The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2233

This grindstone looks dark and unsophisticated. It has a smell of vicissitudes. When you look carefully, you can find that it is full of crisscross knife marks.

Liu Hao\'s eyes swept around and finally fell on the majestic figure with his hands on his back and looking up at the sky.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Tiandao song Ke - force 115, intelligence 85, politics 82, command 93!

Stunt 1, Tiandao: there is nothing else except the Dao.

Song Kui is a rare talent of Dao technique for hundreds of years. When he resists the enemy with Dao technique, the power of Dao technique will be increased by 20%!

All sabers under his command, force + 2, Sabre power increased by 10%!

Stunt 2, Zhennan: the Song Dynasty lacks the talent of Tianzong. In addition to the Dao, it has a good command of military knowledge and battle array, ruling the country and managing politics!

Song Ke\'s intelligence + 2, politics + 2, command + 2!

"This is the great master level master of Tiandao song Ke who swept the world!"

Liu Hao looked at Song Ke\'s attribute stunts and felt some amazing.

If one word is used to describe the attribute of song que, it is:


No friends!

Song Shidao saw his father, hurried forward and saluted, "father, the emperor of the Han Dynasty has arrived."

Song que didn\'t look back and said softly, "you did a good job."

Song Shidao was sweating in his heart. He was not a few years younger than Liu Hao, but he was beaten to pieces by Liu Hao along the way.

"It is said that the emperor of the Han Dynasty came down from the gate of heaven, led the army across the river to the East, and entered Shu strongly. I don\'t know what it was like in the gate that day?"

Song que slowly turned around, and Shi Feixuan finally saw the appearance of this great contemporary master.

As soon as song Ke left the Jianghu, he was a beautiful man who moved the world. He fell in love with fan Qinghui of Cihang Jingzhai and killed each other. After these years, it seems that years have not engraved a mark on his face.

His face was chiseled with a knife and axe. He was masculine and had two thick eyebrows. It was like two peerless swords. When he raised it slightly, he had a fierce and unbearable look, like a knife.

"These two men are the heroes of the world and have the ambition to handle the world. However, song que is much older and has profound skills. He should be a little better..."

Shifeixuan couldn\'t help glancing at Liu Hao again. Only then did she find that Liu Hao and song que met each other like lightning and thunder.

Liu Hao said with a light smile, "the Heavenly Sword song lacks. It\'s really energetic. The heavenly gate is coming, the dynasty is rising, and the troubled times are coming. I mention the three foot sword to cross the heavens in order to set the world and establish the orthodoxy of the Han people in the shortest time. Brother song, can you help me?"

Don\'t talk in secret in front of a wise man.

In front of such a top master of martial arts as song que, Liu Hao directly expressed his solicitation intention and purpose.

"Establish Han orthodoxy..."

Song kuxiong\'s face moved slightly and was silent.

Song que is essentially a traditional Han Chinese. What he pursues all his life is to hold a knife in his hand, calm the troubled times and clarify the orthodox status of the Han people.

The first move that song Ke took to establish Han orthodoxy was to lay out in Shu and marry the exclusive castle.

This sentence is better than a thousand words. They have the same intention, but they are somewhat sympathetic to each other.

Song que went to the stone table in the courtyard and sat down. He said with a light smile: "Emperor Sui sits in Zhongjing. There are still capable officials and powerful generals in the court. It\'s difficult to wipe out the world!"

Song Kulian said three difficult words. Liu Hao sat opposite song Kui, but smiled: "there are still capable generals in the Sui Dynasty. Unfortunately, Yang Guang is not the same as Yang Guang in those years. The inside information has been consumed. The world has become chaotic. A single spark can also start a prairie fire. I assert that the Sui Dynasty will be destroyed in less than three years!"

This is the advantage of the transgressor. Liu Hao holds the context of historical development and has the ability to know before, which even song Ke can\'t help but praise in his heart.

"Zhai rang and Li Mi of Wagang stronghold in Hebei are heroes for a time. Wagang has gathered countless strange people and scholars. If it is true as your majesty said, the world will be in chaos in the near future, these two people will have some achievements!"

Song que flicked his finger on the table and said calmly.

In the plot of the original book, song que had secretly contacted Wagang stronghold and helped Wagang start an incident in the north.

Liu Hao shook his head and laughed: "Zhai rang is as rough as a tiger, while Li Mi is as soft as a wolf. These two people can only be famous for a while. I expect Li Mi will not stay under people for a long time. At that time, there will be a fire between the two. There will be civil strife in Wagang. Yang Guang will send a general to destroy them with one blow..."

Song que frowned and said, "Du Fuwei of Jiangzuo, Dou Jiande of Hebei and Li Zitong are all the heroes of the world. They rise by taking advantage of the situation and have some opportunities to compete for the world."

Liu Hao laughed and said, "I only regard these people in brother song\'s mouth as dead bones in the grave. They will be destroyed sooner or later. What\'s the point?"

Song lacked eyes and fell into meditation.

Shi Feixuan blurted out, "in your Majesty\'s opinion, who can get the rivers and mountains of the Sui Dynasty?"

Liu Hao glanced at her and said, "why was Cihang Jingzhai born? Haven\'t you chosen Taiyuan as the son of the real dragon? As soon as the time comes, we\'ll build momentum for him?"

"Your Majesty laughed..."

After several questions, Shi Feixuan\'s pretty face turned white and her heart trembled. She quickly lowered her head to hide her inner panic.

Song Que\'s eyes were as sharp as a knife. He took a deep look at Shi Feixuan and said: "Li valve sits in Taiyuan and secretly contacts Guanzhong haovalve to occupy a favorable place and people. If Cihang Jingzhai and other Baidao leaders are his platform, he can jump into the most promising force in the world to subvert the Sui Dynasty..."

He is the victim of Cihang\'s quiet fast. Naturally, he has a certain understanding of the various means of Cihang\'s quiet fast.

"However, with the assistance of Cihang Jingzhai and the support of Jianghu white Taoist, Li spool can not become a climate after all."

Liu Hao smiled lightly and said, "if I get the help of brother song, integrate the power of the south, take Xiangyang first, turn the military front, make another Northern Expedition, take Luoyang directly, and then sweep the Central Plains, who can stop me?"

Song Kushen said, "it\'s a feat that no one has ever completed. Why does your majesty assert that it will succeed?"

"Because of the heyday of the Han Dynasty, the generals are like clouds, the ministers are like rain, and the officers and men of the three armed forces are all elite soldiers and fierce soldiers with iron blood and hundred battles, enough to dominate this era!"

Liu Hao\'s eyes were like gods, and Qiang ran said:

"I came down at the gate of heaven to sweep the world and forge the holy court of the Han people!"