The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2229


Yangzhou is located in the south of the Yangtze River, and the river capital is an important town of Yangzhou. Naturally, it is unspeakably prosperous.

In order to please Yang Guang, Yuwen Huaji of Yuwen valve tried his best to do tricks in Jiangdu. What kind of dragon boat beauty pageant, he almost transferred all the young women in the south of the Yangtze River to the palace, causing anger and resentment all over Yangzhou.

In the magnificent Jiangdu palace, Yang Guang has become more and more indifferent to governing the country in recent years, but he is good at pleasure.

"Come on, Aiqing, have another drink of this wine!"

Yang Guanggao sat on the Dragon chair, held up the wine bottle in his hand and invited the Sui Dynasty officials in the hall to drink.

"Thank your highness, Ron!"

The courtiers of the Sui Dynasty in the hall hurriedly raised their wine glasses and drank them down

The sound of silk and bamboo is all the rage and moving.

The atmosphere in the hall is naturally very warm. The boss is so interested. Who dares to spoil the fun?

In the midst of toasts and preparations, Yu Shiji, an important Minister of the Sui Dynasty, began to flatter again. "Your Majesty has unparalleled power. As soon as Shengjia arrived in the Jiangdu, he killed dufuwei and Li Zitong, who watched the wind and fled, and the minister admired them."

This guy is a well-known flatterer in the court. By flattering, he has secured the position of Yang Guang\'s confidant.

"Your Majesty\'s power covers the sea. What bandits are just suicidal!"

"The coming of Tianmen in Sichuan is a sign of prosperity. Your Majesty\'s Holy Text and divine force move heaven!!"


In prosperous times, virtuous officials emerge, and in troubled times, sycophantic officials emerge.

Naturally, there are not a few flattering ministers in the Sui Dynasty. Yang Guang has expanded unprecedentedly at this time. When he heard that his subordinates were flattering, he immediately looked happy. He seemed to regard himself as a sage and virtuous king. He smiled and said, "Dear Aiqing, the heavenly gate in Sichuan has come. I should create a prosperous era with you in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a rush of disorderly footsteps outside the hall.


A Sui soldier hurried into the hall and shouted, "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report in Sichuan!"

Yang Guangda frowned and said, "Shu has always been stable. What happened again? Tell me!"

The soldier of the Sui army was sweating and couldn\'t speak quickly: "Your Majesty... Your majesty, this... This... There was a sudden rise of a force called the state of Han in Sichuan. He stopped the river and killed the exclusive fortress, the leader of Wulin in Sichuan, and then launched a large army to invade the whole Shu and defeat the garrison. Now... Nine times out of ten, the whole land in Sichuan has been owned by the state of Han..."


The news shook the hall like thunder, and the wine bottle in Yang Guang\'s hand fell to the ground.

Bang bang!

Among the officials of the Sui Dynasty, I don\'t know how many people were completely stunned. The wine cup in their hand fell to the ground, the wine splashed everywhere, and the wine fragrance escaped everywhere in the hall

"This... How is this possible?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers stationed in Sichuan, and there are good generals stationed. How can it be..."

"The origin of this Han country is mysterious. Does it have anything to do with Tianmen?"

"Hiss! Now I remember, old Gao Ying is really visionary..."

The ministers of the Sui Dynasty burst into a roar of discussion.

There are many rebellions against the king everywhere, but no force has ever dared to be so arrogant and domineering and directly attack the whole territory of Sichuan.

Yang Guang\'s face was as black as eating a dead fly. He suddenly overturned the cases in front of him, and the fruits, wine and water were scattered on the ground.

"Grass! Waste! Useless waste!"

In the face of Yang Guang, who started the irritable mode, all the officials in the hall were silent and began to pretend to be dead.

These people have long been old-fashioned. Naturally, it\'s clear that Yang Guang\'s life is too long

Yang Guang scolded angrily for a long time. He scolded the ancestors of the guards in Shu for eighteen generations. It was easy to calm his heart and asked, "Dear Aiqing, what should I do?"

Now that the problem has occurred, then escape again, that is to hide one\'s ears and steal the bell, which is done by a real fool.

A minister in the court said timidly, "Your Majesty, why don\'t you let the twelve counties in Henan province recruit Ambassador Zhang xutuo and lead troops into Sichuan to eliminate the bandits of the Han Dynasty?"

"Zhang xutuo is a famous general in the world. He can suppress the anti thieves. If he comes out, Shu will be as stable as Mount Tai."

"Wrong! This plan is wrong! Zhang xutuo is now suppressing the anti thieves in Henan. If he is not here, there will be no one to control the thieves in Wagang stronghold, which will bring harm to the Central Plains!"

The important officials of the imperial court in the hall quarreled with each other. Some supported Zhang xutuo\'s dispatch of troops to Sichuan and some opposed it. It was very lively, just like the vegetable market.

"It\'s an important place in chaotang. It\'s a vegetable market. What\'s the style?"

Yang Guangyi patted the table and was furious. He asked, "Yu Aiqing, you are resourceful. What\'s your opinion?"

Yu Shiji was named and couldn\'t pretend to be dead anymore. He had to stand out and bow and say, "tell your majesty, I think Shu has lost it at this time. If you want to recover it, you must gather a large army to calm the trouble. I have several candidates here..."

People\'s eyes fell on Yu Shiji, and even Yang Guang couldn\'t help sitting up straight.

Yu Shiji stroked his long beard under his chin and said, "I recommend Han Zhuhu, the Lord of Shangzhu country, and general Pei Renji, the Duke of Hedong county. These two are the generals of this dynasty. They have been in battle for a long time and break the enemy and destroy the country, just like eating and drinking..."

"If the two men command the army and conquer the Shuhan, your majesty can rest assured!"

When they heard the sound, they thought carefully. Yu Shiji was not just a flatterer.

Shangzhu state and South Korea captured the tiger is a veteran of the two dynasties. In the past, with the former Emperor traversing the north and south, Chen was brave after the pioneer was broken.

Pei Renji, the Duke of Hedong County, is not an ordinary person. He is rigorous in managing the army and uses the army well. Although he is not as powerful as Han Qihoo, some good fighters have no reputation.

Although Yang Guang has become increasingly confused, he still knows about his generals in the court.

After pondering for a while, Yang Guang decided:

"Pass on my personal order, Shangzhu state and South Korea capture the tiger and unify 150000 troops, and invade Shuhan in the south!"

"Pei Renji, the Duke of Hedong County, led 150000 troops to attack from the North Road. We must know more about Shu and eliminate Han thieves!"

"Yes, sir!"