The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2231

"Under the command of the emperor of Han Dynasty, there are so many masters. Only the eldest brother can compare with his vision pattern. He is really a once-in-a-century hero!"

Song Shidao was born in an aristocratic family. He was also influenced by these disputes about the general trend of the world. At this time, listening to Liu Hao\'s eloquence, he had a feeling of sincere admiration.

When Liu Hao finished, song Zhicai asked in a calm voice, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty rose up in Sichuan, but he didn\'t know that Xie Hui, the sole Castle Lord, and his eldest brother are friends of eight brothers. Yu Hua married Xie Wenlong. It is the marriage between Song valve and Xie family, and it is also an important move in the layout of Shu by the Lord. Now it is in the hands of the emperor of the Han Dynasty..."

"How can a tiger girl match a dog?"

Before he finished, Liu Hao shook his head and interrupted him with a smile: "what\'s the exclusive castle? Xie Hui\'s father and son are like local chickens and dogs. Song que is a person who knows the overall situation. For a superficial brother, he will not do anything harmful to the overall situation..."

"In fact, I\'m going to go to Lingnan by car and meet brother song to determine the general trend of the world face to face."

In the original book, Xie Hui, the only respected castle, turned against the water at the critical moment and inserted a cold knife from Song que, his good brother who pulled him up.

"The emperor of Han Dynasty... Wants a light car into Lingnan!?"

Song Zhi was moved. He looked at Song Shidao, nodded and asked, "in fact, the major events in the valve are ruled by the big brother. If the holy emperor meets the big brother, it would be better."

"When are you going to leave, your majesty?"

Liu Hao Huoran got up, brushed his sleeves and said, "the situation in Central Sichuan is stable. You can start today. You can go to Lingnan in a few days and see the edge of Tiandao."

Hearing this, Shi Feixuan, the "handmaid" standing on Liu Hao\'s side, couldn\'t calm down at last.


As soon as she lost her mind, she knocked over all the wine glasses on the table, and the wine immediately spilled all over the stone table

Tiandao song Ke.

This name means supreme glory in the Jianghu.

If a swordsman can take heaven as his name, it means that thousands of swordsmen all over the world respect him as if he were a God.

In fact, song que is also a reputation.

One man, one sword, conquers the world and defeats all heroes. Some people in the Jianghu even listed him before the three great masters in the world and praised him as the first person in the world!

Shi Feixuan naturally knew the glorious past of Song Dynasty.

The usual trick of Cihang Jingzhai is to send the best female disciple of our school to have something happen with the current hero.

At that time, the saint of Cihang Jingzhai, that is, fan Qinghui, the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, once had an unforgettable relationship with song que.


Song Shidao glanced at Hong, raised his eyes and saw Shi Feixuan\'s face. After a while, he began to doubt his life

"Is there any reason?"

Such an amazing fairy in the world is just a handmaid delivering tea for Liu Hao. What\'s the matter with the world!?

Liu Hao is full of too many miracles.

Even Shi Feixuan looked at Liu Hao with a complicated look. She was shocked beyond measure in her heart.


Song Zhi, an experienced Taoist, reacted quickly. He glanced suspiciously at Shi Feixuan. Although he only felt as amazing as an immortal, he was slightly stunned

"This temperament is too familiar. It seems that I have met it before... Remember, this... Is this the woman of Cihang Jingzhai?!"

Song Zhi looked at Shifei Xuan in disbelief and opened his mouth. He thought of the recent Jianghu rumor that a descendant of Cihang Jingzhai was born, but he couldn\'t speak.

In the year, as like as two peas in the imperial examinations, Vatican Hui was a beautiful and beautiful man.

"It is said that the contemporary descendant of Cihang Jingzhai is a talent of Tianzong. If you go out to wander the Jianghu today, you must choose the Ming Lord to stir the world. Now it really shakes the world..."

The saint of the noble Taoist leader and the handmaid of serving tea and water. As long as the news is spread, the whole Jianghu will be crazy about it.

Liu Hao is almost to become a public enemy of men who admire Cihang Jingzhai fairy!

However, Song Zhi was in a good mood, and a slight invisible smile appeared at the corners of his mouth:

you deserve it

In those days, Cihang Jingzhai used fan Qinghui to pit the eldest brother. As a result, Tiandao\'s state of mind has not been perfect. Today, it\'s reported!!




It is remote and far from the Central Plains.

However, Liu Hao came all the way, and the people of the song valve opened their way in front, but he did not encounter any chaotic expedition.

"In his early years, song Kuang became the leader of Tiandao, reorganized Lingnan, calmed the barbarians and connected the heroes of Southern bureaucrats. When he met emperor Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty, he swept the South and wanted to invade Lingnan with 100000 troops, song Kuang led 10000 elite troops to fight against him. The two sides fought a decisive battle in Cangwu. Song Kuang won ten wars and ten victories, so Yang Jian adopted the Huairou policy to seal song Kuang as the Duke of Zhennan..."

Liu Hao listened to Shi Feixuan\'s Wulin anecdotes about song que. He flicked his finger on the table and said nothing.

Shifei Xuan couldn\'t help asking, "is your majesty going to fight song Kuang when he meets him?"

Liu Hao nodded slightly and said with a light smile, "the eight methods of Tiandao are famous all over the world. When talking to an unparalleled figure like song que, it is natural to let him know my strength, so that he can be completely convinced."

A few days ago, Song Zhi and song Shidao met with song valve. Liu Hao did not command Han Huben to launch an attack on Song valve Qingqi. Instead, after the talks between the two sides, he sent Shen Lian, the Fusi of royal guards Town, to lead Song Zhi to visit the three armies of the Han Dynasty, so that song valve could have a bottom in his heart first.

Song Kuang\'s idea is to firmly support the Han people to rule the Han Dynasty. Liu Hao is a pure Han people and has the strength to calm the troubled times. If he can convince song Kuang to unite the strong, it will naturally save countless strength.

On the other hand, Liu Hao was also curious. Tiandao song lacked seclusion for decades. Now, what is the step of cultivation.

If we can mutually verify the martial arts, it will be of great benefit to Liu Hao\'s step of becoming an immortal.

After driving for several days, I finally arrived at the song valve in Lingnan.

Along the way, Liu Hao also felt a lot of emotion. Lingnan, where song lacked the seat, is located in the southern border, but it can be called a happy land