweat, kowtowed his head and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, the 150000 South Road army led by the Han Army and the song valve in Lingnan have been defeated. More than half of the 150000 army have been killed and injured. Now the elder Shangzhu doesn\'t know his life and death..."


Hearing the news, Yang Guang seemed to be hit by five thunders. His face turned red and suddenly spewed out a big mouthful of red blood!

"The two armies, with a total force of more than 300000, have become a very important force in the Sui Dynasty. Now if they lose, they will break an Optimus Prime in the Sui Dynasty..."

The more Yang Guang thought about the consequences, the more he felt that his cold hair stood up and his scalp was numb. "Kill me! Kill me!"

The table in front of me was slammed over, and the wine cups, fruits and fruits on the table were scattered on the ground.

When the dancers in the hall saw the ferocious and crazy Yang Guang, they were all silent. The singing and dancing suddenly stopped. Throughout the hall, the atmosphere of emptiness and panic seemed to be spreading


Yuwen mansion.

After hearing the news from Yuwen\'s manager, Yuwen Huaji waved his hand and fell into meditation.

Yuwenshiji said in a hurry, "brother, this... This... How can this be like this!?"

"The world is finally going to be chaotic!"

Yu Wenhua and his eyes flashed, and suddenly burst out laughing: "chaos is good, chaos is good! Heroes come out in troubled times, and the foundation of the Sui Dynasty is almost defeated. At this time, it is the time for Yuwen valve to forge ahead... Zhiji, how many troops does Yuwen valve control now?"

Yu Wenzhi and solemnly said, "for decades, there have been 130000 troops under control, either overtly or covertly."

"Not enough!"

Yu wenhuaji shook his head and said in a deep voice, "to achieve great things, we must have enough soldiers and horses to send a letter to Sima Dekan, the grand general of the forbidden army. He said that I would go to Sima\'s house to pay a visit in person."

"Big brother Yingzhi, I\'m not as good as you!"

Yu Wenzhi and bowed down.


Jingchu, Jiangling.

This is Xiao Mi\'s territory.

Xiao Mian was originally the emperor of the old Liang Dynasty. After that, he had some relatives with empress Xiao in the court. Yang Guang also attached great importance to him and appointed him to Jingchu.

He was also a hero for a time. When he was in charge of Jingchu, he saw that the situation was unusual, so he raised the bandits and bought more troops. His troops once reached as many as 400000!

It can be said that he is the earth emperor of Jingchu.

Jingchu was close to Shu, and hundreds of thousands of troops marched on Shuhan. Xiao Mi got the news early in the morning.

But he was used to forbearance and didn\'t make any immediate action. Today, he only heard the news from the internal pigeons buried in the Jiangdu palace and couldn\'t help laughing.

"Pei Renji subdued the Shuhan, and Han captured the tiger and lost the war, damaging 300000 troops. Yang Guang was so angry that he vomited blood. Happy, really happy!"

Xiao Mian is also the prince of old Liang. He has buried the hatred of his country and family in his heart these years. At this time, he is very happy to hear Yang Guang spit blood.

Among the ministers of Jingchu, there are also many old foxes who are good at observing words and colors. They said one after another: "the Sui Dynasty lost its deer. The Lord sits in the land of Jingchu and has operated for many years. Now it is time to send troops against the Sui Dynasty!"

"Please stand on your own and become king. I\'m willing to fight for you!"

"There are 400000 soldiers in Jingchu. They are willing to go through fire and water with the Lord!"


The atmosphere in the hall was boiling fiercely.

All the generals tried to persuade Xiao Mi to stand in a higher position, because in this way, they can naturally rise with the tide and rise to the sky with the chickens and dogs.

"Ha ha ha!"

Xiao Mian looked extremely happy and said with a loud laugh: "today, heaven has given a divine opportunity. If heaven wants to revive the old Liang, it will reverse the Sui Dynasty... The solitary king of Liang, enfeoffed all officials and set the capital baling!"

"The king of Liang is mighty, and he will live forever!"

"The king of Liang is mighty, and he will live forever!"

The ministers of Jingchu in the hall roared loudly, shaking the sky.


Taiyuan, Jinyang, Lifu.

Li Yuan, the Duke of the Tang Dynasty, was wearing a python robe and had some strange brilliance on his solemn face. He asked, "you guys, Shu Han broke the Sui army by 300000. Pei Renji and Han Qihoo don\'t know the life and death. Now the Sui emperor is afraid to spit blood in the Jiangdu. What do you think?"

"The strength of Shu Han is really fierce enough!"

"It\'s incredible to defeat 300000 troops!"

"I heard that the emperor of Shu Han went to Lingnan alone and persuaded Tiandao song to help."

"Madder, no wonder song valve has less business with us recently..."


The hall is full of Wenwu Yingjie.

While all the officials of Li and Tang Dynasty were amazed at the strength of the Shu Han Dynasty, suddenly, a tall and thin counselor stood up and said with an arched hand, "Congratulations, sir."