The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2228

On this day, Shifei Xuan, the fairy of Cihang Jingzhai, who is respected by millions of people, encountered the biggest setback in her life and endless confusion in her heart.

She also couldn\'t understand that Shi Zhixuan was a mortal of Buddhism. How could he be hidden in the Buddhist temple.

What\'s more ridiculous is that Liu Hao seems to be an omnipotent God. His deep and bright eyes like stars have insight into everything!

Liu Hao smiled lightly and said, "Shi Zhixuan is the talent of heaven. Your Buddhist monk is actually one of his incarnations."


When Shi Feixuan heard the speech, she was stunned on the spot. The welcoming monk nearby said, "Abbot Dade, you have traveled all over the world. How many benefactors..."

"I\'m afraid Shi Zhixuan is now incarnated as Pei Ju and is laying out in the middle of the court..."

Liu Hao brushed his sleeve and said, "well, since Shi Zhixuan is not here, let\'s get ready to start."

"Where is the emperor going?"





A group of cavalry were galloping along their horses, and their hoofs were pounding the ground like thunder.

The dust is billowing. The leader is an old man, wearing a jade crown and a brocade robe. It seems that he has lived on people for a long time and has an unspeakable dignity.


In the distance, a cavalry galloped forward, hugged his fist on his horse and said, "second master, ten miles ahead, I saw the big Han red dragon flag, with the big Han camp on it..."

Song Zhi, the second character of the song valve, is called the second master. In the Jianghu, song que is called Tiandao, and Song Zhi uses the earth sword to shock the Jianghu.

On the side of Song Zhi, there was a young man with great courage, jade crown and green shirt, wearing a famous sword around his waist, strangled his horse\'s rein and shouted, "Uncle Zhi, the art of war is cloud. If you were unprepared and surprised, you might as well ride and kick the camp directly and kill the spirit of the Han army first!"

"Shidao, you\'re right..."

Song Zhi raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and said in a deep voice: "it\'s just that at this time, the soldiers of the Han Army are so strong that they have broken dozens of cities in Sichuan. They are invincible and invincible. Their general is a famous general in the world. Don\'t be greedy and rash... Explore again to find out how many people there are in the Han Army and whether there is an ambush!"

"Yes, sir!"

Song valve\'s scouts Qiang ran hugged his fist and took orders.

Song Shidao\'s handsome face passed a trace of dignity and sighed: "this big man set up the red dragon flag, rose like a comet, attacked and felled the whole Sichuan like rotten wood, but he didn\'t know what happened to his eldest sister after the destruction of the exclusive castle..."

Song que has two daughters and one son, the eldest daughter song Yuhua, the second son song Shidao, and the third daughter song Yuzhi.

As the eldest daughter of the Song Dynasty, song Yuhua naturally has to shoulder the task of marrying the exclusive castle and sacrificing his life-long happiness. That is also a common thing among the door Lords. Song Shidao is unable to stop it. She is just worried that song Yuhua will encounter accidents in the great turmoil in Sichuan.

"When the nest falls, will there be finished eggs?"

Song Zhijian frowned and sighed, "if Yuhua is killed by the Han Army, the song valve will make the Han Army pay a painful price!"

Song lacked a Heavenly Sword and defeated all the heroes in the past years. The song valve is located in the south of the five ridges. It is also a major vassal force in the world. As the No. 2 figure, Song Zhi\'s earth sword is also extraordinary.

While they were talking, a horse galloped in the distance like a meteor.

The man on the horse\'s back was dressed in flying fish brocade clothes and embroidered spring knife on his waist. He was majestic and resolute. He galloped to a distance of ten feet in front of Song Zhi\'s horse, reined in the bridle, held his fist on the horse\'s back and shouted, "Shen Lian, commander of the royal guards of the Great Han Dynasty, and by the order of the emperor of the Great Han Dynasty, please ask the person in charge of the Lord song valve to loosen the night Pavilion in front for a while!"

The sound is like spring thunder blooming on the tip of the tongue, vigorous and stirring, shaking everyone, and the eardrum hurts.

Song Zhi\'s expression remained unchanged, but he was shocked in his heart. He secretly said: this man is just a scout of the Han army. He also has such powerful internal power. It seems that the strength of this great man can\'t be underestimated!

Shen Lian hugged his fist and said, "Song Yuhua, the eldest daughter of the song valve, is safe and sound. You can rest assured that you will know when you come."

"Our army has thousands of elite light cavalry. In any case, we can control the situation."

After all, Song Zhi has rich experience in the Jianghu. He also hugged his fist: "obedience is better than respect!"

He and song Shidao led the song valve cavalry to the SongWan Pavilion.

Before long, the ancient pavilion was in sight, and Song Zhi, with a wary look, began to look around, relieved:

On the edge of the pine night Pavilion, there were not many people. Under the purple umbrella, there sat a young emperor in a purple Golden Dragon Robe.

Wearing twelve Diao crowns on his head and embroidered Purple Dragon gun robes, the sun, moon and stars are embroidered on his shoulders, and his eyes are as bright as riyao. He just sits there, but he seems to be the God sitting in the heaven and bullying the world.

Song Shidao\'s skill was shallow, but he couldn\'t help feeling that he wanted to bend his knees and kneel down, and Song Zhi also felt a head-on pressure, as if the mountains fell and the river and sea were angry.

He has only experienced this feeling in his eldest brother song que!

"It\'s terrible! It\'s terrible! It\'s no wonder that the Great Han Emperor dared to call himself the holy emperor. How did he practice martial arts? He has entered the realm of a great master at such a young age!"

As soon as he met, Song Zhi set off a storm in his heart.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Earth sword Song Zhi - force 93, intelligence 81, politics 77, command 79!

Stunt, song Yingjie; Sky sword song Ke, earth sword Song Zhi, awe inspiring Jianghu!

When Song Zhi uses the sword, force + 2!

Song Shidao - force 85, intelligence 80, politics 68, command 66, talent 83!

Stunt 1, tiger son: Song Shidao is the son of song Ke. He has extraordinary qualifications. If he is instructed, his attributes will be greatly improved!

Stunt 2, civil and military: Song Shidao is both civil and military. For every ten years of growth, force + 1 and intelligence + 1!

"Song Zhi is a first-class talent. The future of song Shidao can be expected. Song valve is one. Indeed, they are all heroes..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and recognized the attributes and abilities of Song Zhi and song Shidao.

"Please sit down, two."

Cao Zhengchun, the general manager of the University, took the two people to their seats and said with a narrow smile: "Miss Yuhua is very good. You don\'t have to worry. Your majesty invited you today to talk about something important..."

With a gesture of invitation, Cao Zhengchun retreated to one side and asked someone to serve tea.

Then it comes to family and state affairs, but he can\'t get a foot in it.

Song Zhi and song Shidao looked at each other, sat down safely in the pavilion, glanced around, and surprised each other!

Do not see do not know, a look startled