The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2234

"Good! Good! What a re cast Han holy court!"

Song que looked shocked, said three good words one after another, and said in a deep voice: "when meeting with the holy Emperor today, it should be made clear. Song heard that the holy emperor killed emperor Xi Ying first, and then Xie Hui on the streets of Chengdu. Today, song wants to ask the holy emperor for advice..."

The strength of the Han Dynasty, as well as Liu Hao\'s accomplishments, song Kui has long been informed by the news from Song Zhi.

However, song is short of people, and there is a clear distinction between kindness and resentment.

Appreciation belongs to appreciation, but Xie Hui at this time is still song Ke\'s loyal younger brother. He is determined by his loneliness. When his younger brother is killed, he naturally wants to come forward and try with Liu Hao.

"I have the same intention. I haven\'t learned the skill of Tiandao."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and Huoran stood up.

When he returned to the sea, he stood in front of Liu Hao, holding the knife in his right hand. Suddenly, the desperate gesture of dominating the world had become.

"Good, good."

Song Duan stood with a negative hand. He glanced at Guihai in a little surprise and said, "your Sabre technique is very good."

Returning to the sea with a knife, he said solemnly, "I\'m about to learn the skill of Tiandao!"

While talking, the cold iron knife in his palm finally came out of its sheath and jumped into his palm.


I didn\'t say a word more when I returned to the sea. As soon as I turned my wrist, I suddenly waved my knife and cut wildly.

Just between the lightning and flint, he has already used his desperate blade to cut!

No love, no righteousness, no God, no devil, no heaven, no earth!

A domineering Dao Gang suddenly cut out and went straight to song Que\'s forehead. It\'s this Dao. It\'s called the first Dao in the world in the Ming Dynasty. Its power is absolutely extraordinary.

In the face of the fierce attack of this knife, song Kuang\'s expression remained unchanged. He just made a move with his hands off. An ancient knife inserted on the grindstone rang and flew into song Kuang\'s palm.


In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed, the Heavenly Emperor\'s Dragon pupil moved, and began to stare at every subtle movement change of song que.


Song Ke didn\'t make any superfluous moves. He drew his knife with his backhand and cut it in the air. In an instant, he intercepted the desperate of returning to the sea.

Tianfeng huanpei of Tiandao eight dharmas!

When the peerless Dao Gang met in the air, there was a sudden sound of gold and jade ring. When he returned to the sea, his arm shook. He couldn\'t resist the determination of the Dao. He swept back and withdrew in the air for a few meters.

"The blade of heaven is unparalleled in the world!"

Song Yuzhi smiled, her eyes bent into the moon, full of pride.

This is song Ke!

Tiandao is invincible, the Lord of song valve like God!

When he returned to the sea, he suffered a small loss, but his war intention was more and more high-spirited. Like a wounded crazy beast, he stepped on his left foot and shouted, "dominate the world!"

Dominating the world is the most domineering and fierce sabre. Facing the unfathomable song lack of sabre cultivation, Guihai Sabre no longer has any reservation and directly uses the strongest Sabre he has mastered.

Boom, boom!

The more than Zhang long blade Gang cut through the void, and the fierce blade Qi burst, and the ancient wood leaves rustled and fell in the yard.


Song Que\'s face was not good, so he drew his knife again.

His action of drawing a knife is simply combined with heaven and earth and the deeper noumenon hidden behind it. It is full of the taste of constant and ever-changing methods.

This knife has no gaps and flaws to find. What\'s more, it makes people feel that the peerless knife coming with his starting style must shock the world, cry ghosts and gods, have no beginning and no end.

At this point, the Dao has reached an unpredictable level.

Tiandao eight methods vs dominating the world!

The sound of gold and iron ringing in his ears continued. Liu Hao stood with his hands down and looked at the battlefield with great interest. He suddenly shook his head and said with a smile: "you can take the first seven moves of Tiandao. You are proud of yourself."

The voice just fell, and there was a loud clang of knives in the air.

The two figures separated quickly, fell back more than ten meters from the air with a knife back to the sea, and finally stood with a knife.

"Under the eight dharmas of heaven\'s sabre, you are a great master. At your age, you have such attainments in sabre. In the future, there must be a place for you in the Jianghu..."

Song que landed steadily on the ground, and his eyes were full of reward when he saw a knife returning to the sea.

He seemed to see his young self with such talent.

Shifei Xuan couldn\'t help feeling: "it\'s not just a place. If today\'s war is spread in the Jianghu, this young man called Guihai sword will immediately become the hottest genius among the young generation. The marquis will try his best to win over him!"

Unfortunately, Guihai Dao was absolutely loyal to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. After losing a Dao, he stood behind Liu Hao and said nothing more.

"The road is very simple and easy. The number starts from one and ends at nine. Recently, the eight methods of Tiandao have broken through. It is already the nine styles of Tiandao. There are still the last two knives left. Please taste them recently."

Song Kuang Wen said, "if the holy emperor takes over these two knives, song Kuang in Lingnan will surrender immediately. The 100000 troops of the song valve will also help his majesty achieve the king\'s hegemony."

"A gentleman\'s word is a whip for a fast horse!"

In the laughter, Liu Hao\'s sleeve moved, and suddenly there was a magic knife in his hand that was as bright as the stars.

This is the Seven Star divine Sabre trained in Leichi. It condenses a faint star brilliance on the blade, which is more magical than ordinary divine soldiers.

"There is nothing else except the knife."

At the moment when everyone held their breath, song que finally came out.


There was only a sound of Dao Ming and dragon chanting. Song Ke had already integrated his Dao and disappeared in place.

No one can describe the brilliance of this knife. The red Qi of the knife is like Cabernet Sauvignon. It condenses on the body of the knife, and even breathes an inch long air awn at the tip of the knife. This air awn is not the real Qi of the family, but contains the power of sharp Qi and blood. The air is like splitting silk. It is cut by a knife and pulled out a long white practice.

This is the only knife in heaven and earth!

The eighth Dao of Tiandao nine style is already the extreme state of Dao Dao. All the exquisite Dao moves you can think of are not comparable to the thunder Dao, which turns complexity into simplicity.

Returning to the sea was shocked: if he faced this knife directly, there would be no chance to win.

Not even ten percent.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent. Take everything as a ruminant dog and take my seven killing knife!"

Liu Hao\'s sword eyebrows suddenly raised, the divine court shook, and his body was full of calmness, calmness, indifference, and cold killing intention