The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2227

"This strange red bird is as fast as electricity and spits red inflammation in its mouth. Is it really an ancient divine bird?"

"And this little girl is just a monster. From the beginning to now, she has used 73 different unique skills to kill, and she is also proficient in a strange method of spiritual attack. The Great Han Shenghuang standing next to her is even more unpredictable. I\'m afraid it\'s not easy to deal with..."

Shifei Xuan could not fight for a long time, so she had a retreat in her heart.

There\'s no way. The fairy is also a human being. Of course, you have to send the news back to the school and find more powerful thugs. Are you still standing and waiting to die?

"The holy emperor really surprised Fei Xuan too much today. Since she couldn\'t convince the holy emperor, Fei Xuan had to leave..."

Shifei Xuan\'s Sekong sword suddenly burst into a myriad of sword Qi. She forced Liu Jian to retreat. Her body fluttered backward, and she generally withdrew more than ten feet.

Seeing that she was about to disappear into the dense forest in the mountains, Liu Hao suddenly shot.


Liu Hao used his fingers as a sword. He was born with sword Qi. He broke his body and shot in the air. Thousands of sword Qi pierced and wound into a sword net, covering Shi Feixuan.

Shifei Xuan was shocked and wanted to retreat again. The surrounding air seemed to be evacuated. She had fallen into the cage of sword Qi.

Between the rise and fall of the rabbit and the Uighur, Liu Hao took one step and crossed the void, as if shrinking into an inch. He directly crossed a distance of more than 20 feet. Later, he came first and swept to the side of Shi Feixuan. A powerful impression of turning the sky has been hit out.

This hit hit the stagnant place where Shifei Xuan\'s Qi machine was running, and pressed the dancing immortal shadow from the air. Sekong sword gave a whine, and finally fell into Liu Hao\'s hands

"My father is powerful!"

Liu Peng clapped his palm and shouted happily. Zhu Fengniao also vibrated his wings and shouted excitedly.

The contemporary descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, the high goddess, was suppressed in this way!?

If this is spread in the Jianghu, it will inevitably lead to a great shock in the Jianghu, and the whole Baidao Wulin will shudder at it!

"It\'s a pity that Miss Shifu hasn\'t practiced to the level of clear sword heart, otherwise she can resist a few moves..."

Liu Hao brushed off his sleeves, hit a few fingers and stopped Shi Feixuan\'s acupoints. Without pity, Liu Hao directly planted the symbol of life and death.

When the talisman of life and death breaks out, even the saint of Cihang Jingzhai, who has a clear heart, can\'t stand it. The bite of Bei teeth is loud, and her pretty face is as white as paper.

Liu Hao looked cold. In his eyes, the golden purple light flashed and launched the soul searching method!

"Eh, strange!"

Searching for the memory fragments in Shi Feixuan\'s mind, he indirectly learned the secrets of countless Cihang Jingzhai. Only when he was about to contact the last layer of the secret about Cihang sword code, Liu Hao\'s mind suddenly shocked. His mind was annihilated by an inexplicable sword spirit and disappeared in Shi Feixuan\'s memory

"It is worthy of being one of the four wonderful books. The Cihang sword Scripture is also mysterious and profound..."

Liu Hao searched again and again, but there was still no response. He suddenly came to a clear understanding: it is not realistic to take a shortcut to get the Cihang sword code from Shi Feixuan.

However, with such a hostage in hand, are you afraid that the people of Cihang Jingzhai will not take the initiative to come to the door to deliver it?

Liu Hao took back his mind and said with a smile, "the sword code is worthy of being one of the four wonderful books. Please accompany me for a few days."

Shifei Xuan hurried to use her internal power and wanted to break through the prohibition. Unfortunately, compared with Liu Hao with her martial arts background, it was a great difference.

The impact of Cihang\'s pure Qi on the prohibition is like a clay ox into the sea. On the contrary, I vaguely feel the powerful and terrible breath of Liu Hao.

Liu Hao led Liu Jian and walked slowly. Shi Feixuan clenched her lips and imitated Ruo Nu\'s maidservant. Behind them, her heart throbbed faintly, and even her heart was affected. Liu Hao\'s handsome appearance was deeply engraved in her mind for some reason

This is the sequelae of soul searching Dharma, which inevitably leaves a shadow in the heart of the recipient.

If Shifei Xuan can\'t break, she will sink here. Martial arts is hard to advance in an inch all her life.

Liu Hao ascended to the top and went straight to Dashi temple. After leaving a sum of sesame oil money, he looked around under the guidance of the welcoming monk. As expected, it was a clean place of Buddhism, overlooking the world in the deep clouds.

"It\'s a little interesting."

Liu Haoxiang smiled and walked to the arhat hall. Suddenly he stopped and looked thoughtfully at the arhat statue in the hall.

At this time, Shi Feixuan\'s state of mind has been adjusted, and she is a saint with a calm attitude. She said: "the 500 Arhats in the hall are designed according to the portrait scroll of the Tianzhu holy monk kumarosh. They have different shapes and solemn Dharma. They must be made by a famous craftsman..."

Cihang Jingzhai and jingnian Zen temple have a very thick intersection, and it is natural to know the Buddhist allusions.

"Tianzhu Buddhism practices in a different way. It practices three rounds and seven veins, which is very different from my middle earth martial arts..."

Liu Hao brushed his sleeve, stretched out his hand, nodded and said, "these Arhats have their own handprints, which contains extremely profound martial arts principles. For example, the one in front of me has a big diamond wheel seal. If it is supplemented by Buddhist truth, it will certainly shake other people\'s corresponding Qi vessels, which is very powerful..."

Speaking of it, what Liu Hao learned is inseparable from Buddhism.

First, the Dragon elephant Prajna divine skill. In order to build a foundation, Liu Hao learned the Dragon elephant Prajna divine skill, and then integrated the God killing seal of Ba Siba.

Liu Hao knew all the more than 120000 kinds of handprints of the Buddhism esoteric school. Later, he flattened the Buddha land in the main world, broke out an ancient secret script of the birth of Jingyuan, and practiced the most critical Tianyuan divine orifices, which is also inextricably related to Buddhism.

"Unfortunately, Shi Zhixuan is not in the temple... Otherwise, you can experience the beauty of the immortal seal method."

Liu Hao walked leisurely with a sigh.

He seemed to feel that a generation of Tianjiao shizhixuan, disguised as a Taoist monk, accompanied by a green lantern and an ancient Buddha, understood the immortal seal method of the supreme magic skill.

Shifei Xuan was shocked again and couldn\'t help asking, "Your Majesty, is it the evil king... Shi Zhixuan?"