The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2244

The Scout broke into the tent in a cold sweat. He was vigilant and found someone else in the tent. He leaned close to Pei Renji\'s ear and said in a low voice: "general Pei, it\'s a bad thing. When Han qiahu old general was attacking Sichuan, he was ambushed and killed by the Han army. The Sui army collapsed in the first war. He met song Ke, the leader of the song valve, and made a surprise attack with a fine horse..."

"Old general Han was defeated by song Kuang. Now I don\'t know whether he is alive or dead. There are 150000 troops on the South Road, and tens of thousands of others were beheaded. There are countless others who fled. Please make a decision, general Pei!"


With Pei Renji\'s determination, after hearing the news, they all felt as if they had been bombarded by thunder, and there was a blank in their mind!

"Song Ke, it\'s actually Tian Dao song Ke!"

"The world\'s first swordsman is indeed a famous Wuxu scholar. Wang Meng is right. The song valve has waded into the muddy water in Sichuan!"

150000 troops were defeated in the first World War. Shangzhu Korea captured the tiger alive by the enemy. If Pei Renji hadn\'t heard of it, he couldn\'t believe it anyway!!

The 150000 troops are not Chinese cabbage. They are lined up and the flags cover the sky and block out the sun for more than ten miles.

It can be said that even if you line up and behead others, you have to cut the long blade!

It was the pillar stone of the Sui Dynasty that Han captured the tiger. In those years, the destruction of the country and the city was like a general eating and drinking water!

Pei Renji\'s expression changed dramatically, and everyone in the tent saw it, and the atmosphere was suddenly silent.

Wang Meng is already a master of literature and Taoism. His five senses and spiritual knowledge are extremely outstanding. He is full of literature. He has heard the Scout\'s soft voice military newspaper for a long time, but his face does not change. He brushed his sleeves and said, "since general Pei has military affairs, I won\'t bother much. Goodbye!"

He was about to turn around and leave, but Pei Renji stood up and said in a astringent voice, "your envoy... Stay."

At this time, Pei Renji\'s heart was really full of decadence.

The northern and southern armies conquered Shu. Now the southern army has been destroyed by 150000, leaving him more than 100000 people. He not only has to fight against the iron and blood tiger and wolf division of the Han Dynasty, but also has to deal with the song valve that has been dormant for many years.

"Sir, please stay."

In the shocked look of Pei Yuanqing and Pei Xingyan, Pei Renji walked slowly to Wang Meng, bowed and asked, "now Han Gong has been defeated, 150000 troops have been destroyed, the general trend is gone, our army has less than 10% chance of winning, and the expedition to Sichuan... Has been completely defeated!"

It is very difficult for a proud commander to admit his failure.

But the fact is that Pei Renji\'s brain is still very clear, but the Sui generals in the account are in an uproar.

"Han Gong... Defeated?!"

"The kingdom of Shangzhu bravely commanded 150000 three armies and crossed the battlefield. How... How could it be defeated!?"

"This... This is ridiculous, isn\'t it?"

"The Han army is terrible!"


Sui Jiang in the account heard the news and said it himself from Pei Renji. Naturally, he believed it deeply, but his heart was terrified and full of shock.

In the past years, Han Qihoo conquered cities and occupied land. Breaking the country was like drinking water. He could be called a top fierce general in the Sui Dynasty military system.

Even he was folded in the front of the Han army. Who else in the world can resist the attack of the iron blood tiger and wolf division!?

"Is there an egg under the pouring nest?"

Wang Meng stopped and said in a deep voice, "chaos is coming. Heroes are competing for deer. General Pei, don\'t make mistakes."

Master Wen Tao was born with a great spirit, as if his words were the Supreme Truth between heaven and earth, which people couldn\'t help but believe.

Pei Renji said, "Sir, great talent, but I don\'t know how to teach me?"

Wang Meng said calmly: "how can general Pei know in his heart that if he falls to the Han Dynasty at this time, it is the right way. Otherwise, in less than half a month, when the South army arrives, it will attack and attack back and forth, and the North army will be defeated..."

"That\'s it, general Pei. Think twice."

After Wang Meng finished, he didn\'t say much, and Pei Renji fell into meditation.

After half a ring, he only heard a faint sigh, and the eyes around him fell on him. Pei Renji said in a astringent voice: "today\'s defeat is not a crime of war, but the general trend. Pei Renji... Willing to surrender!"



The Kowloon Emperor\'s chariot sped along the road.

The Dragon camp and the dragon scale dark Armored Cavalry followed behind, and the ground was covered with smoke and dust.

"How is the situation in Sichuan?"

Liu Hao sat in the carriage and asked.

At this time, Yang Guang was not hopeless. When he heard of the chaos in Sichuan, he immediately sent an army led by General Han qiahu and Pei Renji to fight.

Mei Changsu sat on the fox skin cushion, his hands folded in his sleeves, suddenly smiled and said: "Song que is as stable as Mount Tai in the army on the South Road. At the same time, the military aircraft Department received the latest news from Yue Shuai, fought a war with Pei Renji, beheaded tens of thousands, just..."

"Just what?"

Mei changsutton first said: "only Pei Renji has three sons, known as two dragons and one tiger. They are all enemies of all people. When fighting the generals in front of the battle, General Yu Jian was accidentally captured by Pei\'s tiger son, but General Zhao Yun also captured Pei Renji\'s second son Pei Xingjian alive..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and began to read the news of the system.

Sure enough, there was a news of Yu Jian\'s defeat and capture, hidden in a pile of good news.

"Let\'s see how fierce Pei\'s two dragons and one tiger are..."

In the sound of meditation, Liu Hao began to check the attributes of Pei\'s father and son.

Pei Renji - force 76, intelligence 83, politics 82, command 86!

Stunt 1, decisive: Pei Renji is a general of the Sui Dynasty. He is brave and knows the principle of using troops. When he is in command of the army, force + 2, command + 2!

Stunt 2, famous family: Pei Renji was born in the big Pei valve in Hedong. He is the queen of the famous family!

Children and grandchildren of later generations, if they get their guidance, the familiarity with force will be increased by 3-5 points at random!

"I\'m not very good at being familiar with the ability, but this famous attribute is enough to raise Pei Renji to the position of a first-class general..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and gave an attribute to Pei Renji.

In the Han Dynasty, the thirty-six generals of Xuanwu, not to mention the emperor\'s famous Imperial martial arts, were also a collection of heroes through the ages. They were all legends, much more powerful than Pei Renji.

However, it is rare for people to have several sons who strive for success