The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2232

Throughout the people of Lingnan, they have lived and worked in peace and contentment for many years. Everyone\'s face is filled with a happy and simple smile, which is rare in the Central Plains.

"Song\'s lack of talent is not only reflected in his cultivation of Dao, running the army and politics, but also has its uniqueness..."

Liu Hao got off the Kowloon Tiandi car and looked at the Lingnan scenery.

Looking around, XIONG Shi looked around. In the distance, there was a sound of neat and heavy footsteps. I saw a team of song valve warriors with firm knives running from a distance.

The first old man, cangfa Haoshou, looked mighty, used his body method to sweep closer, bowed and hugged Liu Hao, and said: "the Master heard that the Great Han Emperor\'s light car entered Lingnan and specially sent someone to meet him. Shidao, take the emperor to the grinding hall for a chat!"

"Uncle Lu, hasn\'t your father left the customs yet?"

Song Shidao nodded and said.

He is the son of song Que and the successor of song valve. When he comes to Lingnan, he is half the master.

Song Lu sighed, "the master of the family has been sitting at the pass for several years. He doesn\'t ask about the world. He hopes to break through the pass in one fell swoop and achieve the supreme state of Tiandao."

At this time, a teenage girl jumped out of the side, stood in front of Liu Hao, put her hands in her small waist, raised her head and asked, "did you save the beauty and save the eldest sister?"


Song Shidao was sweating. He was afraid that his younger sister song Yuzhi would make trouble. He hurriedly grabbed her and said, "Yuzhi, don\'t fool around. This is a distinguished guest of the Song family."

He has seen Liu Hao\'s horror with his own eyes. The saint of Cihang Jingzhai is noble. In the end, he still brings tea and water to Liu Hao. Song Yuzhi is unruly and willful. If he offends the big man, song Shidao doesn\'t know what to do

Song Lu also blackened his face and shouted softly, "Yuzhi, the Great Han emperor is the guest of the master. Why are you so rude?"

The marriage with the exclusive castle in Sichuan was also an important chess move of the Song Dynasty. As a result, it was destroyed by Liu Hao, which was somewhat embarrassing.

Song Yuzhi was scolded by his brother and elders one after another. His big eyes turned and his mouth pouted. He was a little depressed.

Liu Hao just smiled and said, "it doesn\'t hurt. Miss Yuzhi is straightforward and innocent. I\'m very optimistic about you."

Song Yuzhi immediately cleared the sky after the rain, held his head high, held his small chest, and said proudly: "look, even the elder brother of the emperor thinks I\'m right. That\'s what heroes think alike!"

"Xie Wenlong is very frivolous and self righteous. He has long been unhappy with him... Go, brother Shenghuang, I\'ll take you to the sharpening hall!"

The little girl has a cheerful and lively atmosphere. She pulls Liu Hao and walks towards the mountain. Song Shidao and song Lu are sweating wildly

Along the way, song Yuzhi turned into a curious baby, holding Liu Hao\'s clothes and chirping.

Song valve is a powerful valve in the world. Naturally, the education for children is very strict. The man song Yuzhi sees on weekdays is just his brother and uncle. When he sees a handsome and mature man like Liu Hao, he is naturally curious and inexplicably wants to get close to Liu Hao.

This is also Liu Hao\'s hidden attribute charm value has reached a very high level, which can be called a girl killer.

In future generations, this charm is worth breaking into the entertainment industry. Whatever little fresh meat and milk dog you have, you have to be killed by Liu Hao, and there is no residue left

"Holy emperor, when you arrive at the knife sharpening hall, don\'t rush to fight my father..."

Song Yuzhi gathered around Liu Hao and said in a low voice, "Dad, it seems that there has been a breakthrough in martial arts recently. In the knife sharpening hall, there is a sword sound like a dragon singing from time to time. I dare not approach it. It\'s terrible..."

"Song\'s missing Tiandao has become a success?"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved and he immediately lost his smile. Song Yuzhi, a little girl, is really interesting.

"Don\'t worry, I only discuss the general situation of the world with your father when I enter Lingnan by light car, and I won\'t fight with life and death..."

The Modao hall is located at the top of the song valve peak, where the clouds are deep.

As the crowd got closer and closer, Liu haoguo really heard the sound of a dragon\'s sword in the clouds.

It\'s like a dragon that lies dormant in the nine days. When it chants, it will soar through the clouds and fog in the next moment.

The accompanying Guihai knife suddenly changed his face.

Ordinary people only feel that they don\'t know how fierce they are, but as a master of Dao, Guihai Dao has a special feeling about it.

It\'s thrilling to quietly understand the meaning of the knife from the grinding hall.

One day, ten thousand swords kneel down.

When he returned to the sea, his right hand couldn\'t help gripping the handle of the knife, and he suddenly felt a sense of abundance.


Liu Hao patted Guihai Yidao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "the eight methods of Tiandao, which are profound and mysterious, are not under the hegemony of the world. Today, I brought you to the sharpening hall to let you understand the meaning of Tiandao. It depends on you..."

Returning to the sea, he bowed and said, "thank you for your kindness!"

If you can understand the world\'s first Dao Dao, it will be beneficial. As for the benefits, it depends on your personal understanding.

Liu Hao looked at the knife grinding hall and pinched the center of his eyebrows. He remembered the Tiandao experience card of that year.

At that time, Liu Hao stepped into the realm of martial arts master. After opening the Tiandao experience card, he immediately mastered the Tiandao technique and just crushed Guan Yu\'s Qinglong Dao, which completely subdued the proud Guan Yu.

Goodbye to song Kuang today. Liu Hao has stepped out of the top level of the great master of martial arts with half a foot. He can reach the immortal level with only the last half step, but he doesn\'t know how far song Kuang\'s cultivation has come.

Several people stood in front of the knife sharpening hall. Song Shidao wanted to buckle the door and enter. As a result, the ancient and vicissitudes door naturally opened.

"Come in."

A powerful and mellow voice came out of it.

Knowing that it was his father, song Shidao made a gesture of invitation to Liu Hao and others, bowed and said, "holy emperor, please."

Liu Hao was not polite either. As soon as he brushed his sleeve, he walked towards the knife sharpening hall.

After returning to the sea, he held the knife in his right hand, followed Liu Hao behind him and walked slowly into the room.

This sharpening hall is the place where song que practiced his knives. When he walked in, he knew that it was actually a lonely and wide yard.

The courtyard is very simple and there is no superfluous decoration, but countless knives are obliquely inserted on the ground. In the open and lonely courtyard, several towering giant trees are removed, and there is only a knife sharpener in the middle