The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2230


Taiyuan, Jinyang.

Li Fu conference hall.

Tang Gong Li Yuan sat high on the throne, under which there were Li valve, civil and military people, standing in two columns, but there were also a large number of people.

Everyone was discussing the future development direction of Li valve fiercely, but they only heard a burst of footsteps outside the door.


One of Li valve\'s spies hurried inside, knelt down on one knee, hugged his fist and shouted, "my subordinates have found out. Recently, there has been a riot in Sichuan. A force called the Han state has risen and leveled the exclusive Castle overnight. In ten days and months, they raided Sichuan. The Chengdu general army died in the first war, 100000 troops collapsed, the Han Army has occupied the whole Sichuan, and the government and the public have been shocked..."

in an uproar!

There was an uproar in the Council hall!

Li valve and others were stunned, as if they were digesting the great impact of the news.

Li Yuan\'s face moved slightly, but he didn\'t know what the light in his slightly narrowed eyes meant.

Just when the crowd was noisy, a middle-aged scholar in a black robe stood out and laughed, "congratulations to Tang Gong, congratulations to Tang Gong!"

Everyone regarded it as Feng Deyi, the confidant of Li valve, who had a lot of wisdom and won Li Yuan\'s trust.

Li Shentong didn\'t understand and asked, "Feng Gong, what\'s the joy of this?"

Feng Deyi said with a smile: "since ancient times, there has been a saying that the world is uncertain, Shu is determined first, and the world is not chaotic. Now that Sui Jun has no Tao and the world is chaotic, isn\'t it the time for heroes to rise?"

Those present were also the core figures of Li valve. Feng Deyi spoke directly, but there was no problem.

Li Yuan nodded first: "Shu is thousands of miles away, but it involves the general trend of the world. For today\'s plan, what should we do to obtain the greatest benefits?"

Feng Deyi arched his hand and said, "the minister has three strategies that can help the Duke of Tang achieve the cause of overlord!"

"It doesn\'t hurt to seal the public, but it doesn\'t matter."

"First, strengthen contact with Dongming faction, Pegasus ranch and Turks. If we can buy a large number of weapons from Dongming faction and enough war horses from Pegasus ranch and Turks, we will raise an issue in the future. Our army will take the advantage of cavalry and cross Guanzhong!"

"Second, recruit more talents and recruit more strange people and scholars in the Jianghu. The Jianghu is a corner of the world. Strange people and scholars emerge one after another. If Duke Tang can recruit talents and talents, why worry about big things?"

"Third, strengthen liaison with the gate valves in Guanzhong, and pave the way for the main public to enter the main Guanzhong!"

Li Yuan was overjoyed and said, "these three strategies are wonderful. I deeply respect the old man for his country."

"When it\'s finished, you\'ll be old and prudent. If you communicate with Dongming sect and Pegasus ranch, you\'ll do it!"

"Shimin, you open your own house to recruit talents, but Jianghu people with skills can be used by Li valve!"

"Supernatural power, you have a wide range of contacts. I\'ll leave it to you to connect with the grand valve in Guanzhong..."


Suddenly, Li Yuan, the leader of the Li valve, gave orders one after another, conveying a series of orders.


Several people in the hall suddenly stepped out and bowed down to take orders.

After the Li valve assembly broke up, everyone took their orders and left.

Li Shimin, who was magnificent and handsome, turned his mind rapidly. He had some thoughts about the founding of the government. He walked all the way to the backyard and happened to see a skinny young man with a face like a sick ghost squatting behind an ancient wood surrounded by several people.

"Yuanba, what are you doing?"

Li Shimin was curious. When he came closer, Li Yuanba, the senior of Li\'s house, squatted down to look at the ants on the ground. He couldn\'t help laughing and said, "the ants are trying to shake the trees. What\'s good? Get up quickly. The second brother will take you to hire someone to play with you."

Li Yuanba was eccentric, but refused to listen. Two Lei Gong\'s eyes stared at the ground. His temper suddenly came up and shouted, "I\'m going to see your tree. It\'s so eye-catching!"


Hearing a roar, Li Yuanba hugged the towering giant tree surrounded by several adult strong men with both hands. With both arms in good luck, he pulled up the giant tree with roots and soil on the ground!

Looking at the shocking scene in front of me, the bodyguards around the barber were stunned as if they saw a monster.


Li Shimin also took a cold breath. His handsome face showed a surprised look and sighed: "my brother Yuanba is really brave!"



The red dragon flag of the Han Dynasty is planted all over Sichuan.

This shocking news spread like a boulder into the calm lake, causing an uproar.

Not only did the whole imperial court shake, but also the big valves and grass-roots anti kings all over the country.

"Since ancient times, the world has not been chaotic, Shu has been chaotic, and the world has not been determined. Shu has been determined first. Now this place of Ba and Shu is completely chaotic. Can we take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters?"

"As long as we can make the layout first, we will compete for the world and dominate the world in the future, and we will certainly take the first advantage!"

Li Yuan, the leader of the Li valve, was also a world leader. He immediately took action to rectify armaments, raise food and grass, and further layout Guanzhong.

Du Fuwei, Li Zitong, Zhai rang, Li Mi, Dou Jiande, Wang Bo and other anti kings in Jiangdu, received news about many changes in their troops and horses.

For a moment, wind and clouds surged.

The situation of the whole world has had an inexplicable shock because of Liu Hao!!


Flowers bloom several, each showing a branch.

When the world shook, Liu Hao met Song Zhi and song Shidao, the earth sword of song valve, at the songwanting.

Song Zhi and song Shidao are really on pins and needles.

Looking up, there are several people standing outside the pine night Pavilion, old and young, holding swords and hanging swords. Everyone\'s momentum is Yuanzhi tingning. There is no doubt that they are great masters of martial arts!

These masters at the master level all stood by Liu Hao with their hands down and looked extremely respectful.

Liu haolang said: "in today\'s world, Emperor Sui has no Tao, so that there are wars everywhere, and all the demons and Buddhists are ready to move..."

"It won\'t take long for the heroes to separate the regime and compete for the deer. The song valve in Lingnan has always been the orthodoxy of the Han people. Why not submit to the Han Dynasty, so the two families work together to fight out of Xiangyang, so that they can dominate the world..."

Song Zhizheng sat in danger and listened carefully. His evaluation of Liu Hao went up again