The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2241

Zhang Ying, one of the five good generals, has used 12% of his strength. His shooting skills are illusory. He fought hard against Pei Yuanqing, but his arms are weak and his heart is cold:

"Is this boy a monster? His arms are really powerful!"

On the battlefield, the voice thundered. Seeing Pei\'s Twin Dragons, Pei Renji nodded slightly, looked around and proudly said, "my son is a real tiger general!"

After a long war, it will inevitably have an impact on morale. Yue Fei\'s face gradually sank down, raised Liquan magic gun and ordered: "where are Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Yun?"

Yuwen Chengdu, who was as majestic as a God in gold armor, and Zhao Yun, who was wearing a white Dragon Robe, boldly stepped out and said, "the end will be here!"

"Order you and others to go out to meet the enemy. This battle is related to the morale of the three services. Xu Sheng must not lose!"


"Huang Zhong, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Gao Chong, just wait for the enemy\'s formation to be in disorder, immediately rush into the formation with dragon scale Xuanjia heavy cavalry, sink the camp, step through the enemy\'s formation, and tiger Ben\'s fierce soldiers chisel the flank. There must be no mistake!"


The generals of the Han army took command with fists.

The handsome flag of the Han Dynasty was displayed, and Yuwen Chengdu took the lead. The thousand mile Yellow Dragon foal turned into a yellow dragon, rolled the dust and flew out of the array.

With the Phoenix wings flowing and the golden bell dancing, there was a fierce roar. The terrible air blade broke through the air and killed more than a dozen soldiers of the Sui army in front of him.

"Come on, come on!"

Pei Yuanqing was killing and retreating Zhang Ying at this time. Seeing that Yuwen came from Chengdu, he laughed and said, "you look good at fighting. Come and accompany me for a few moves!"

Yuwen Chengdu humed coldly, "yellow mouth child, when I rushed to kill the general, I\'m afraid you haven\'t been born!"

The two men were in high spirits, and their spirit ran through the sky. They didn\'t say much. They clapped their horses and killed each other.

Hundreds of catties of Phoenix wings, flowing gold bells and silver hammers collided in the air, making a crazy noise, just like a flash flood.

As soon as the master makes a move, he knows whether there is one.

At the moment when the two horses crossed, Yuwen Chengdu looked at Pei Yuanqing in surprise and thought: "when I was young, I was afraid I couldn\'t compare with him. These two silver hammers are at least five or six hundred kilograms. This boy has extraordinary talent. He is really a monster!"

You know, after the refining of Leichi artifact, the Phoenix wing flowing gold bell in Yuwen Chengdu\'s hand is only more than 300 kilograms.

This is a number that countless people can only look up to. Waving it, it is murderous. If ordinary people touch it, they will break their muscles and bones.

Pei Yuanqing\'s Silver Hammer, however, has a weight of more than 300 kg. The double hammer blows like a wild wild and raging like a wild dragon. Its power is really terrible.

"Eh!? this man is extraordinary. He can stop my son Yuanqing!"

Pei Renji also has good eyesight. He was surprised to see Yuwen Chengdu fighting with Pei Yuanqing.

Pei\'s three sons, Pei Xingyan and Pei Xingjian, are great generals. Pei Yuanqing is really the enemy of thousands of people who are brave in the three armies. He is in his teens and runs across the battlefield, but rarely meets opponents.

Today, it seems that Pei Yuanqing and this Jin Jiahan are going to die together, but they are still vaguely suppressed. It\'s incredible!

Yuwen Chengdu met Pei Yuanqing. Zhao Yun\'s white dragon gun suddenly vibrated, but he directly found Pei Xingjian.

As soon as the five tigers and nine dragons General of the Han army came out, the situation of the whole battlefield immediately reversed.

"The five tiger generals have unparalleled power!"

"General Jiulong is invincible!"

In an instant, the big man Huben howled like a wild wolf and a lion!

While shouting, hold up the weapons in your hand, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, to the sky!


Pei Xingyan was watching the battlefield while fighting with Xu Huang. His face was solemn and his heart was as heavy as iron: "if this situation continues, I\'m afraid my second brother will not be able to hold on!"

There was a lot of killing on the field, but Pei Xingjian was gradually unable to resist.

Although Pei Xingjian is known as a tiger general, he is still a little inferior to his two monsters.

Zhao Yunlong braved the power of the God of spear, and suppressed and overturned several worlds, but the reputation of Shengsheng. After being tempered by the thunder pool, the power of the White Dragon God gun is infinite. When it dances, there are bursts of white dragons singing through the sky.

Pei Xingjian was stunned by the white dragon gun. He was stabbed in the left shoulder by Zhao Yun\'s unpredictable white dragon gun. He turned over and fell under the horse.

The royal guards, who had long been wandering on the side, came out with all the ropes and caught Pei Xingjian.

"Second brother!"

Pei Yuanqing was very anxious. The three Pei brothers had deep feelings. Even if he had 12 points of strength, he roared and hit with a silver hammer.

But Yuwen Chengdu is also unrivaled in bravery. The Phoenix wing flowing gold Dang wears left and kills right, and still cuts him in place. He can\'t advance or retreat.

"Don\'t hurt my brother!"

When the brother was captured, Pei Xingyan, the eldest brother, was so anxious that he didn\'t want to fight again. At present, he fired a false shot, forced Xu Huang back, and shouted at Pei Xingjian.

"The whole army attacked and robbed thrift!"

Fearing that his son would lose, Pei Renji hurriedly ordered the generals to take orders and lead tens of thousands of Sui troops to kill them. The scene was chaotic.

In the face of the overwhelming crazy offensive, Yue Fei stood still, but solemnly ordered: "the generals listen to the order, prepare to attack and defeat the Sui army!"




The general of the five tigers and nine dragons of the Great Han Dynasty immediately raised his momentum to the peak. His essence and wolf smoke ran through the acupoints of the generals. Like wolf smoke, he shot straight into the sky. Even the strong wind could not disperse.


The great man\'s back Wei sergeant\'s Qi also rose to the peak. He held both knives and guns in his hand, and the cold light shone on the sky. Combined with the heavy and neat footsteps, for a time, the cold light blinded the sky and the murderous spirit rushed into the sky!

"This man commands and dispatches an iron blooded master, just like an arm envoy. He is definitely a famous commander in the world!"

Pei Renji\'s pupils contracted suddenly.

He is also a veteran who has led the army for decades. After several generations of ups and downs, he naturally knows the strength of the Han Army array.

Yue Fei commanded the back Wei army, like an arm envoy. Hundreds of thousands of Great Han tigers and Cardis lined up in a neat line, and with the momentum of Six Harmonies and green dragons, they followed the general of five tigers and nine dragons and frantically burst into the enemy array.

In this war, the yellow sand, mud and dust were rolling like dragons. It can be said that the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark.

After all, the back Wei army was more elite, and tens of thousands of Sui troops were defeated day by day. It was not until dark that the two sides withdrew their troops