The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2235


The Seven Star magic Sabre roared for a long time. The bright star on the sabre turned into a tidal wave of evil killing intention, and it was boiling violently in an instant.

The shadows of thousands of knives overlapped again. In the bright star awn, there was a fierce howling sound of ghosts crying and howling. At this time, the whole space seemed to be silent, and the speed of falling leaves in the air slowed down by several minutes.

When the two knives met in the air, the force of the knife exploded, and the fallen leaves stagnated in the air were crushed to pieces by a huge force.

The strength of the knife is scattered like a tornado, and the mud and dust of broken leaves are flying all over the sky. You can\'t see the situation in the field at all.

I only heard a sword coming back to the sea, my eyes were frozen, and I was stunned and said, "there is such a sword skill in the world!?"


With the sound of the sword, a ray of the sword light hung like a bright sun, and the broken leaves and mud dust were forced to disperse by the sword Qi of the ninth sword of Tiandao. Like light, it dispelled the darkness, sanctified and purified the evil, and the hell was forced into the abyss.

Song que jumped into the air, his black hair was raised, his eyes were clear and clear, and there was nothing left.

There is nothing but a knife.

Get it and forget the knife.

From now on, whether it\'s a knife returning to the sea or the saint concubine Xuan of Cihang Jingzhai, there are enough reasons to believe that this picture will always be engraved in their hearts.

The ninth Sabre of Tiandao has reached the extreme state of Dao Dao. It is extremely poor. All blade movements change!

The gold line is not bad, and the Dragon Shield flows naturally. Liu Hao steps into the sky, his long hair dances without wind, and his blood almost boils. The ancient seven kill magic knife suddenly splits into the air, just like the God Emperor sitting in the court of heaven, splitting the sky with a knife!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two shocking Sabre Qi collided with each other, and an unparalleled roar broke out. The sabre Qi scattered everywhere. Everyone in the field was unstable and stepped back several steps.

When the dust settled, song Yuzhi couldn\'t help asking, "second brother, who won and who lost this war?"

Song Shifu\'s accomplishments in Taoism and martial arts were limited, but he couldn\'t see the situation in the field. He just shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I don\'t know..."

Originally, song lacked in his heart, Wei\'an was like a God and was absolutely invincible. However, after knowing Liu Hao\'s terrorist strength, song Shidao no longer dared to be blindly confident.

"The ninth move of Tiandao is really wonderful..."

Liu Hao\'s mind turned sharply, and he still deduced the unparalleled elegance of the top knife in his mind.

If it weren\'t for their own inside information, it would be unimaginable. The gold line is not bad, combined with the dragon shield, and ten thousand soldiers are not broken. I\'m afraid they will also be hurt under the blade of the unparalleled sword.

"Your Majesty, martial arts and Taoism are connected with God. Song is not as good as you."

With a wave of song Que\'s hand, Tiandao disappeared into the grindstone again, leaving only one handle outside.

Song Kuang sighed with emotion: "since Song Kuang has made a promise, he is willing to surrender to the holy emperor. Since then, song valve will spare no effort to help his majesty to establish the world and create a prosperous era for the Han people."

The voice was loud. Song que pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees. He said to Liu Hao, "minister, song que, meet your majesty!"

Song que was the leader of the song valve. Even he knelt down. Naturally, the rest of the song valve could not stand any longer.

Song Shidao involuntarily knelt on his knees, bowed down and said, "minister, song Shidao, meet your majesty!"

Song Yuzhi tooted his mouth and knelt beside his brother. Crisp Sheng said, "Song Yuzhi, see your majesty!"


Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, who has won the recognition and loyalty of song que. At present, song Que\'s loyalty is 93 points, and the additional reward worship value is 5000 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

"Congratulations to the host. You have won the loyalty of song Shidao. At present, the loyalty of song Shidao is 95 points, and the additional reward worship value is 1000 points. Please make persistent efforts!"

"Congratulations to the host. Song Yuzhi defeated song Ke strongly. Song Yuzhi\'s favor with the host is + 20. The current favor is 87 points, and the additional reward worship value is 2000 points. Please make persistent efforts!"


A series of sounds of nature like system prompts suddenly sounded in Liu Hao\'s ear.

Liu Hao was extremely happy. If he didn\'t keep his monarchy in front of the public, he would almost laugh wildly.

If you accept the power of the whole Song Dynasty, you can take advantage of the trend and be included in the command of the dynasty. For the overall situation, it saves countless strength.

Moreover, song lacked personal combat power. He was already at the top of the great master of martial arts, and there was hope to hit Renxian Avenue.

"System, song Ke should be included in the Dao saint?"

"The progress of the current Daosheng task has been automatically updated, please know!"

Liu Hao thought a little and checked the progress of the sabre saint\'s task. In addition to returning to the sea, there was another song vacancy, which was icing on the cake.

"Why should I worry about the uncertainty of the world when I get the help of Tiandao?"

Liu Hao burst out laughing and waved his sleeves. A gentle emperor like clouds suddenly escaped. It seemed that there was an invisible giant hand in the air, holding song valve and several people to stand up.

Mei Changsu, who accompanied her, bowed down and said, "Congratulations, your majesty, on accepting such a hero!"

Since Song que was dominated by Liu Hao, he took Liu Hao into his own identity, led Liu Hao to the front hall and asked, "Your Majesty has taken Sichuan as the foundation. I don\'t know what to do next?"

Liu Hao said with a smile, "you can tell me what you think and see if you want to go with me."

Song Kuang showed his hands, pointed to the military map hanging high, pointed to a point on the map, and said, "the world is going to be in chaos. If you send troops from Sichuan and Lingnan to attack Xiangyang and decide Xiangyang in the first war, you can sit in the South and look north until the day comes. As soon as the time comes, send troops to the north to compete for deer..."

Song Kui is not only the cultivation of the great master at the peak of Dao Dao, but also has a good strategy of marching and using troops.

Otherwise, it was impossible to use 10000 elite troops to resist the strong attack of Yang Jian and 100000 Sui troops.

After hearing song Kuo\'s strategic deployment, Mei Changsu smiled and said, "Xiangyang City is a strategic place for strategists, and it really needs to be controlled in his hand. However, the minister thought that Yang Guang would not sit and watch the fall of Shu. The general of the Sui Dynasty soon killed the commanding Army in Shu..."

"Your Majesty, if you want to take Xiangyang, you must first stick to the foundation in Sichuan. As long as you defeat the general of the Sui Dynasty, the minister asserts that... The situation will be turbulent and the world will be in chaos."