The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2243

"Father, is it dangerous if the second brother is caught by the Han army?"

Pei Yuanqing asked eagerly, "do you want to sneak camp tonight? I\'ll save my second brother."

On weekdays, Pei Xingjian and Pei Yuanqing are best friends. They have deep feelings. At this time, peiyuanqing is naturally very concerned.

Pei Renji held out his hand, pressed the button and said, "there is also a senior general captured by Xingyan in the Han army. He will certainly not pose any threat to thrift. Just send an envoy out to exchange prisoners with them."

"It\'s urgent to send a letter to old general Han Qianhu, make an appointment with him and go hand in hand, so as to have the chance to win..."

The generals of the Sui army in the military account also nodded one after another to show their approval.

Yesterday\'s battle, the peerless soldier Feng of the Han Army, has been deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone, and has become a nightmare that can\'t be forgotten all his life.

While the people were discussing the military plane, a soldier came in quickly outside the door and said with a fist: "general, several envoys of the Han Army have been waiting outside the camp!"

"It must be discussing the exchange of prisoners..."

Pei Renji nodded, waved his hand and said, "bring them in."


Soon, a group of Sui army warriors took several people into the account.

Shua Shua!

The eyes of a group of Sui generals in the tent, like knives, fell on the emissary of the Han army.

Pei Renji\'s eyes moved slightly and looked at the leading scholar. He was tall and dressed in a green shirt. He entered the 10000 military camp with a calm look. He was calm and unrestrained when he raised his hands and feet.

"This person must be a famous man!"

Pei Renji said in a deep voice, "now the two armies are at war. Han Army envoys, why did you come to my camp rashly?"

Pei Yuanqing and Pei Xingyan are like two fierce tigers eager to bite people. They stare at Wang Meng fiercely. They will kill them when Pei Renji gives an order.

With his hands on his back, Wang Meng said, "today, for nothing else, I just admire general Pei and come to save the general\'s life!"


"Hehe, you come to save general Pei. Who will save you?"

"It\'s easy to take your life!"

All the generals of the Sui army in the tent stared at Wang Meng with a bad look. Several hands had been pressed on the matching sword around their waist.

Yue Yun, royal guards and others looked tight and immediately protected Wang Meng.

Pei Yuanqing stared at Yue Yun and shouted, "boy, do you dare to fight with me?"

He himself was a half grown-up boy. Yue Yun stared and said coldly, "what are you afraid of?"

This time he was ordered to protect Wang and rushed into the enemy camp, but Yue Yun didn\'t bring his weapon, drum beating urn gold hammer. However, with his fierce temper, he immediately rolled up his sleeve and had to fight with Pei Yuanqing.

Wang Meng was in the center of the vortex and still couldn\'t move for eight minutes. It seemed that it was none of his business. Pei Renji turned black, raised his hand and pressed it falsely, shouting, "stop!"

If the two armies fight, they don\'t kill envoys.

This is not the time to quarrel and fight. If there is a conflict at present, it is a bloody situation, which is also very disadvantageous for Pei\'s thrift.

Pei Renji gave a loud drink, and the tent became silent.

"Please sit down, sir."

Pei Renji waved his hand, and immediately a soldier carried a red sandalwood seat up.

Wang Meng arched his hand and was not polite. He sat down and said, "general Pei knows the situation, but he doesn\'t know that he is in great danger at this time. What a pity?"

Pei Renji snorted and said, "Sir, what do you mean by this? Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. Yesterday was just a small defeat. There are still hundreds of thousands of Sui troops, millions in the court, and the whole war is ready to go. In a few days, they will step into Sichuan with the momentum of thunder..."

"I would like to give you a piece of advice. If you are sensible, go back quickly and let the emperor of the Han Kingdom surrender. Maybe the emperor will forgive you and let you go lightly and spare your life..."

After listening to Pei Renji quietly, Wang Meng laughed and said, "general Pei is a fan of the situation. Can\'t you see the overall situation now?"

"Yang Guang is not the emperor who made great efforts to govern in those days. He is addicted to pleasure and has no heroic spirit. How can he be compared with the emperor of the Han Dynasty? The emperor first took Sichuan as the foundation, and then went down to Lingnan to persuade song que, the leader of the Song Dynasty. Now all the Song Dynasty has been incorporated into the king Dynasty of the Han Dynasty... When the time comes, there will be chaos in the world. The emperor, with the general of tiger and wolf, will lead an iron and blood army to defeat the emperor Who can stop the world? "

Wang Meng\'s words are loud and sound, and his words are pearly. He is like a tongue, gun and lip sword. It is soul stirring and convincing. He has the legacy of the strategists in the pre-Qin period.

Pei Renji wanted to refute, but when he thought of Yang Guang, who was happy in Jiangdu, his heart was cold.

"The flames of war are rising and the heroes stand side by side. This is a sign of troubled times. If general Pei insists on going his own way, I\'m afraid he will be killed by the holy emperor before the troubled times."

"What a big breath!"

Pei Renji said with a smile, "Han qiahu is the general of the country. He leads 150000 troops to attack Shu with our army. It won\'t be long before there will be a good news. At that time, Bashu will change its Lord. Sir, you can consider changing your Lord."

The generals of the Sui army in the account laughed:

"What the general said is!"

"Sir, your eloquence is good. You\'d better join the big Sui early!"

"If 300000 troops attack Sichuan, they can\'t defend it anyway."

Wang Meng\'s mouth burst into a lotus flower. They were all shaken just now. Now Pei Renji finally pulled them back.


Wang shook his head and sighed: "the general doesn\'t know. Whether you win or lose this war, you must be avoided by Yang Guang after returning to the North Korea. Should the general know Yang Guang\'s means?"

Pei Renji\'s expression changed and thought of the terrible result of Yang Guang\'s anger.

The head rolled down and the blood flowed into the sea, which was a tragedy that could not be expressed in words.

Wang Meng said: "besides, the Imperial military division planned strategies and had no choice. He had already calculated the marching route of Han capturing the tiger. His majesty has arranged an ambush and interception. Tiandao song Jiashu led the elite troops of the song valve to intercept in two ways. Even if Han capturing the tiger is a fierce general in the world, he should hate on the spot..."

"Pei Shuai, big things are bad!!"

Before the voice fell, there was a scout of the Sui army outside the door, screaming and breaking into the account