The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2242

After the war, the next step is to count the battlefield.

At dawn the next day, the royal guards cleaned up the battlefield and quickly counted the casualties and reported them to the commander of the Chinese Army:

"More than 1300 people were killed and 3200 wounded in the war. General Niu Gao was injured. Yu can\'t help but was captured among the five good generals. However, this war also beheaded more than 17000 people of the Sui army, captured the tiger general Pei Xingjian of the Sui army alive, and seized countless money, grain and baggage..."

In general, the Han army made a lot of money!

But after listening to the royal guards\' military newspaper, Yue Fei hit the table with a fist and sighed: "Yu Wen was captured in this battle, which is the crime of Ben Shuai!"

Since the rise of field marshal Yue Fei, Wu Mu has won every battle and killed countless generals. For the back Wei army of the dynasty, the vertical and horizontal battlefield has always been absolutely crushed.

Today, I met Pei Renji and his son, and even suffered a small loss first. Yu Jian, one of the five good generals, was captured alive by the enemy, which was unprecedented.

On the side, Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan and said with a light smile, "Yue Shuai doesn\'t have to blame himself. Today Pei Renji captured general Yu Jin, and our army also captured his son alive. Besides, beheading more than 10000 people is a great victory. The military aircraft office will report it to your Majesty in the future, and there will be a great reward."

Yue Fei sighed, "today is only a small victory, but he has broken five good generals. General Yu Jin is the pillar of the dynasty, better than 100000 troops. If it is broken in Pei Renji\'s hand, it will be a great loss!"

Yu Jian is good at military training and used to be the coach of 800000 fierce soldiers in the Han Dynasty. Although his strength is not as strong as that of general Wuhu Jiulong and others, he is also the cornerstone of the dynasty. Yue Fei is only afraid that he will lose his opponent and die in the chaos.

At this time, Wang Meng, who had been silent, stood out from the tent, arched his hands, and said in a loud voice, "don\'t worry about Yue Shuai. It\'s certain that Pei Renji won\'t dare to move general ban."

Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan, his beard fluttered slightly, and said, "Oh, JINGLUE (Wang Meng\'s handwriting) what\'s your opinion?"

Wang Meng arched his hand at Zhuge Liang and said calmly: "military Master Kong Ming is right. In today\'s war, General Yu Jian was lost, but Pei Xingjian was caught. This man is Pei Renji\'s second son. He is known as a tiger general. Pei Renji loves his son so much that he will not put his son in danger..."

"There is a policy that can not only save general Yu Jian, but also let Pei Renji turn over, 100000 Sui troops, disarm and surrender!"

Yue Fei smelled the speech, looked moved and said, "JINGLUE really has a way to persuade Pei Renji to surrender?"

Zhuge Liang paused when he shook the goose feather fan. His eyes flashed slightly and fell on Wang Meng.

Wang Meng brushed his broad long sleeves and bowed down and said, "please be a lobbyist, enter the Sui military camp and persuade Pei Renji to surrender. If it doesn\'t work, I\'m willing to lead the military law!"

"Military justice is ruthless. It\'s no joke. You have to think about it."

Yue Fei frowned and said, "there are more than 100000 troops in the Sui army camp. Pei Renji\'s two sons have the courage of thousands of men. This plan is too dangerous."

"Jia Xu, the seven greatest military master in the past, went to Chang\'an alone and said 200000 fierce soldiers of tigers and wolves in Xiliang, setting the situation in the southwest for his majesty..."

Wang Meng said with an indifferent smile: "Yue Shuai doesn\'t have to worry. He\'s 90% sure of going here. Pei Renji is a person who knows current affairs and will definitely make the most correct choice..."

"As the saying goes, when you attack the city, you attack the city. When you attack the city, you attack the heart..."

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "since you are sure of JINGLUE, it\'s OK to have a try. If you succeed, you can subdue 100000 troops without swords. Isn\'t it happy?"

Yue Fei pondered for a while and said, "in that case, according to the military division, where is Yue Yun?"

"What can I do for you, father?"

Yue Yun stepped forward.

Yue Fei said, "go and inform Mr. Gongyang Yu, Xiao Feng and others of the Wulin army to protect Wang JINGLUE into the enemy camp."


Yue Yunqiang took orders and left.

Wang bowed down, hugged his fist and said, "thanks for Yue Shuai\'s care, otherwise Yue Shuai will be disappointed!"

After signing the military order from the royal guards, Wang Meng brushed his sleeves, swaggered and walked outside the tent.

Yue Fei looked at the disappearance of Wang Meng\'s back and asked, "military division, if you exchange prisoners, it\'s easy to say. With only three inches of good tongue, you want to persuade Pei Renji, a senior general of the Sui Dynasty, to surrender. Is it too absurd?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "it looks like taking chestnut from fire. It\'s extremely dangerous. In fact, Wang Meng has the confidence to convince Pei Renji. He is really likely to succeed."

"What do you say?"

Zhuge Liang gently shook the goose feather fan and said, "the military aircraft Department reported that Pei Renji\'s background investigation was clear. This man was born as a big Pei valve in Hedong and had few courage. He once fought South and North under Yang Jian\'s command. Later, he served as the bodyguard of King Yang Liang\'s residence as Yitong..."

"Yang Guang is lenient and temperamental. After he ascended the throne that year, he was his compatriots and brothers, and many accidents happened. Pei Renji was defeated at this time. If it was reported back to the court and there were rumors of public opinion, Yang Guang must be deeply afraid. Li Mi, the Duke of Pu mountain, is the lesson of Pei Renji\'s front car..."

Li mi was also an important Minister of the Sui Dynasty, but he was also suspected by Yang Guang. Only then did he get out of the court and fall grass in Wagang stronghold.

Yue Fei is good at managing the army and arranging the battle array. He is a little insufficient for these conspiracy contingencies. At this time, after listening to Zhuge Liang\'s analysis, he was enlightened and sighed: "Wolong is a wise man for thousands of years!"



Sui army camp.

Pei Renji\'s face was solemn and heavy. He sat on the throne and read yesterday\'s battlefield military newspaper in his hand. His eyebrows were tightly locked into a Sichuan word.

"It\'s an exaggeration to hurt more than a thousand enemies and lose ten thousand people!"

Pei Yuanqing smashed his mouth and couldn\'t believe his eyes.

Pei Xingyan also looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "in today\'s war, the Han army is indeed the elite of the world and the division of iron blood tigers and wolves. The overall quality of our army is not an opponent."

How can people who have experienced war not know what such a war damage ratio means?

Basically a crash!

That is, the legendary World War I was defeated and the army was defeated like a mountain.

If Pei Renji hadn\'t been in battle for a long time, he would have lost more than that now